
  • 网络Enterprise Cultural Atmosphere
  1. 营造创业、创新的企业文化氛围。

    Advocate the cultural atmosphere of creativity and innovation .

  2. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .

  3. 近年来,信任的企业文化氛围被认为是企业取得竞争优势的关键。

    In recent years , organizational trust has been considered as the key factor that enterprises acquire competitive advantage .

  4. 第一条为加强公司管理,维护公司良好形象,特制定本规范,明确要求,规范行为,创造良好的企业文化氛围。

    Part one : The rules and regulations are set to maintain company image and create a good culture atmosphere in our company .

  5. 公司注重职工质量意识、安全意识及素质教育,形成了良好的企业文化氛围,取得了良好的社会效益。

    Companies focus on employee quality awareness , safety awareness and quality education , and formed a good corporate culture , and achieved good social benefits .

  6. 而注重相互之间的默契,形成和谐统一的企业文化氛围,则成为每一个中国企业追求的共同目标。

    It has become the common goal for all the Chinese enterprises to stress the mutual understanding and forming the harmonious and integrated corporate cultural atmosphere .

  7. 在创新机制建设方面,一是培育创新的企业文化氛围,二是建立创新激励制度。

    On the aspect innovation establishment , the newspaper should cultivate a innovative company culture circumstance , and built a creative , awarding and stimulating system .

  8. 尊重知识,尊重人才,努力营造有利于人才发展的制度环境、企业文化氛围和薪酬激励机制,是实施企业人才战略的有效选择

    The effective measures for them to implement talents strategy is to show respect to knowledge and talents , establish the system , cultural atmosphere and incentive mechanism , which is favorable for talents development

  9. 最后就系统规划的实施从项目管理、资金保障、组织结构调整、员工的参与和培训、企业文化氛围营造等方面做出安排,以保证公司顺利实施电子商务规划。

    Finally , makes plan for implement of the Systems Planning from the point views of Project Management , financing guarantee , organizational structure reorganizing , taking part in and training of the staff , constructing the Company 's culture , so as to ensure the new System 's realization .

  10. MUHU拥有训练有素的员工,在公司企业文化的氛围内对产品质量有着不懈的追求。

    MUHU 's personnel are well trained and are constantly guided by its corporate culture in search of excellence in work processes and product quality .

  11. 最后,营造企业创新文化氛围,树立创新意识能够激发创新积极性,并培养创新人才,提高企业经营素质和创新能力。

    Finally , create a corporate culture of innovation atmosphere can improve the business quality and innovation capability .

  12. 因此需要营造良好的发展社会企业的文化社会氛围,从政策上扶持和规范社会企业,加强社会企业自身的公信力和能力建设以促进北京市社会企业的进一步发展。

    We need to create a good atmosphere of cultural and social environment for social enterprises , support and regulate them with policies and strengthen the social enterprises ' own credibility and capacity building in order to promote the further sound development of social enterprises in Beijing .

  13. 对煤矿企业来说,企业安全文化氛围的浓厚程度能够直接影响企业员工对于安全生产的态和行为。

    For the coal mining enterprises , the corporate atmosphere of a strong safety culture can directly affect the level of employees for the safe production of the attitudes and behavior .

  14. ·优秀的企业文化:我们营造的企业文化氛围体现在企业经营管理的各项工作中。

    Outstanding enterprise culture : Our outstanding enterprise culture can be seen in the daily work of company .

  15. 没有现代化的企业文化理念和相适应的企业文化氛围已经成为民营企业发展的一大软肋。

    That has become the unsubstantial rib of the development of privately operated enterprise due to without both of modern enterprise culture ideas and suited atmosphere of enterprise culture .

  16. 简述了企业文化的内涵,阐述了建立良好的企业文化氛围在发电企业管理中的重要作用。

    Briefly describes the connotation of enterprises culture , illustrates setting up better enterprises culture atmosphere plays an important role in power generation enterprises management .

  17. 其次,企业应注重营造出一种适合精益成本管理实施的企业文化氛围,树立以人为本的观念,优化精益成本管理实施环境。

    Second , enterprises should focus on creating the implementation of the corporate culture for implementation of lean cost management ; foster a people-oriented concept , optimizing the implementation of lean cost management environment .

  18. 企业要以创造顾客价值为出发点,以企业获得持续回报为依靠,创建以顾客价值为中心的企业文化氛围,最终形成企业的核心竞争力。

    To create and form the core competence , enterprise must base on creating the customer value , obtaining the persistent reward , say profit , and building the certain culture in the enterprise .

  19. 同时,企业文化重塑具有渐进性,要吸收和借鉴传统文化和其他企业文化的先进经验,注重有效的制度保障和企业文化氛围的营造。

    On the other hand , rebuilding corporate culture is gradual process . We must absorb and refer to traditional culture and advanced factors and experience of other culture , emphasizing efficient protection system and building the atmosphere of corporate culture .

  20. 其次,是对企业文化的宣传、教育与传播,使广大员工认识到企业文化,了解企业文化建设的必要性,激发员工参与热情,以便创造良好的企业文化建设氛围。

    Second , do activities in culture spreading , educating and publicity , as to create good culture construction atmosphere , let whole staffs realize corporation culture , be aware the necessity of culture construction , and arouse their participating enthusiasm .