
  1. 企业经营目标多元化,由股东转向利益相关者,作为企业社会责任体系高层次也是重要组成部分的慈善责任(CPR)的履行情况则备受关注。

    Diversification of business objectives , by the shareholders turned to stakeholders ; as the high-level and an important part of corporate social responsibility system , the situation of corporate philanthropy responsibility ( CPR ) performance was pay attention to .

  2. 利润质:企业经营目标新概念

    Profit 's quality : a new concept of the target in Business Administration

  3. 企业经营目标体系的探讨

    ^ A Discussion on the Objectives of Enterprise Operation

  4. 高新技术企业经营目标辨析

    The Management Object Analysis of High Technology Enterprises

  5. 上市公司的目标取向是企业经营目标函数的选择问题。

    The Value-orientation of the listed companies is a problem of selecting the objective functions .

  6. 服务企业经营目标尚未能从提高服务效率转向顾客满意。

    The service companies have not really diverted operation objectives from raising service efficiency to customer satisfaction .

  7. 建立社会责任会计是协调企业经营目标与社会目标的重要手段。

    It ′ s an important method to set up social responsibility accounting to coordinate enterprises ′ engaging objective and social objective .

  8. 高新技术企业经营目标,是高科技产业经营发展战略目标的一个重要组成部分。

    Management object of venture capital enterprises is one of the important parts of business strategy objects of high science and technology industrials .

  9. 无形资产管理是实现企业经营目标的重要保证,对增强企业竞争力,提高企业经济效益起着重要的作用。

    Immaterial assets ' management plays an important role in enhancing competitiveness , increasing economic efficiency and realizing operation target in the enterprises .

  10. 随着价值管理模式的实行,传统的财务职能必然要随着企业经营目标的调整而改变。

    With the application of the mode of value management , the traditional financial function must change with the adjustment of enterprises ′ prosecution goal .

  11. 21世纪企业经营目标与竞争优势就是要打造强势品牌。

    In the 21 ~ st century , what all companies pursue in a strong brand , which is also the advantage in the harsh competition .

  12. 国有企业经营目标经历了产品产量和产值最大化、满足社会需要和追求利润的双重目标、利润最大化等阶段。

    The GOEs ' operating target has had a great change during the reform : maximize the output-dual target of perusing profit and satisfied social needs-maximize profit .

  13. 该模型已成功地应用于企业经营目标的预测,为制定合理的主生产计划提供了第一手数据。

    This method has already been applied successfully to enterprise prediction of operation objectives and the firsthand data for making a rational main production schedule was obtained .

  14. 除了从企业经营目标出发可得到的好处外,采用工作流系统对于企业的信息现代化同样有显著作用。采用工作流系统可以最大程度上集成企业的现有信息资源,实现资源的充分利用。

    Besides the benefits of the aim of the enterprise , using the workflow management system can also be benefit to the modernization of the information of the enterprise .

  15. 由监理工程师组成的项目监理机构,承担的不仅是完成监理企业经营目标的责任,更多的是社会责任。

    Project Supervision Institution , by the composition of supervision engineers , is not only assumed to take on responsibility for the completion of business , but also social responsibility .

  16. 由于环境和企业经营目标等的变化,价值链会计假设呈现出与传统会计假设不一样的特点。

    Owing to the great changes in circumstances and in managerial goals of enterprises , the value chain accounting presents characteristics that differ greatly in accounting postulates with the traditional accounting .

  17. 市场竞争、产权保护和金融选择等模块化利益机制推动了企业经营目标、模块化动力和模块创新模式演变。

    The benefit mechanism of modularization , market competition , property rights protection , finance selection and so on , drives the evolution of enterprise manage goal , modularization force and module innovation mode .

  18. 为了实现企业经营目标,制定企业经营战略时,要从长远和大局出发,要考虑到企业所有的经营资源和市场环境。

    When we formulate business strategy , in order to achieve business goals , enterprises must consider their own management resources and the market environment from a long-term point of view and the general situation .

  19. 内部控制是预防和控制风险的系统,有效防范差错,促进企业经营目标的实现,提高经营效率起着非常重要的作用。

    Internal Control is to prevent and control risk system , plays a very important role to guard against risk effectively , to contribute to realize the management goal , and to promote the management efficiency .

  20. 绩效考核通过对员工、岗位目标的综合考核,促进企业经营目标及战略目标的实现,进而提升企业的经济效益和核心竞争力。绩效考核在企业管理中发挥着重要作用。

    By the comprehensive examination to staff and the posts goals , this way can promote the achievement of business and strategy goals , and the performance appraisal can improve economic performance and the core competitiveness .

  21. 全面预算对明确企业经营目标、协调企业内部关系、控制调整企业的日常经营活动、监督评价员工工作业绩等都有着很重要的作用。

    Comprehensive budget plays a significant part in terms of clarifying business objective , coordinating internal relations , regulating and adjusting the daily activities , monitoring and estimating each employer ' working performance , and so on .

  22. 如何激励人才、充分发挥其主动性和积极性、充分开发人才的潜能,来实现企业经营目标,成为人力资源研究的重点。

    It has become a key point of human resource study how to inspire personnel , how to make staff give full play to their initiatives and enthusiasm , and how to develop employees ' potential to achieve business goals .

  23. 但职能部门又为企业经营目标的达成提供监督、指导和支持,决定着企业的执行力,与企业战略目标的实现密切相关。

    On the other hand , administration departments , playing roles of supervision , guidance and support in the achievement of the enterprise goals , determine the execution efficiency of the enterprises , which is highly correlated with the fulfillment of strategic goals .

  24. 内部控制是实现企业经营目标的重要保障,信息披露是投资者获取信息并用以决策的制度性基础,内部控制信息披露越来越受到理论界和实务界的关注。

    Internal control is an important guarantee for achieving business objectives , information disclosure is the significant institutional foundation for investors to access to information and use it for decision-making . Therefore , the theory and practice of community paid more and more attention to information disclosure of internal control .

  25. 将财务治理结构理论应用于上市公司的管理过程,有利于构建相互协调、相互牵制的公司内、外部治理体系,促进上市公司更加合理有效的运营资金以实现企业经营目标。

    It is conducive to building the internal and external governance system that are mutual coordination and contained for applying the theory of financial governance structure to the management process of listed enterprises , it promotes the listed enterprises to working capital more rational and effective to achieve business objectives .

  26. 现代企业经营机制目标模式及体系

    The Objective Modle and System of Operational Mechanism of Modern Enterprise

  27. 顾客满意度:企业经营的目标导向

    The Target-Guidance for Enterprises ′ Management & Satisfaction Extent from Clients

  28. 企业经营计划目标失误的博弈分析

    Analysis of the Enterprises ' Failing in Planning Objective by Game Theory

  29. 企业经营机制目标模式的构造及实现

    A Theoretical Model of Enterprise Operating Mechanism and Its Realization

  30. 市场经济条件下矿山企业的经营目标

    Management objectived of mine enterprises under the condition of the market economy