
  • 网络cognitive dissonance theory;A theory of Cognitive Dissonance
  1. 这个理论由社会心理学家Leon,Festinger提出的,被称为“认知失调理论”

    The idea was developed by the social psychologist Leon Festinger and it 's called " Cognitive Dissonance Theory . "

  2. 认知失调理论对品行不良儿童辅导的启示

    The Inspirations of Cognitive Dissonance Theory on the Guidance of Misdemeanor Children

  3. 从认知失调理论看儿童的南风教育

    Looking Souther Education Of Children From Cognitive Dissonance Theory

  4. 认知失调理论为从行为和心理本质上分析投资决策的非理性过程提供了新的途径;

    The theory of cognitive dissonance provides a new psychology way of investment decision .

  5. 认知失调理论对唠叨言语行为的阐释但是他两度责备世行的捐助国自己的失言。

    Interpretation of Speech Behaviour of Nagging Based on the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance ; But he twice chided bank donors for their own lapses .

  6. 有关认知失调理论的实验研究表明,小的物质奖励和轻微的批评即南风教育,最有利于儿童内化教育树立的正确态度。

    Some experimental studys about cognitive dissonance theory show souther education which is charactered with little physical encouragement and tender criticism will make for children internalize correct attitude which is advocated by education .

  7. 跨文化传播的焦虑常常表现为文化身份焦虑,其原因可从自我不一致理论、归因理论以及认知失调理论中得到解释。

    The anxiety in intercultural communication manifests itself in the anxiety about one 's cultural identity , which is explicable in terms of " self discrepancy ", attribution theory and loss of equilibrium in cognition .

  8. 本文尝试从认知失调的角度来阐述课堂教学的本质,分析学生在课堂教学过程中心理现象发生的教学心理学理论依据,并提出了运用认知失调理论促进课堂教学效果的建议。

    The thesis below sets forth the essence of classroom teaching in the light of cognitive imbalance , analyses theoretical basis of psychological activities of classroom learning , and offers some authorial suggestions that the effects of classroom teaching can be improved through using the theory of cognitive imbalance .