
qǐ yè xínɡ xiànɡ
  • corporate image;corporate identity corporate image
  1. 企业形象(CI)策划是现代企业经营致胜的重要工具。

    Corporate identity design is an important tool of making the modern enterprise successful .

  2. 企业形象CIS的发展简史及其辩证含义

    The Development of Corporate Image System ( CIS ) and Its Dialectical Implication

  3. 企业形象调查是企业导入CIS的重要前期准备工作。

    Corporate image research is the vital preliminary phase for the implementation of CIS .

  4. 商标是企业形象战略CI(CorporateIdentity)的主要组成部分,是企业走向世界的桥梁。

    The brand names are the main part of the corporate identity and serve as a bridge for the enterprise to enter into the world .

  5. 论文介绍了医药企业形象和CIS的定义和内容。

    The thesis gives the definitions and contents of the medical enterprise image and the CIS .

  6. VI设计作为CI设计中的一个重要组成部分,对企业形象的塑造有着极其重要的作用。

    As the important share of CI design , VI design is a significant function to the figuration of the corporate identity .

  7. 近年来,随着CIS理论引入,塑造企业形象问题日益被关注。

    With the recommendation of CIS Theory , moulding the enterprise 's image is being given increasing amount of attention .

  8. 通过借鉴和导入在塑造企业形象方面卓见成效的CI战略,塑造出完整、独特、真实、生动的图书馆形象。

    Through introducing CI Strategy which has produced marked effect in modelling business images , create integrated , unique , truely and vital library images .

  9. CIS,意为企业形象战略或企业形象识别系统。高校出版社欲摆脱困境与迎接挑战,就必须导入CIS战略。

    CIS means Corporate Identity Strategy , publishing press in higher education institutions must use CIS in order to overcome difficulty and deal with challenge .

  10. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  11. 浅谈CI战略中产品的包装形象&由武夷岩茶包装现状所引发的思考通过借鉴和导入在塑造企业形象方面卓见成效的CI战略,塑造出完整、特、实、动的图书馆形象。

    Reflections on the Current Packing Situation of Wuyi Rock Tea ; Through introducing CI Strategy which has produced marked effect in modelling business images , create integrated , unique , truely and vital library images .

  12. CI战略是形象的战略,从品牌形象到企业形象乃至国家形象,是一种整体形象的拓展与提升。

    From the image of the brand to the corporate image and even to the national image , CI strategy is the strategy of the image and it is the expansion and promotion of the integral image .

  13. 无论您的要求如何,包括全新的网络企业形象、品牌、平面、广告、横幅广告或企业标志的设计和网络运用,BOC的解决方案适合您。

    Whether your requirements involve , new corporate identity , branding , stationary , advertisements , banners or corporate logo development , BOC has the solutions for you .

  14. 本文借助CIS(企业形象识别系统)模式,提出高校进行形象塑造的基本框架&UIS(高校形象识别系统)。

    This article brings forward the basic framework of universities by the help of CIS ( Corporation Identifying System ) pattern to figure a good impression & " UIS "( University Identifying System ) .

  15. CIS(企业形象塑造)作为企业识别系统,可使企业经营理念与精神文化传达给服务者和服务对象,并促使其对企业产生一致的认同感与价值观。品牌成长中的企业CI变更研究

    In 1980s , the corporation identity system ( CIS ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . The Research of Corporation Identity in the Growth of Brand

  16. 介绍了CI策划、公关策划的不同含义及它们对企业形象的塑造所起的不同作用,并从观念上、内容上、参与人员上等三个方面论述了从公关策划到CI策划的变化。

    The paper presents the different meaning between CI plot and communalizing plot , and the varied role played to the image of enterprises , and elaborates the changement from communalizing to CI plot in aspects of concept , substances and participating person .

  17. 在此基础上,提出了图像灰度级有含义盲水印算法和基于DCT系数特性的盲水印算法,并通过一些常见的图像处理攻击实验验证了这两种算法生成水印的性能。企业形象研究;

    By virtue of the study , a grayscale meaningful image blind watermarking algorithm and a blind watermarking algorithm based on the property of DCT coefficients are proposed . Then the design principles are simulated and performances are validated through some common attack experiments of images .

  18. 不同行业的企业形象要素体系的共性与个性

    The Common and Individual Factors of Corporate Image of Different Industries

  19. 摘要介绍了珠宝企业形象传播的特点。

    The characteristics of image promulgation of jewelry enterprise are introduced .

  20. 有效利用公益广告提升企业形象的策略研究

    Strategic research of improving corporate image by utilizing public service advertising

  21. 企业形象研究;水墨墨象与水墨人物画演进历程试探

    Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings

  22. 企业形象调查的方法、对象和内容研究

    Research on Investigating Approaches , Objects and Contents of Enterprises

  23. 论企业形象意识和服务意识的确立

    On the Establishment of Enterprise Image Consciousness and Service Consciousness

  24. 论高校后勤企业形象塑造

    The creation of image of the logistics corporation in colleges and universities

  25. 企业形象研究;现代汉字独体与合体划分探究

    Image ; The Research on the Separation of Sole and Compound Character

  26. 中国企业形象管理的误区及对策

    Incorrect Ideas about the Enterprise Image Management in China and Some Countermeasures

  27. 一方面可以塑造出独特的、一贯的、优良的企业形象;

    On the one hand we can mold unique consistent corporate image .

  28. 论企业形象与企业家形象的整合

    On the Combination of the Image of Enterprises and Entrepreneurs

  29. 然而长远看来,企业形象才是真正重要的。

    But in the long run it 's image that really counts .

  30. 商标有助于公司建立它的企业形象。

    A logo helps establish a company 's corporate identity .