
  • 网络Value;corporate values
  1. 企业价值观:诚信为本,合作共赢!

    Corporate values : honesty , cooperation and win-win !

  2. 企业价值观的功能就在于促进这种共同的心理状态,提高企业的凝聚力水平。

    The function of the corporate values is advancing such common mentation and boosting the level of the corporate cohesiveness .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,企业价值观也渐渐从一个舶来的概念变成了我们企业生活中最鲜活、最不能掉以轻心的实践话题。

    Following China 's accession to the WTO , an enterprise values have gradually shifts from the concept of corporate life into our most lively , most not be taken lightly " Practice topic " .

  4. 企业价值观管理:必要性、社会价值及其策略研究

    Enterprise Values Management : Necessity , Social Value and Strategy Research

  5. 企业价值观:持续为社会、为企业创造更大价值。

    Corporate Value : Maximize value for society and business .

  6. 韩国文化转型中的企业价值观研究

    Research in the Enterprise Value in Culture Transition of Korea

  7. 论企业价值观对员工忠诚度的影响

    The Influence of Enterprise 's Sense of Worth no Employee 's Royalty

  8. 管理变革与企业价值观创新

    Administrative Reformation vs. the Creation of Enterprises ' Values

  9. 新中国国有企业价值观的历史演进及建构研究

    Study on the Development and Structures of Enterprise Values of Chinese State-owned Enterprises

  10. 基于心理契约的企业价值观内化研究

    Research on the Internalization of Corporate Value from the Perspective of Psychological Contract

  11. 企业价值观的深层解读及理想建构

    The Decipherment and Ideal Construction of Business Enterprise Value

  12. 儒家利益观与民营企业价值观

    Confucianist Views on Interest and Values of Privately-Run Businesses

  13. 知识经济与企业价值观转换

    Knowledge-Based Economy and the Change of Enterprise Value

  14. 论现代企业价值观的确立

    Thesis on the establishment of modern enterprise values

  15. 试论企业价值观与企业形象塑造

    On Building Corporate Value Conception and Corporate Image

  16. 此种企业价值观,显然无法适应当今市场经济环境。

    The enterprise values , apparently unable to adapt to the market economy environment .

  17. 当代中国企业价值观问题研究

    A Study of Present-day China 's Business Values

  18. 现代企业价值观探析

    Analysis on the Values of Modern Enterprise

  19. 浅谈旅游企业价值观

    The Idea of Value in Tourism Enterprises

  20. 企业价值观是企业制定和选择危机沟通策略的首要因素。

    The enterprise values have great influence on the formulation and choice of crisis communication strategies .

  21. 通过对企业价值观进行构建和培育企业家精神来实现企业精神文化变迁。

    The corporate spiritual culture changes are realized by constructing the corporate values and cultivating the entrepreneurship .

  22. 在此基础上,本文试图通过对企业价值观的内容结构和主体结构的分析,全面剖析企业价值观的构成。

    The structure of enterprise values is interpreted by the analysis on its content structure and subject structure .

  23. 因为企业价值观是企业精神文化的核心,而企业精神文化又是整个企业文化的核心和灵魂,所以本文对企业价值观作专章论述。

    It is the core of the enterprise spirit culture which is the soul of the whole enterprise culture .

  24. 在一系列影响以及构成企业价值观体系的诸多要素中,企业的责任观居于一个十分重要的地位。企业应当负有什么样的社会责任?

    In a series of factors that affect and constitute business values system , the duty view is of importance .

  25. 企业价值观为新员工提供了确实可靠的处事准则,也是评价全体员工的主要标准。

    The value of a corporate provides new staff with reliable guideline and is also the main benchmark to evaluate staff .

  26. 分析了财务管理价值观与企业价值观、企业文化和财务管理目标的关系。

    The author analyzes the relationship of values of financial management , corporate values , corporate culture and financial management aim .

  27. 第三章则是从品牌文化、企业家文化、人力资源文化、企业价值观四个方面对西部民营企业文化建设提出了具体策略。

    The third chapter offers concrete strategies from four aspects-brand culture , entrepreneur culture , Human Resource , and enterprise culture .

  28. 本文从企业价值观研究这一课题的重要理论基础&价值这一概念入手,对价值进行多维审视,展开对企业价值观的深层解读。

    This text launches a profound research onthe business enterprise value from the important foundation of the business enterprise value theories .

  29. 企业价值观作为企业的核心和灵魂,对企业的发展具有十分重要的作用。

    As the core and soul of a enterprise , the enterprise values plays a crucial role in the development of enterprise .

  30. 在分析可持续发展理论的基础上,提出了基于可持续发展的企业价值观确立、战略引导行为、技术创新行为,以实现提高资源利用效率、降低物质消耗、保护生态环境。

    Based on the theory of the sustainable development , the corporate values and the behavior of technology innovation are putting forward .