
  • 网络Thinking for Enterprises
  1. 但是,该研究仍发人深思,因为它反映了两种普遍的中国式企业思维。

    The study is nonetheless revealing because it embodies two strands of prevailing Chinese thinking about business .

  2. 斯诺登先生,我想说的只是,你知道,让你的企业思维有所应用,不要跨越你的庇护者的雷池半步。

    To Mr. Snowden , I 'd say just , you know what , keep your entrepreneurial mind applied and don 't cross your , the givers of your asylum .

  3. 斯坦福大学(UniversityofTexas)教授巴巴•诗夫称,实际上,很多大公司都试图在公司内部营造初创企业的思维模式,但都不成功,因为大公司并不喜欢冒风险。

    And in fact , many big corporations fail when they try to infuse startup thinking because they are allergic to risk , says Baba SHIV , a professor at Stanford University .

  4. 工业时代的思维方式以及NAICS产业代码使企业的思维模式陷入窠臼,它们的业务模式不是以产品为中心,就是以服务为中心。

    Industrial-era thinking and NAICS industry codes force companies into characterizing their business models as being either product - or service-focused .

  5. 基于不确定性博弈分析的企业战略思维模式

    Business Strategically Thinking Model Based on the Uncertain Game Analysis

  6. 但企业的思维需要超越奥运会。

    But companies need to think beyond the Olympics .

  7. 开放市场环境中的创新型企业战略思维路径&以航空货运业为例

    The Way of Strategic Innovative Thinking in the Opening Environment & Take Air Cargo Industry of China for Example

  8. 企业营销思维和策略运用于城市形象,对城市形象进行营销是吸引资金、人才等流向城市的重要方法。

    Corporate marketing thinking and strategy applied to the city image has become key ways to attract capital and talent flowing to the city .

  9. 受传统企业战略思维模式的影响,高技术企业的管理者多不能全面的、立体性的分析和考虑问题。

    The influence on traditional enterprise strategic thinking model , the high-technology enterprise 's superintendents cannot be comprehensive , the three-dimensional analysis to think about question .

  10. 价值创造活动是人们关注的问题,但传统的竞争逻辑通过价值链模型长期影响着企业的思维。

    It is a focusing problem about how to rationally make value creation activities since 1990s . Through value chain model , traditional competitive logic has influenced the enterprise 's thinking pattern .

  11. 工业绿色化是在外部环境压力的作用下,工业企业进行思维方式转变、组织结构调整、生产和营销方式变革,以获得工业可持续发展的响应过程。

    Greening of Industry is a response course that industrial corporations change the way of their thinking , adjust the structures of their organizations , and innovate the way of their production and sales in order to keep industrial sustainable development under the environmental pressure outside .

  12. 层次分析法(AHP)可以有效地将企业高层的思维和财务团队的智慧结合起来,针对本企业的具体情况做出最理性的融资决策;

    The analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) can make the most rational financing decision combined the wisdom of senior enterprise leaders and financial team according to the specific situation .

  13. 被视为“股东价值”运动之父的杰克韦尔奇(jackwelch)表示,沉迷于短期利润和股价上涨是一种“愚蠢的想法”,而过去20多年来,这一直主宰着企业界的思维。

    Jack Welch , the executive regarded as the father of the " shareholder value " movement , has said that the obsession with short-term profits and share-price gains that has dominated the corporate world for more than 20 years was " a dumb idea " .

  14. 现代企业的战略思维应该是动态的。

    The strategic thought of modern enterprise should be dynamic .

  15. 企业管理新思维

    A New Thinking of Business M a n a gement

  16. 企业管理创新思维的基本特性

    Basic Characteristics of Innovative Thinking in Corporate Management

  17. 企业进化的思维方式研究

    Research on the Thought Style of Enterprise Evolution

  18. 答案很简单:投资合伙企业是趋同思维的完美温床。

    The answer is simple : Investment partnerships are the perfect breeding ground for groupthink .

  19. 基于新经济时代的高新技术企业竞争新思维

    The competition 's new thought based on new economic era 's high and new technique enterprise

  20. 正是这些相互独立又互相联系的基本特性推动着企业管理创新思维的发展。

    It is these independent and interrelated features of innovative thinking that help push forward the innovation of corporation management .

  21. 企业经营者的思维方式决定企业在财务风险规避中的策略选择。

    Under the condition of the market economy , the thinking methods of managers in the enterprises decide the selection of the enterprise tactics in the financial risk avoidance .

  22. 本文从研究区域尺度、企业组织和思维方法三方面梳理了本世纪经济地理学的发展特点。

    Abstract This paper reviews the development of economic geography in the 20th century from three angles : geography scale in research , organisational change , and research philosophies and methods .

  23. 企业管理创新思维不是对现实的企业管理创新活动消极的、简单的反映,它具有自身的发展规律,具有自变性、独立性、否定性和超越性的基本特性。

    The innovative thought of corporation management is not the negative and simple reflection of real innovative actions in corporation management , but possesses fundamental laws of development featured as flexible , independent , critic , and outstanding .

  24. 这些干系人的利益不同、立场小同、专业知识背景不同、企业文化与思维方法不同,在现有的项目管理中存在着大量的不同利益主体间的明争暗斗。

    These stakeholder interests different position , different professional knowledge background of different , enterprise culture and thinking method is different , in the existing project management of there is a lot of different interests between the main body infighting .

  25. 真正的创新,不是研发人员的个人理念,也不是市场人员的需求,不是企业的单向思维,也不是客户片面需求,而是一个基于现实的企业客户的互动过程。

    Real innovation is not personal idea of a researcher , not requirement of a salesman , not unilateral thought of the company , not lopsided request of a customer , but an interactive , practice based process company and customer .

  26. Croll介绍说传统的企业应用开发的思维模式,不能成功地迁移到一个效用计算模型。

    Croll demonstrated that conventional thinking associated with enterprise application development will not successfully transfer to a utility computing model .

  27. 知识视角下的企业档案工作新思维

    New Thought of Enterprise Archives From the Viewing Angle of Knowledge

  28. 基于蓝海战略的企业战略理论新思维

    New Thinking of Enterprises ' Strategic Theory Basing on Blue Ocean Strategy

  29. 中国企业战略变革:思维逻辑与方法路径

    Strategic Change of Chinese Enterprise : Thinking Logic and Approaches

  30. 企业经营管理中思维线索的实践性思考

    The Practical Reflection on Thinking Clues in Enterprise Management