
  1. 搞好企业意识形态领域的建设是塑造企业形象的关键,提高产品质量和服务质量是塑造企业形象的重要保证。

    The key to build the enterprise is to build the ideological sphere well .

  2. 绿色制度变迁具有外部性强、效益多样且具有长期性、不确定性和风险性较强等特点,它在实质上是政府和社会向企业传递意识形态和价值标准的过程。

    With great exterior effects , kinds of long-term benefits and a great uncertainty and risk , green institutional transition is a process substantially , in which government and society pass their ideology and values to enterprise .

  3. 企业文化作为意识形态的一个概念,在企业管理的工作中则是经济发展的环境要素,或推动或阻碍企业的发展。

    Corporate Culture , as one the most important ideological concept , is a critical environmental factor of economic development with respect to the enterprise management , which shall promote or obstacle the development of an enterprise .