
qǐ yè jué cè jī zhì
  • decision-making mechanism of enterprises
  1. Petri网在现代企业决策机制中的应用

    Study on Decision Mechanism of Modern Firm with Petri Net

  2. 要解决这一问题,业主就必须抛弃落后的管理理念,建立与WTO要求相适应的现代企业决策机制。

    The way out of this problem is to cast aside old thoughts of management and establish modern policy-making mechanisms which adapt to WTO rules .

  3. 笔者认为减少决策失误、实现科学的决策是一个系统工程,要从完善企业决策机制、规范企业决策程序、运用科学决策方法和健全企业决策制度等方面入手。

    The author thought that the reducing decision-making errors and realizing the science decision-making are a system engineering , which must start from perfecting enterprise decision-making mechanism , regulating enterprise decision-making procedure , using scientific decision-making method and perfecting decision-making regulation .

  4. 基于公司治理结构的企业投资决策机制研究

    Research on the Investment Decision Mechanism of Enterprise Based on Corporation Administrative Structure

  5. 国有企业财务决策机制有其特殊性,应分国有资本管理机制、国有控股公司和国有企业三个层次建立财务决策机制。企业集团财务决策机制的构建

    To state-owned enterprises we should construct hierarchical financial decision mechanisms in state-owned capital management services , state-holding corporations and state-owned enterprises . On Structuring of Financial Decision-Making Mechanism for Enterprise Group

  6. 通过运用理论研究、模型构建、实证分析等研究方法,对企业的决策机制、信息机制以及激励约束机制进行建模研究。

    According to the theoretical research , modeling and empirical analysis , this thesis makes some research on the modeling of corporate decision-making mechanisms , information mechanisms and modeling of incentive and restraint mechanisms .

  7. 阐述了企业投资决策机制与公司治理结构的含义,分析了我国现行企业投资决策机制及存在的问题,提出完善企业投资决策机制的措施。

    This paper introduces the connotations of the investment decision mechanism of enterprise and corporation administrative structure , analyzes on Chinese current investment decision mechanism of enterprise and the problems existing in this mechanism , and advances some measures for perfecting the investment decision mechanism of enterprise .

  8. 论国有企业的财务决策机制

    Study on Financial Decision Mechanisms to State-owned Enterprises

  9. 银行建立起合理的中小企业贷款风险决策机制不仅能解决中小企业贷款难现状,同时可以满足在利率市场化条件下商业银行对经济利润的追求。

    It can not only resolve SMEs ' loan difficulty , but also meet pursuit profit in interest rate market of commercial bank to establish risk making-policy mechanism .

  10. 只有这样,让市场来消化对赌协议产生的问题才是最佳解决方案;再次,完善公司治理结构、规范企业的投融资决策机制。

    Only in this way , let the market itself to resolve the issues relating to Valuation Adjustment Mechanism is the best way . Thirdly , improve the corporate governance structure , standardize corporate investment and financing decision-making mechanism .

  11. 必须加强企业内部决策、管理机制建设和外部市场化、法治化、公民化运行环境的构建,方能降低风险,促进民私企业上规模、上档次。

    It is necessary for them to take some measures to lower risks and advance these enterprises , which should include the reinforcement of internal decision making and management mechanism , the promotion of legalized market-orientated external environment , and the construction of the impartial economic environment , etc.

  12. 针对我国的剩余规则制定权安排,建议合理构建公司治理中的权力制衡机制、建立企业财务的共同决策机制、借鉴成功的公司治理经验。

    Meanwhile , aiming at the arrangement of the residual-rule-setting rights in China , the author also suggests the related departments to establish a power balance mechanism in the corporation governance , to build a co-determination mechanism of the enterprise financing and to learn successful experience of corporation governance .

  13. 加强民营企业现代企业制度建设,要在民营企业内形成集体决策机制和竞争机制,要建立健全劳动制度和财务制度,要任人唯贤并建立监督机构。

    For the purpose , it is indispensable to forge collectively decision-making mechanism and competitive institution , to improve working and accounting system , to appoint people by abilities and establish supervisory organs inside corporations .

  14. 研究了信息社会企业决策的特点,从信息的迅速增长、企业决策信息、企业决策信息系统和企业决策机制4个方面分析企业决策信息误导产生的根源。

    This paper studies the characteristics of enterprise decision-making in information era , and analyses the causes of information misguidance from the view of rapid increasing of information , enterprise decision-making information , decision-making information system , and the enterprise decision-making mechanism .

  15. 从企业角度看,首先要建立现代企业制度,对国企、私营企业、外资企业设立相应的企业决策机制。

    From the business point of view , first of all to establish a modern enterprise system , state-owned enterprises , private enterprises , foreign-funded enterprises set up corresponding business decision-making mechanism .

  16. 第二部分,对我国民营企业内部治理结构存在的问题进行分析,主要分析了民营企业主管理知识欠缺、企业家族化导致决策机制不科学;

    Secondly , analyzed the questions of corporate inside governance .