
  • 网络emotional contagion;Emotion Contagion
  1. 另外,由于情绪感染,如果你表现得精力充沛,那么你周围的人也会感到精力充沛。

    Plus , because of emotional contagion , if you act energetic , you 'll help the people around you feel energetic , too .

  2. 情绪感染是在描述一个当我们彼此”染上“好心情和坏心情的情况。

    Emotional contagion describes the fact that we " catch " good moods and bad moods from each other ( unfortunately , bad moods are more contagious than good moods ) .

  3. 他开始兴致勃勃地谈论那个话题时,他激动的情绪感染了听众。

    As he warmed to his subject , he infected his listeners with his own excitement .

  4. 我想用这种积极的情绪感染大家。

    I just wanted to share my positive vibes with everybody .

  5. 厨房显得既明朗又欢快,似乎被我的情绪感染到了。

    The kitchen was bright , happy , seeming to absorb my mood .

  6. 失败的情绪感染了全军。

    A mood of defeat permeated the whole army .

  7. 他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落。

    His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone .

  8. 作为回报,你也应该用乐观的情绪感染身边的人。

    In return , you also reciprocate that positive emotion to the people around you .

  9. 服务消费中多次情绪感染对消费者负面情绪的动态影响机制

    Multiple Emotional Contagions and its Dynamic Impact on Consumer 's Negative Emotion under Service encounters

  10. 他不愉快的情绪感染了我们大家。

    Her unhappy mood infected us all .

  11. 在这个阶段,冲突模因主要是通过词汇层面上的语言媒介传播的,并且传播的过程主要通过情绪感染来完成。

    During this phase , conflict memes are mainly transmitted through verbal vectors at the lexical level .

  12. 想想你最喜欢的电影,回忆灯光或摄影机角度所创造的情绪感染。

    Think back to your favorite movies and remember the mood that the lighting or camera angles created .

  13. 假如你不能用积极的情绪感染她,那就在每次她挑起话茬的时候都想办法换个话题吧。

    If showering her with positivity doesn 't work , try to change the topic when it comes up .

  14. 顾客接触满意不仅受到其对销售人员工作能力和互动能力的感知,而且销售人员接触满意也会通过情绪感染顾客。

    Customer encounter satisfaction not only by the perception of salesperson task competence and interaction competence , salesperson encounter satisfaction through the emotions contagion affect customer satisfaction .

  15. 我们发现成年的母鸡至少具有一种共性,那边是被其他鸡的情绪感染,或者分享这种情绪。

    We found that adult female birds possess at least one of the essential underpinning attributes of empathy-the ability to be affected by , and share , the emotional state of another .

  16. 但从统计上来说,如果你住在那里,你就会与比较易怒、焦虑的人打交道。由于情绪感染的作用,你可能会受到影响。

    But it does mean that if you live there , statistically you are going to run into people who are more irritable and anxious which , [ because of the effects of ] emotional contagion , is likely to rub off on you .

  17. 健美操隐蔽课程因素对学生的作用机理为:自我认知、意识分化、困难磨砺、情境陶冶、舆论监督、环境暗示、行为模仿、交际学习、情绪感染等;

    The aerobics conceals the function mechanism to students of course factor : the self-cognition , consciousness splits up , difficult and temper , monitor in situation , the supervision by public opinion , environment hint , imitate behavior , communication study , mood are infected etc.

  18. 所有人都不由自主地受到狂热情绪的感染。

    No one could help getting carried away by the hysteria

  19. 你应该用正面情绪去感染他人,而不是用负面的情绪去影响,因为你要对这两种情绪负责。

    You should allow the good feelings to influence others , not the bad ones , because you are responsible for both .

  20. 益发悲观的情绪已感染到了经合组织(OECD),发达经济体政界人士的反应尤其如此。

    Deeper gloom has infected the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , particularly with the response of advanced economy politicians .

  21. 如果你充满热情并且报着积极乐观的心态,这种情绪就会感染你的球员和你身边的人。

    If you are enthusiastic and upbeat , this will spill over to your players and everyone around you .

  22. 这些做法能使革命分子与军心动摇的部队直接接触,使士兵受到革命情绪的感染。

    This enables revolutionary elements to get in direct contact with wavering troops and infect them with their own mood .

  23. 三度分离的人们也会受到一个人快乐情绪的感染。

    People removed by as much as three degrees of separation still had an effect on a person 's happiness .

  24. 记住,和你亲近的人很容易被你的失望情绪所感染。

    Keep in mind that those who are close can pick up on any feelings of despondency that you may have .

  25. 弗兰克也受到了快乐情绪的感染,喜悦之情溢于言表:我觉得自己越来越像唧唧,我已经做好准备随着奶酪的移动而移动,并且能够从中得到快乐!

    Frank then commented , I think I 'm going to be more like Haw and move with the Cheese and enjoy it !

  26. 我祝愿所有人每天都一个精彩的开始。记住,别人也会被你的情绪所感染!

    I hope all of you are having a fabulous start to you day . Remember , other are also affected by the emotions you express .

  27. 演讲是演与讲的完美结合,不仅需要对听众进行语言刺激,还要对听众进行情绪的感染。

    Speech , as a perfect combination of performance and speaking , is supposed to not only give the audience language stimulation , but also affect their emotion .

  28. 这种紧张情绪很快感染了人群中所有的人

    The tension soon transmitted Itself to all the member of the crowd

  29. 牧师被她的情绪深深地感染了。

    The parson was deeply touched by her emotion .

  30. 她们高涨的情绪非常具有感染力。

    Their lively spirit is very catching .