
  • 网络Corporate vision;Enterprise vision;Business Vision
  1. 然后,结合员工满意度问卷调查结果,从企业愿景、工作回报、工作氛围以及企业管理等方面分析总结了J企业人力资源管理工作存在的问题。

    Thirdly , through the analysis of the Staff Satisfaction Questionnaire the Human Resource Management problems of J Company was discussed in the factors such as the corporate vision , the job reward , the work atmosphere and the corporate management .

  2. 我们的企业愿景:成为中国最专业的家具生厂商。

    Origin-Creative is the best partner who can achieve your business vision .

  3. 企业愿景:树国际品牌,造一流企业。

    Enterprise vision : the international brand , made the first-class enterprise .

  4. 企业愿景:百年企业,百亿东鹏。

    Vision of Dongpeng : Century enterprises , tens of billions of Dongpeng .

  5. 企业愿景:做最好的现代化物流服务商!

    Corporate vision : to make the best of modern logistics service providers !

  6. 价值变革与企业愿景的创建

    Shifting of Value and Setting-up of Business Vision

  7. 企业愿景:一流的工程机械仪表与控制系统全面解决方案的全球供应商。

    Company vision : first-class global supplier for total solutions of construction machinery instruments and control systems .

  8. 我们的企业愿景是成为女性首选的最值得信任的健康产品公司。

    Our corporation perspective is to become the first choice for most trusted women health product corporation .

  9. 如何看待受众是思考媒介企业愿景战略、确定愿景方向的根本问题。

    So how to look on the receiver is the key problem when we think about media enterprises ' vision stratagem .

  10. 同时,指出十四冶炉窑建筑公司要实现企业愿景,所必需进行的战略性调整。

    Meanwhile , the company that fourteen furnace smelting furnace construction company to achieve the corporate vision , make the necessary strategic adjustments .

  11. 平衡计分卡通过个人目标与企业愿景的平衡,将平衡计分卡引入绩效考评系统,实现可持续的企业绩效。

    Through balancing the personal objectives and bank prospects , the introduction of Balance Score Card into the performance evaluation system will realize the sustainable enterprise performance .

  12. 建立和企业愿景与价值观一致的企业文化,是推动企业人力资源工作良好发展的基础。

    To establish enterprise culture which is in accordance with enterprise hopeful prospect and value concept is the base to promote the development of enterprise human resource work .

  13. 二是内容方面的动态化,即更注重企业愿景、战略、组织能力和内部系统与过程等不同内容之间的相互联系和动态适应。

    Secondly , the dynamic content that is more focused on the mutual relations and dynamic adaptation between corporate vision , strategy , organization and processes within the system .

  14. 然后,对爱尔微电子公司标杆学习进行了案例分析,在公司内外部环境、经营绩效和竞争地位分析的基础上,明确了企业愿景和竞争战略;

    Then , the paper does a case analysis of benchmark learning , analyzes the inner environment and outer micro-electric industry environment , business performance and competence position of Xi'an Micro-Electrics Corporation .

  15. 他曾经为许多资深经理人设计和引导其组织的变革过程,如:战略计划,企业愿景和使命,团队建设,领导力发展,个人风格分析及组织的文化测评等。

    He works with senior managers to design and facilitate their organizations change processes including strategic planning , corporate vision and mission , team building , leadership development , personality styles , and organizational culture assessment .

  16. 指出:协同营销实施主体特点是1、位于统一烟草产业供应链上下游,具有共同的企业愿景,同属专卖垄断体制范畴。

    Participants of the coordinate marketing have some characters as , 1 . They are in the common tobacco industry chain , share the same commercial goal , and are all in the monopolization system ; 2 .

  17. 随着时间的推移,我逐渐有了选择在企业愿景方面与我志同道合的客户和伙伴的能力,我们认为成功不能单纯的靠收益来衡量,而是要致力于发展可以将这个世界改变成一个更人性化的地方业务。

    Over time , I was able to choose clients and associates who shared my vision of a business in which success would be measured by more than revenue , a business that would help make the world a more humane place .

  18. 用战略性招聘理念指导招聘实践:关注企业愿景,着眼全局及未来;招聘理念与企业文化保持一致;以具体的招聘理念指导招聘工作;人才甄选坚持能力导向、适用导向与发展导向。

    With tactics recruitment philosophy : they focus on corporate vision , overall situation and the future ; the recruitment philosophy consists with the corporate culture ; the recruitment process is guided by specific recruitment concept ; staff selection is ability-orientated , application-oriented and development-oriented .

  19. 将绩效指标按3个层次进行分层评价,从政府愿景、企业愿景、经济效益、社会效益四个维度进行平衡发展分析,设置具体的单项评价指标,每个维度内部单项指标按权重大小设计不同分值。

    The performance indexes are evaluated through three levels , and evenly analyzed through four dimensions of government vision , enterprise vision , economic performance and society performance . This article set single evaluation index , in which different values are designed according to different weight .

  20. 企业领导愿景的内容和结构研究

    The Research on the Content and Construct of the Leader 's Vision

  21. 每一次的努力都是以专一的步伐朝着企业的愿景迈进,我们企业愿景具有以下特点:a。理性的;

    Every effort is a single-minded step towards our company vision with the following characteristics : a.

  22. 为实现企业的愿景和使命,不抛弃,不放弃!

    In order to achieve the vision and mission of the enterprise , Don 't abandon and give up !

  23. 结合企业的愿景和使命提出了歧异集聚战略的思路,并对此竞争战略进行了风险评估。

    Combine the vision and mission of the company to propose the focus and difference strategy and evaluate the possible strategy risks .

  24. 通过以报刊印刷、商务印刷、包装印刷和数码印刷为主业的战略路径,最终实现打造全国一流的综合性印刷企业的愿景。

    Through by the newspapers printing , Business printing , packaging printing and digital printing as the main path of strategy , and finally achieve the national first-class comprehensive printing enterprise .

  25. 强调制度建设与执行制度的必然联系,在科学合理的考核与激励环境中实现员工愿望与企业发展愿景的紧密结合。

    That focus on the construction and implementation of the system of necessary connection , in the scientific and rational assessment and employee incentive environment to achieve the aspirations and vision of the close combination of business development .

  26. 结合LS公司的现状,为企业设计了愿景和使命,规划了企业的战略目标体系和战略目标,并对如何实施战略给出了建议。

    Combined with the situation of LS company , vision and mission for the enterprise was designed , and the enterprise strategic targets system and strategic target was planned . In addition , suggestions on how to implement strategies were also provided .

  27. 第四章勾画了企业的战略愿景并进行战略选择;

    In the forth part there are the strategic goal and the strategies selection ;

  28. 业务愿景:创建和维护企业的业务愿景。

    Business Vision : Creation and maintenance of the business vision for an agile enterprise .

  29. 战略是企业实现企业愿景、使命与目标的重要手段。

    Strategy is the important means to help enterprises to achieve corporate vision , mission and goals .

  30. 研究二对创业型企业的现实愿景预览的概念特质进行界定和效度验证,为后续的作用机制和组织效能研究奠定概念基础。

    In study II , the concept of realistic vision preview was defined and validated in entrepreneurial firms .