
  • 网络business credo
  1. 站在新世纪的起跑线上,亚通人将一如既往地恪守“引导潮流、悉心服务”的企业信条。

    Standing on scratch line of the new century , Yatong people will obey its enterprise faith " Leading Fasion , Devoting service " .

  2. 许多最声嘶力竭地鼓吹自由企业信条的人,他们取得成功所仰仗的技能却与幕后政客而非企业家的技能更为相似。

    Many of those who preach the doctrine of free enterprise loudest have succeeded by skills more akin to those of backroom politicians than of entrepreneurs .

  3. 啄食顺序理论在国外一些企业中得到广泛运用,被奉为企业融资的经典信条,我国一些企业也在积极探索和实践这一理论。

    Pecking-Order theory , a classic creed of enterprise financing , has been carried out widely in some enterprises in foreign countries , which also has been developed and practiced in some companies in China .