
  • 网络LOGO;Corporate identity;Corporate logo
  1. 木质七巧板、盆栽及蛋糕都可以打上企业标识。

    Wooden jigsaw puzzles can be cut , trees planted and cakes iced with the corporate logo .

  2. 创造你的企业标识和品牌,不能忽视的重要性,选择正确的色彩。

    In creating your logo and brand identity , never overlook the importance of choosing the right color .

  3. 更多高级的搜索参数包括企业标识、企业类别、URL和tModel的集合。

    More advanced search parameters include collections of business identifiers , business categories , URLs , and tModels .

  4. 如何建立企业标识系统

    How to Establish Signs System in Enterprises

  5. 本文分析了企业标识的作用,并提出了设计企业标识应遵循的基本原则。

    The effects of Corporate Identity , as well as its basic designing principles , are analysed .

  6. 现代经济是一种注意力经济,在聚集消费者注意力的各种企业标识中,商标居于核心地位。

    Modern economy attaches great importance to customers ' attention to enterprise signs and especially the trademarks .

  7. 并从企业标识、标准色和标准字体方面探讨在网络环境下企业视觉识别系统的建立;

    The visual identity system on the internet is also discussed from the corporate symbol , standard color and standard font .

  8. 根据所有的商业和个人需要创建无限的企业标识集,其中包括公司名称、联系信息和徽标。

    Create unlimited business identity sets for all your business and personal needs that include your company name , contact information , and logo .

  9. 当了解到一些顾客认为其企业标识较为平庸之后,五星电器设计了一个新的标识,看上去就像好莱坞动画专家绘制的卡通人物一样。

    When it learned that some customers considered the chain stodgy , Five Star developed a new icon : cartoon characters that appear to be drawn by Hollywood animators .

  10. 企业标识是企业的象征,是企业重要的无形资产,也是成功企业竞争致胜的有效办法之一。

    Corporate Identity is not only a symbol and an important invisible asset of a corporation , but also an effective weapon for corporations to compete and win a victory .

  11. 这可能是来自供应商的一个台历,也可能是你写字的免费水笔,你喝咖啡用的杯子,一个有着企业标识的日记本,甚或是你在自己的电脑上使用的U盘。

    Perhaps it 's a desk calendar from a supplier . It might be the freebie pen you 're writing with , the mug you 're drinking coffee from , a logo-embossed diary or even the USB memory stick you use on your computer .

  12. 办公室标识有很多具体项目,包括各类办公室科室牌、企业VI标识、员工座位标牌、公司门牌、指示牌、宣传海报等。

    Office identifies many specific projects , including various office licensing department , enterprise VI logo , staff seating signs , company numbers , signs , posters and so on .

  13. 企业员工标识统一管理系统的规划设计

    Planning and Designing An Unified Employe 's ID Management System

  14. 企业形象标识是企业对外宣传的名片,良好的企业形象是企业树立良好品牌的基础。

    Corporate identity logo corporate outreach business cards , a good corporate image is to establish a good brand .

  15. 在广告中有意识地突出企业形象标识的宣传,或者采用公共关系的手段塑造和扩展企业的整体形象。

    Stress the propaganda of the corporate image identification consciously in the advertisement , or the means to adopt public relations moulds and expands the overall image of enterprises .

  16. 文章结合实例,分析企业更换标识这一现象的原因和本质以及应该考虑的问题。

    With combination of basic theories and examples , the author discusses the reason and nature of the change of brand logo as well as the problems that deserve our concerns .

  17. 本论文基于条形码技术对制造企业产品标识与跟踪系统进行了研究和设计,将目标系统划分为数据采集子系统、数据库子系统以及查询与应用子系统三个部分。

    Based on barcode technology , this paper studies and designs product identifying and tracking system in manufacturing enterprise . It divides the target system into three parts , which are data collection subsystem , database subsystem and querying and application subsystem .

  18. 论述了集团式发电企业完整的标识系统的组成及基本设计原则,介绍了国际上比较著名的几种标识系统,如KKS、CCC、EIIS等;

    The composing , design principles of identification system for information management in power generation group are presented . The famous identification system such as KKS , CCC , EQS are introduced .

  19. 本文的研究可以为服装企业的品牌标识设计提供实用性和操作性较强的指导。

    This study will provide a helpful and applicable guidance to the practical design of apparel brand logos .

  20. 品牌是企业的产品标识,是宝贵的无形资产,品牌就是竞争力。

    Brand is the product labels , is a valuable intangible asset , the brand is the competitive edge !

  21. 企业在实施能效标识制度中值得注意的几个问题

    Some Crucial Points in Energy Labeling System ` s Implementation

  22. 使用令牌转换服务标准化企业中的用户标识格式。

    Standardizing user identity formats within the enterprise with the token transformation service .

  23. 企业如何标注产品标识

    How the Enterprises to Mark the Label of Products

  24. 集团式发电企业信息管理中标识系统的设计原则及方案

    Design Principles and Solution of Identification System for Information Management in Power Generation Group

  25. 最具戏剧性的案例之一是,两名华人在加拿大提交商标注册申请,企图注册逾60家中国企业的名称和标识。

    In one of the most dramatic cases , two Chinese individuals have applied for trademark registration in Canada for the names and logos of more than 60 Chinese companies .

  26. 作者运用美学营销知识探讨了识别品牌标识的研究方法,同时指出,研究和衡量企业或品牌的标识有助于帮助企业制订营销和管理决策。

    The author use the knowledge of aesthetics marketing discussed the method how to identify the brand identity , meanwhile , point out that studying and measureing the identity of the enterprise and brand will help the enterprises to make marketing and administration decisions .

  27. 对外,企业文化是企业的标识;

    Outside , the enterprise corporate culture is a symbol of the enterprise ;

  28. 大众传媒的迅速普及发展和知识经济全球化,作为企业特别是知名企业的商标标识,其无形资产的价值今非昔比,代表的价值与日俱增,已经将成为二十一世纪最有利的市场经济竞争手段之一。

    With the rapid spread of mass media and the globalization of the knowledge economy , the value of the trademark in business enterprises especially in well-known corporations are increasing and will become one of the most beneficial competition ways in the market-oriented economy in twenty-first century .

  29. 这标志着一种惊人转变,大企业最初对于在社交网站上作广告心存疑虑,因为网站用户似乎对广告有排斥心理,而且企业担心其标识可能与一些冒犯的内容同时出现。

    This marks a striking shift as large companies were initially hesitant to advertise on social networks , since users appeared resistant to advertising and there were fears that corporate logos might appear alongside offensive content .