
  • 网络Corporate Purpose;Company tenet;Mission Statement
  1. 威尔迪的企业宗旨是:以信誉求发展,以科技创新获效益,让用户满意是我们永远的追求!威尔迪现拥有国内领先大型全自动UV紫外光固化涂装生产线3条。

    The tenant of WRDI enterprises : Development relying on credit , Profits making relying on the scientific innovation and customers'satisfaction shall be our purse in our career !

  2. 企业宗旨:智慧创造价值,品质成就梦想!

    Enterprise slogan : Wisdom creates value ; Quality accomplishes dreams !

  3. 企业宗旨:关爱环境、珍惜资源;

    Enterprise tenet : Care for the environment , treasure resources ;

  4. 企业宗旨:宾客至上,诚信为本。

    Our tenet is " client orineted , faith is root " .

  5. 我们的企业宗旨是:诚信创新高效。

    Our tenet : honesty and keep faith , innovate , efficient .

  6. 企业宗旨:传承布艺文化,构建和谐家居。

    Enterprise Mission : cloth cultural heritage , to build a harmonious home .

  7. 企业宗旨:追求卓越、精益求精。

    Corporate purpose : Seek excellence and refinement .

  8. 企业宗旨:质量第一,信誉至上。

    Enterprise objective : " The quality first , the prestige is supreme " .

  9. 环通轴承的企业宗旨:为用户提供满意的产品和服务。

    Loop through bearings business purpose : to provide users with products and services .

  10. 我公司以本分踏实、持续发展为企业宗旨!

    My company with duty dependable , keep on a development into business enterprise aim !

  11. 本厂奉行质量第一、誉第一、户至上的企业宗旨,产品远销欧美、南亚等二十多个国家和地区。

    Our factory 's motto is " Quality first , Customer uppermost , Reputation first " .

  12. 企业宗旨:精诚合作、精工制作、不断改进、不断创新。

    Business Aim : cooperate sincerely , manufacture meticulously , improve continually and blaze new trails constantly .

  13. 上海强翠实业有限公司坚持技术引进和自主开发并用的企业宗旨。

    The company is focus on technology import and self-designed products and takes it as the company tenet .

  14. 企业宗旨:为少年儿童创造美好生活,为社会、员工创造价值。

    Enterprise purpose : to create a better life for children , for society , employees and create value .

  15. 我们坚持“质量第一,信誉至上”的企业宗旨,不断开拓进取。

    We adhere to the " quality first , reputation first " business purposes , and continuously forge ahead .

  16. 本厂产品实行“三包”,用户至上,质量第一的企业宗旨。

    The product of our company practice " three pack ", customer highest , quality one business enterprise aim .

  17. 公司同仁始终不渝的坚持海纳百川,有容乃大的企业宗旨。

    We will continue firmly uphold our corporate tenet of containing thousands of little rivers , the sea is great .

  18. 企业宗旨:科技创新诚实守信质量第一客户至上!

    Our tenet : to innovate by science and technology , honest and creditable , quality first , clients paramount !

  19. 企业宗旨:科技兴业、质量创牌、诚信经营、追求卓越。

    Enterprise purpose : science and technology , the quality of a license , credit management , the pursuit of excellence .

  20. 公司以“科学管理、品质第一、诚实经营、客户至上、不断创新、攀登高峰”为企业宗旨。

    The company policy is " Scientific management , quality first , credible , client first , creative and keep improving " .

  21. 本着努力、进取、不断完善的企业宗旨,“俊诚”愿做一颗永不生锈的螺丝钉!

    With effort , progressive , and constantly improve the business purposes ," Chun-cheng ," is willing to do a never rusty screw !

  22. 边行在业界一直享有诚实、可靠、能力突出的美誉。本着“客户至上”的企业宗旨,公司的各项业务得以稳健地发展。

    The busine has been sustained and grown by virtue of a management culture which is constantly evolving as its clients'and customers'needs change .

  23. 华东公司以“创造奇迹,争创一流”的企业宗旨致力于成为世界一流的高分子复合材料的生产基地。

    Huadong company to " create a miracle , give top-notch " the enterprise objective to become a world-class polymer composite material production base .

  24. 公司一贯秉承“科学管理、质量为本、用户至上、真诚服务”的企业宗旨服务于用户。

    The company all along receives " Scientific management , quality-oriented , user first , sincere service " the enterprise objective serves the user .

  25. 本着以质量为本,精益求精的企业宗旨,努力开拓创新,不断发展壮大。

    Based on the enterprise tenet of quality coming first and keeping improving , the enterprise tries to pioneer and innovate and continuously grow .

  26. 公司永远秉承以人类健康为本企业宗旨。显而易见,这个女孩的容貌是秉承她母亲的

    Our commitment is Devote Ourselves to the Health and Wellness of Human Being . Obviously the girl 's looks were a gift from her mother

  27. 公司一直本着以真诚沟通,追求卓越品质的企业宗旨,专注于为客户提供优秀的产品和服务。

    Daohong company has been based on sincere communication and pursuit excellence quality as corporate purpose , focused on providing customers with excellent products and services .

  28. 公司以“质量求信誉,创新求发展”为企业宗旨,致力于产品的升级研发,为广大客户提供完美、完善的优质服务。

    Insisting on " quality for credibility , innovation for development ", Ruichuang devotes to product upgrade R & D and provides customers with perfect services .

  29. 公司的企业宗旨和精神:以稳健诚信为立足之本,以求真务实、注重效益为经营之道。

    The company 's corporate purposes and spirit : The sound for the integrity of this place to pragmatic and effective to focus on business management .

  30. 本公司秉承“诚信为本,顾客至上,质量第一,全员参与,持续改进,追求卓越”的企业宗旨。

    Our company inherits the enterprise tenet of " honesty , customer first , quality first , whole staff participating , ceaseless improvement and pursuing excellence " .