
  • 网络cognitive appraisal;cognitive assessment;evaluation;cognitive appraise
  1. 新老兵之间的认知评价特征较为接近。

    The cognitive appraisal characteristics of recruits and elder soldiers are similar .

  2. 特纳综合征中杏仁核介导的觉醒和认知评价的功能分离

    Functional dissociation of amygdala-modul - ated arousal and cognitive appraisal , in Turner syndrome

  3. 主观幸福感(subjectivewell-being,简称SWB)是个体依据自定的标准对其整体生活质量作出的判断,它既包括情感反应,也包括认知评价。

    Subjective well-being is a global assessment of a person 's quality of life according to his own chosen criteria . It includes both affective reactions and cognitive satisfaction judgments .

  4. 结果主要影响因素为SCL-90的强迫状态、人际敏感、抑郁和躯体化等因素,积极的应对方式,社会支持度,以及对抗击SARS工作的认知评价。

    Results The main relative factors of mental health of the medical staff were obsessive-compulsive , interpersonal sensitivity , depression , somatization of SCL-90 , positive coping style , social support , the evaluation of work , the total appraisal of living on SARS and so on .

  5. 因此,本文试图分析管理者和员工的不同变革认知评价对他们的心理契约违背及EVLN行为的影响,同时分析心理契约违背对变革认知与EVLN行为关系的中介作用。

    Therefore , this paper aims to analyze the how managers and employees ' change perception affect psychological contract violation and their EVLN behaviors , and test the mediating role of psychological contract violation .

  6. 手机造型语意认知评价的分析

    An analysis of Evaluation of Semantic Cognition of Mobile Phone Form

  7. 高水平运动员激励效果的个体认知评价方法

    Evaluation Method of Individual Cognition on Encouragement Results of Elite Athletes

  8. 体育运动中的内部动机&认知评价理论的解释

    Intrinsic Motivation in Sports : Interpretation of Cognitive Assessment Theory

  9. 认知评价理论在体育教学管理中的运用

    Application of the Cognitive Evaluation Theory in PE Teaching Management

  10. 玻尔氢原子模型的认知评价分析

    The Cognitive Justification Analysis of Bohr 's Hydrogen Model

  11. 农户采用转基因抗虫棉逆转行为及认知评价调查分析

    The Farmers ' Reversal Adoption Behavior and Their Cognizance and Evaluation on Genetically Modified Cotton

  12. 3~6岁幼儿对攻击性行为的认知评价分析

    Evaluation of Aggressive Behavior Among Preschool Children

  13. 不同学业压力情境下中学生的认知评价对应对策略的影响

    The Influence of Middle School Students ' Cognitive Appraisals on Coping Strategies Encountering Stressful Academic Situations

  14. 本文报告了医学生对人格特点善恶优劣的认知评价,并讨论了其在医患关系等方面的意义。

    Medical students were asked about evaluation or personality characteristics and the meaning of doctor-patient relations .

  15. 认知评价是介于压力情境与应对之间的中介变量。

    And the specific cognitive appraisals elicit the specific coping strategies in the specific stressful situations .

  16. 消极情绪、认知评价倾向对高中生工作记忆广度的影响

    The Effect of Negative Emotion and Cognitive Appraisal Orientation on Working Memory Span of Senior Students

  17. 生活满意度即认知评价,是对主观幸福感评估的关键指标。

    Life satisfaction is also a cognitive evaluation , assessment of the key indicators of subjective well-being .

  18. 研究二,初中生校园压力认知评价的测评和一般特点;

    Two was the cognitive assessment of school stress as well as to explore its general features ;

  19. 因此通过改变员工对工作家庭关系的认知评价就可以改变员工对工作家庭关系的应对方式。

    Therefore we can influence the respond of employees by changing their cognitive appraisals of work-family combination .

  20. 说明不同心理凝聚感水平的被试面对相同的工作生活压力,其压力认知评价存在差异。

    The results demonstrated that subjects with a high SOCS level had the lowest stress cognitive appraisement .

  21. 课程评价的内容都由认知评价转向对科学素养的评价。

    The contents of the countries ' course evaluation both change their evaluation from cognitive to scientific literacy .

  22. 阿尔茨海默病磁共振扩散张量成像与临床认知评价相关性

    Relationship between the Data from MR-Diffusion Tensor Imaging and the Clinical Cognitive Evaluation in Alzheimer ′ s Disease

  23. 民航飞行学员认知评价对情绪及工作绩效影响的研究

    A study on relationship between the cognition and the emotional trait and the working performance in civil flying cadets

  24. 同时,也考察了不同担忧倾向中学生在不同情境下的状态担忧水平及认知评价。

    In addition , the study also explored middle-school students ' state worry and cognitive appraisal in different situations .

  25. 结论:刺激、自尊、认知评价和能力是决定焦虑的四大重要因素。

    CONCLUSION : Stimulation , self respect , cognitive evaluation and ability are the key factors that determine the anxiety .

  26. 认知评价理论为人的内部动机的激发提供了重要的理论依据。

    The theory of cognitive evaluation provides an important theoretical basis for the inspiring of the intrinsic motive on people .

  27. 目的:探讨高原军人对环境和服役的认知评价与自测健康状况的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between the cognition and the self-rated health in military personnel in high altitude area .

  28. 同样一个客观事物,会由于不同的认知评价而导致不同情绪的发生。

    Different kinds of emotion would BE generated due to the different cognitive elevation , even to the same material object .

  29. 这些结果说明执行环境和个人风险识别任务时均需要认知评价和语义加工。

    Our fMRI and ERP results indicate that evaluation and semantic processing engages in both environmental and personal risk identification tasks .

  30. 也即个体对客观事物是否满足其需要,是否超出其预期的认知评价是决定情绪发生的关键因素。

    Namely , whether the subject matters can actually meet the needs or surpass the anticipatorily cognitive evaluation remains the critical role of emotion generation .