
  1. 成功的企业仪式和庆祝活动,是企业沟通的重要途径。

    Successful corporate rituals and celebrations are important ways of corporate communications .

  2. 发展食品添加剂工业,推动食品工业技术创新&在中国食品添加剂和食品配料行业百强企业授牌仪式上的讲话

    Develop Food Additive Industry , Promote the Technical Innovation in Food Industry & Speech at the conference of top 100 companies in China food additive and ingredient industry

  3. 最近一个暴雨如注的周二下午,美国前副总统艾尔o戈尔和一众硅谷高管聚集在一个他们似乎不大可能出现的地方——阿肯色州奥西奥拉市,参加一家很有前途的新企业的动工仪式。

    On a recent , rather stormy Tuesday afternoon , former U.S. vice president Al Gore and an assortment of Silicon Valley executives assembled in an unlikely spot - Osceola , Arkansas - to break ground on a promising new venture .

  4. 通过对S企业价值观的内容进行厘定,进而确定企业仪式文化的构成,在具体原则及指导下构建企业仪式文化体系,并说明其功能发挥机制。

    After considering and clarifying and the content of S Corporate Values , construct the corporate rites and rituals culture under certain principle , and point out its mechanism of its function .

  5. 企业文化源于美日比较管理学研究热潮。企业文化是由企业的环境、企业的价值观、企业中的英雄、企业的典礼及仪式以及文化网络构成。

    Enterprise culture , resulting from the upsurge of study of US and Japanese comparative management science , consists of the environment , values , heroes or heroines , ceremonies and rites as well as cultural network of an enterprise .