
  1. 增强技术创新意识形成企业自主创新机制

    Strengthening Technical Innovation Consciousness Bring Forth New Mechanism of Enterprise Oneself

  2. 基于内部风险投资视角建立企业自主创新机制研究

    On Establishing Enterprise Independent Innovation Mechanism & Based on Internal Venture Capital Perspective

  3. 调整电力经济政策建立电力企业自主经营机制;

    Enterprises economic policies towards electric power development should be streamlined and the self-management system established ;

  4. 要改革现行科技体制,建立健全企业自主开新机制。

    The enterprise should make reform on the present scientific and technological system , build and strengthen an independent developing and innovation system .

  5. 最后,以广西为例,分析科技型企业自主创新动力机制存在的问题,主要对知识产权保护问题、要素市场、产权制度问题等方面,提出治理途径及具体对策建议。

    Finally , the author takes Guangxi province for example , and analyzes the motivation mechanism of technological enterprises independent innovation , approaching to the protection of intellectual property rights , the markets , property rights issues , the author proposes management approach and specific countermeasures .

  6. 摘要对企业自主创新动力机制进行了理论性的探索,对自主创新的主体及其行为目标、自主创新的动力要素及相互关系、自主创新动力机制的运作机理等动力机制的重要构成部分进行了剖析。

    The paper theoretically explores the indigenous innovation motive mechanism in enterprises , and dissects the important component parts of motive mechanism , such as the body of indigenous innovation and its conducting target , the dynamic elements of indigenous innovation and their correlation , and the operational mechanism .

  7. 高新技术企业自主创新的动力机制研究

    The Research on the Motivation Mechanism of the Indigenous Innovation for the High-tech Enterprises

  8. 同时,通过对政府在市场引导型企业自主创新中作用机制的分析,提出了我国政府的选择方案。

    Meanwhile , proposed a new blue print that suits our government by analyzing the government operational mechanism at independent innovation of market-oriented model .

  9. 在全球创新竞赛宏观背景下,本文围绕着技术惯域对我国企业自主创新能力影响机制展开研究。

    On the global innovation competition , this thesis implements the research on domestic enterprises ' independent innovation ability focusing on the technology habitual domains .

  10. 而在我国中西部等欠发达地区,科技型企业尤其需要提高自主创新能力,因此,研究欠发达地区科技型企业自主创新动力机制,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    In the late-developing regions , such as the central and western regions , technology enterprises ' independent innovation capacity urgently need to be improved . Therefore , the research on technology enterprises innovation power of late-developing areas is of great practical significance .