
  • 网络Corporate style;Enterprise Style
  1. ATF为传统的特性松散的开放源码开发工具提供了完全的企业风格的开发环境,许多开发人员在该环境中工作感到轻松自在。

    The ATF is what gives traditionally sparsely featured open source development tools the full enterprise-style development environment that many developers are comfortable working in .

  2. 新一轮出版集团的发展已显示出独特的企业风格。

    The new round of development of the publishing industry has appeared unique chinese style .

  3. 我觉得百度的文化就是简单,彼此间都可以依靠,这也是我欣赏的企业风格。

    I feel the culture of Baidu is simple , those can be depended on here , this also is the business style that I enjoy .

  4. 许多人认为,戴维·帕卡德的主要遗产或许是他的企业管理风格。

    Many believe that David Packard 's chief legacy may be his management style .

  5. 结合企业决策风格,提出一种引入企业声誉的竞争合作进化博弈模型。

    According to the enterprise decision-making style , a new model introducing reputation into enterprise 's competition and cooperation evolutionary game is proposed .

  6. 办公室标牌的设计制作应当与企业装修风格相适应,成为集实用与美观与一体的办公点缀。

    Office signage design should be compatible with the corporate style of the decoration , a set of functional and beautiful office with one embellishment .

  7. 设计中始终保持三一企业的风格、产品造型美观、可制造性强、特点鲜明,为起重机乃至工程机械造型提供有益的理论总结和实践经验。

    It is always to maintain the style of the enterprise , the products of good appearance , manufacturability , distinct characteristics , and to provide a useful theory and practical experience for construction machinery designs .

  8. 加盟连锁企业不同经营风格的比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Different Management Styles in Allied Chain Enterprises

  9. 企业文化管理风格经营策略与绩效之关系(下)&奇美企业之个案研究

    Ralations of enterprise culture , Management style , management Tactics and benefit result ⅱ

  10. 论企业兼并地域风格在印度

    On Mergers Among Chinese Enterprises Indian Regional Style

  11. 这些只是我们的想法,如果符合你企业的经营风格和环境,就可以按照你自己的方式加以运用。

    These are our thoughts , and you will have to decide as you work your way through the checklist whether they match your business style and environment .

  12. 某些领导风格与组织绩效在静态数据上获得显著性的结果,这有助于理解在小型家族式制造企业中领导风格如何影响组织绩效。

    The fact statically significant correlations are only found between leadership styles and organizational performance can assist with the understanding of how the leadership style affects the organizational performance in family owned small manufacturing enterprises .

  13. 为了更好的重用已有的资源,提高软件开发的效率,提出了一种新的企业信息系统架构风格&面向服务架构(SOA)。

    In order to be better reuse of existing resources and improve the efficiency of software development , a new style of Enterprise Information Architecture - Service-Oriented Architecture is put forward .

  14. 高层管理人员的行为、对危机的应对以及最常谈论的事情都能给企业文化定下风格基调。

    The behavior of members of the senior team , their reactions in crises and what they routinely talk about , all sets the tone of the culture .

  15. 普罗是一个独特的公司,你们不像普通的中国企业,有德国企业的风格。

    You are a unique company , not like Chinese company , more like a Germany company .

  16. 任务导向与员工导向:一项关于国营企业和中外合资企业领导风格的比较研究

    Task-oriented Leadership and Employee-oriented Leadership : A Comparing study of Leadership Styles in State Owned Enterprises and International Joint Ventures

  17. 相互之间竞争的差异化体现在企业经营理念、企业经营风格和企业人才的素质。

    Now the competition among manufacturers is the same quality of the competition . Competition is between the differentiation in the enterprise management , enterprise management style and quality of enterprises .

  18. 文章对中国国营企业和中外合资企业的领导风格进行了比较研究。

    This article is a comparing study of leadership styles in state owned enterprises and international joint ventures in China .

  19. 同时也总结了企业经营业务类型、企业领导者风格、企业规模三个维度与企业文化之间相关性。

    Also summarizes the correlations between the business types , enterprise leaders style , enterprise scale three dimensions and the enterprise culture .

  20. 企业文化是企业精神、企业作用和企业风格的总和。

    The enterprise culture is the summation of enterprise spirit , action and style .