
  • 网络Enterprise Evolution;business evolution
  1. 知识视角下的企业进化及其策略研究

    Study on Firm Evolution and Its Strategy from the Knowledge Perspective

  2. 企业进化的基因结构模型及其启示

    The Organizational Genes Model of the Firm Evolution and Implications

  3. 企业进化与意识&反应模式

    The Enterprise Evolution and " Consciousness - Reaction " Model

  4. 企业进化论&企业层面的循环经济研究

    Theory of Enterprises ' Evolution : Research on Circular Economy in Enterprises

  5. 市场生态环境选择机制下的企业进化

    Enterprise Evolution Based on Mechanism Choice of Market Ecological Environment

  6. 接着分析了影响企业进化的外部环境所包含的主要因素,建立了企业进化的模型,给出了企业进化微观路径的定量描述。

    Main external environmental factors that affected the evolution of firms were analyzed .

  7. 企业进化理论的起源与发展

    Evolutionary Theory of Enterprises : Origin and Development

  8. 企业进化的思维方式研究

    Research on the Thought Style of Enterprise Evolution

  9. 并分析了企业进化系统的环境、功能或价值。

    And analyze the environment , functions .

  10. 论文分析了基于自组织理论的企业进化系统。

    In chapter 3 , the firm evolution system based on self-organization theory was analyzed .

  11. 企业进化的博弈和演化经济学分析

    Analysis on Evolution of Firm Based on Evolutionary Game Theory and Evolutionary Theories in Economics

  12. 企业进化的理想模式

    An Ideal Model of Enterprise Evolution

  13. 企业进化论是现代企业理论和战略管理理论的一个重要学派。

    Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modern enterprise and strategy management .

  14. 通过实例和系统仿真,确定科技创业企业进化发展的维度。

    Through case study and dynamic system simulation , the evolution dimension of scientific and technological enterprises was determined .

  15. 特许连锁体系与外部生态环境的强互动共生关系构成了特许连锁企业进化的动力源。

    And , their strong interactive and symbiotic relation is the power source of the evolution of franchising chain system .

  16. 最后,论文论述了企业进化对我国企业改革的启示。

    At last , this paper discusses the revelation offered by the firm 's evolution for reform of the state-owned firms .

  17. 其次,以进化论的观点研究企业进化,分别从内部和外部研究企业进化问题;

    Secondly , basing on evolution theory , this dissertation analyses enterprise evolution from the interior and exterior of the enterprises .

  18. 企业进化理论是在生物进化学说、组织生态学和演化经济学等理论的基础上所逐渐形成的一种新型企业理论。

    Evolutionary theory of enterprises is a new kind of theory based on biological evolutionary theory , organizational ecology and evolutionary theory of economics , etc.

  19. 在企业进化过程中,环境变化首先起着诱导和刺激的作用,迫使企业调整自身结构与功能,形成产权结构的多样化变异。

    In the process of enterprise evolution , environment changes may play an inducing and stimulating role firstly . They force enterprises to adjust their structure and function .

  20. 研究表明,上市公司会根据市场环境的变化,而对其行为作出调整,符合企业进化理论和经济达尔文主义。

    Our conclusions show that listed firms will adjust their behavior according to the change of environments . It is consistent with enterprise evolutionism and economic Darwinism . 4 .

  21. 随后利用协整分析法对科技企业进化的非生物环境进行分析,探索了R&D经费支出与高技术产业大中型企业新产品销售收入之间的因果关系。

    And then , the dissertation has disclosed the abiotic environment using cointegration analysis , explored the causal relationship between R & D expenditure and sales revenue of new products .

  22. 本文分析了知识型企业进化的内容,并基于知识型企业的生存模型、知识创新量计算模型,构建由知识创新驱动的知识型企业进化度量模型,对知识型企业进化程度进行度量。

    This paper analyzes the contents of evolution and builds estimate model of evolution driven by knowledge innovation on the basis of exist model and estimate model of knowledge innovation .

  23. 论文首先阐述了科技创业企业进化及诱导因素研究的目的和意义,在对科技企业进化的研究现状进行归纳和评述后,提出论文的研究内容和研究方法。

    The goal and significance of the research have been presented . After the status of enterprise evolution has been summarized and reviewed , the main contents and methodology have been offered as well .

  24. 本文介绍了理查德·巴雷特根据企业进化的不同阶段概括出了七个层次的企业意识,提出人本管理是实现企业转换意识层次的动力。

    The article introduces the 7 - level enterprise consciousness for different phases in the enterprise evolution outlined by Richard Barret and presents that the humanism management is the momentum for enterprises to fulfill the transformation of consciousness levels .

  25. 基于生态位的集群企业协同进化模型研究

    A Coordination Evolution Model of Enterprises Cluster Based on Niche

  26. 敏捷虚拟企业三维进化树模型的研究

    The research of agile virtual enterprise three-dimensional evolutionary tree model

  27. 企业的进化&生命工厂初探

    The Evolution of Enterprise-Primary Study on Living Factory

  28. 企业是进化的生命体,生物体的生命特征对企业有重要的启示作用。

    Enterprise is an evolutionary life body .

  29. 第二,特许连锁企业的进化是特许共生系统与外部生态系统协同进化的结果。

    Second , the evolution of franchising chain enterprises is the result of the co-evolution of franchising chain system and external environmental system .

  30. 区域集群企业的进化主要受集群企业个体适应度、所处市场环境以及与其他企业之间的相互竞争三个因素影响。

    The evolution of regional enterprise cluster is mainly influenced by individual enterprise adaptability , market environment , and the competition with other enterprises .