
  • 网络Enterprises operating mechanism
  1. 中国农业龙头企业运行机制研究

    A Study on Operating Mechanism of Agricultural Leading Enterprise in China

  2. 新的电力市场模式下甘肃省发电企业运行机制浅析

    On the Enterprising Mechanism of the Power Production Organizations of Gansu Province

  3. 高校校办高新技术企业运行机制研究

    The Operation Mechanism Research of Higher Education Institution 's H & N Tech Enterprise

  4. 技术进步型企业运行机制研究

    On the motional mechanism of technology-progressive enterprise

  5. 然后对和谐企业运行机制体系进行评价,运用层次分析法确定各指标权重。

    Then use AHP to determine the weight of each index , and came to comprehensive evaluation .

  6. 企业运行机制与企业效益之间存在着非常复杂的、相互联系、相互影响的关系:企业运行机制可以直接影响企业的成本水平,进而影响企业效益;

    There are very complicated , interconnected relationships between the operational mechanism of enterprise and its efficiency .

  7. 股份制:企业运行机制的转换和组织制度的建立&兼论承包制的缺陷

    Share System : Conversion of Enterprise Operation Mechanism and Establishment of Organisational System & Also on Defects of Contract System

  8. 物流演变对企业运行机制的依承与促进&神龙同步供货探索实践

    The Dependency and Promotion of Logistics Evolvement to Enterprise 's Operating Mechanism & A Practice of Synchronized Supply in Dongfeng Peugeot-Citroen Automobile Company

  9. 电力体制改革的深入,供电企业运行机制、管理方式都发生重大变化。

    Electric power organizational reform 's thorough , the power supply enterprise operational mechanism , the mode of administration has the tremendous change .

  10. 林业产业化的发展重点是解决林纸结合、林工结合以及建立现代企业运行机制。

    Developing focus , forestry of industrialization to solve forest paper combine , Engineer Lin combine and set up modern enterprise 's operating mechanism .

  11. 由于历史原因,不少地勘企业运行机制存在许多缺陷,其中预算管理薄弱便是其中之一。

    Many defects exist in the operation mechanism of geological and prospecting enterprises owing to historical reasons . One of defects is budget management impropriety .

  12. 第三部分是对我国中小企业运行机制的现状和存在问题的描述。

    The third part is a description of the status quo of the functioning of the small and medium sized enterprises in our country and the accompanying problems .

  13. 在企业运行机制这种委托代理关系中,由于各自的利益不同,代理人在追求自己的目标利益时就有可能损及委托人的利益。

    Under the commission relations of the enterprise operational mechanism , because agents ' interests are different , in the pursuit of their own goals , they might undermine the interests of clients .

  14. 主要研究了矿业企业运行机制要素、循环经济的作用机理和发展循环经济的模式选择,尝试构建基于循环经济的矿业企业运行机制模型。

    The main operating mechanism of circular economy factors , mechanism and mode of trying to build based on circular economy model for mining companies operating mechanism . Finally , to achieve circular economy based on mining companies to study the path of operating mechanism .

  15. 主要是从矿产资源和矿业运行机制的现状着手分析,目的在于为构建基于循环经济的矿业运行机制提供基础条件。其次,对基于循环经济的矿业企业运行机制进行分析。

    Mainly from the mining of mineral resources and analysis of operation mechanism of the current situation of the purpose for building a circular economy based on mining operation mechanism of the basic conditions . Secondly , the circular economy based on mining companies operating mechanism for analysis .

  16. 加入WTO,中国石油工业面临的首先是对行业管理体制和企业内部运行机制的挑战。

    China 's petroleum industry is first exposed to the challenge to its industrial system and the internal mechanism of enterprises after the country joined WTO .

  17. 我国企业年金运行机制的构建

    Construction for the Operational Mechanism of Enterprise Pension in China

  18. 建立以财务管理为中心的企业管理运行机制

    Set Up the Business Operating Mechanism Faking Financial Administration as the Centre

  19. 股份合作制企业法律运行机制研究

    Study on the Operating Mechanism of the Share Cooperation System

  20. 三峡区域民营企业内部运行机制的构建

    Construction of three gorge district private enterprise inner operation mechanism

  21. 企业团队运行机制研究

    A Study on Operating Mechanisms of Enterprise Team

  22. 第二部分:农业企业特有运行机制原理。

    ⅱ Agricultural enterprise unique operational mechanism principle .

  23. 本文的主题是中国企业年金运行机制研究。

    The theme of this thesis is the research of Chinese employer pension operating mechanism .

  24. 现代企业财务运行机制有待进一步优化。

    The operation mechanism of the financial affairs in modern enterprises waits to be further optimized .

  25. 自然垄断产业国有企业的运行机制同报酬理论前提存在着不可避免的冲突,导致了国有企业低效;

    The incompatibility of the operation mechanism of state-owned businesses and the premise of remuneration theory results in inefficiency .

  26. 本文从适应性企业创新运行机制角度对创新系统运行机制进行了重新诠释,从适应性的角度提出了适应性创新所需要对创新系统的机制改进。

    This paper redefines the innovation-operation mechanism from the angel of innovation in adaptive enterprise and explains the necessity of the improvement of innovation system .

  27. 20世纪末以来,为了克服企业内部运行机制所带来的组织僵化,内部市场机制逐步被引入企业内部。

    Since the end of last century , the internal market mechanism has been introduced to deal with the rigidity of the operation system of enterprises .

  28. 石横特钢坚持科学发展观,通过改革产权制度和企业内部运行机制,增强了企业活力。

    Shiheng special steel insists on scientific and developmental view , therefore , innovating the system of property right and enterprise interior running mechanism boosts the enterprise energy up .

  29. 科技和经济的结合点就是科技成果的转化,人才和技术是大学的优势,资金和企业化运行机制是企业的优势。

    The combining site of science and technology with economy is the application of scientific and technological results . Talents and technology are the advantage of universities . Capital and enterprise management are the advantage of enterprises .

  30. 哈尔滨大型零售企业存在运行机制不灵活,管理运作不规范,零售业态单一,连锁业态组织化程度低,企业规模小,市场份额低等问题。

    Harbin large-scale retailer existed the problems as operating mechanism stiff , manage operation unstandard , retail the achievement state is single , chain state organization intensity is low , the enterprises scale is too small , market share is low etc. .