
  • 网络logo;corporate identity
  1. 企业标志折射企业文化

    The logo reflecting the corporate culture

  2. 在这样的时代背景下企业标志形象的理解才达到成熟。

    In this era of corporate logo image against the background of understanding to reach maturity .

  3. 谈CI设计中企业标志的设计

    Corporate Symbol in CI Design

  4. 浅析中国企业标志设计的民族性

    Analysis of National Traits of China CI Design

  5. 从纷繁众多的企业标志再设计中,我们依稀可以看出一个优秀的标志设计就意味着一笔好的生意。

    From numerous logo redesign , we can vaguely see a good logo design means a good business .

  6. 企业标志很显眼地在投影仪上显示,同时公司副总裁也出面介绍金将军的身份。

    The corporate logo was prominently displayed in the background and he was introduced by a company vice president .

  7. 如果你的企业标志能够充分体现你公司的专业性,它必然是令人信赖的。

    Your business logo can only be credible based if it is able to represent your business expertise fully .

  8. 为了突显企业标志的识别度,所有设计要素应保持所有规定的预留规范。

    For the sake of highlight the enterprise 's symbols , all the design elements shall keep stipulated obligate specification .

  9. 特许经营的基本特征在于:(一)特许人拥有注册商标、企业标志、专利等经营资源;

    The basic features of franchise are that : 1.the franchiser owns a registered trademark , logo , patent or any other business resource ;

  10. 在整个视觉识别系统中企业标志是它的核心部分,是视觉识别系统的灵魂。

    Corporate logo is the core of the entire corporate visual identity system , and it is the soul of the visual identity system .

  11. 相对于其他的企业标志,娱乐表演标志具有短暂性、参与性、道具性的特点。

    Compared with other firm marks , entertainment performance mark has its different features as temporality and participation , and always act as a prop .

  12. 我们设计一个企业标志,以符合贵公司的观点,并能吸引你的目标市场,而区别于你的竞争者中脱颖而出。

    We design a corporate identity to match the perspective of your company and to be attractive to your target market whilst differentiating you from your competitors .

  13. 还有一些人认为,这项规定是违反劳动法的。此外,员工每天若不携带印有企业标志的环保袋,也会给予罚款的处罚。

    Others say they believe the policy violates labour laws , and that fines were also meted out for things like not carrying bags featuring the corporate logo .

  14. 以豪华的名义,以及更好地代表喷气机队,两军协议,一起分享这个用了最后确立的企业标志的新体育馆。

    In the name of more luxury boxes , and greater presence for the Jets , the teams agreed to share the new stadium with its eventual corporate logo .

  15. 通过论述,使人们了解企业标志设计的视觉传达规律,逐步认识优秀的标志设计对企业形象宣传的作用。

    After those discussion , we can get a general comprehension of the corporate logo design rules of visual communication , and gradually understand the best logo design for enterprise-shaped .

  16. 在现代市场经济条件下,大公司、大集团的作用日益重要,已经成为现代工商企业标志和民族产业实力的象征。

    Under the modern market economy condition , the function of big company , big group is increasingly important . They have already become the modern symbol of industrial and commercial logo and national industry 's strength .

  17. 同时,大部分的户外广告作品中都能看到平面广告的影子,画面上大都是字体较大的广告语、清晰的企业标志,背景是图形或者图像,缺少创意和趣味性。

    At the same time , most outdoor advertising reflects the characteristics of print ads with larger ad script and clearer business logo , and the backgrounds are always graphs or images , lack of creativity and enjoyment .

  18. 研究过程中综合了各种设计因素,无论是视觉的、还是心理的,无论是对传统文化的传承还是对现代流行元素的提炼,对企业标志设计的研究与发展提供了理论和现实的依据。

    In the course of the study , we make a combination of various factors , visual or psychological , the heritage of traditional culture or elements of modern pop refined , in logo design-to-business research , which provides a theoretical and practical basis .

  19. 企业标志是企业视觉形象的核心,企业标志不仅是调动所有视觉要素的主导力量,也是整合所有视觉要素的中心,更是社会大众认同企业品牌的代表。

    Enterprise logo is a visual image of the core business , the corporate logo not only a mobilization of all the visual elements of the leading forces , but also integrate all the visual elements of the centre , the community is recognized brand representatives .

  20. 因此,从某种意义来讲,再设计比设计更为重要,企业标志再设计的研究有助于企业最大限度地规避品牌老化,保持品牌的新鲜与活力,促使企业不断与时俱进,实现持续发展。

    Therefore , in some sense , " re-design " is more important than the " design ", the designing of corporate logo can helps companies maximized avoid the brand aging process , keep freshness and vitality , encourage enterprises to keep up with the times and achieve sustainable development .

  21. 传统中药企业的标志,桂林三金药业有限责任公司在2009年将成为中国首家IPO。

    Guilin Sanjin Pharmaceutical Co. , a maker of traditional Chinese medicines , will be the first China IPO of any sector in2009 .

  22. 令人满意的客户服务是优质企业的标志。

    Good customer service is the mark of a good company .

  23. 近年来,企业更换标志早已演变成时尚潮流。

    In recent years , companies replace the logo has already evolved into fashion .

  24. 企业识别标志与商业艺术性

    Identification Sign of Enterprise and Art of Business

  25. 研究表明,企业地理标志茶叶生产的经济效益受到许多因素的影响。

    Research shows that enterprise geographical indication Huangshan teas production economic benefits is affected by a lot of factors .

  26. 商标是一个现代企业的标志,注册企业自己的商标是企业走向社会化和国际化的一个重要步骤,任何知名企业都不希望自己的商标被注册或被恶意注册。

    Trademark is the sign of the enterprise . Trademark image registered is the landmark for the enterprise to the modem and international .

  27. 化工自动化水平是现代化工企业重要标志之一,它与化工工艺设备息息相关。

    The automation level in chemical industry , which is closely bound up with chemical processing equipments represents one of the significant signs in modern chemical enterprises .

  28. 1873他毅然离开怡和洋行,参与轮船招商局的改组,成功地接管了近代中国自办的第一个大型的资本主义企业,标志着他由洋行买办向民族资本家的转变。

    Soon they triumphantly took over the first large capitalistic enterprise self-run by China , which was the symbol of his changing from a comprador to a national capitalist .

  29. 1871年建成的福州船政局所属铁厂成为近代中国第一家钢铁企业,标志着中国钢铁工业的诞生。

    In 1871 , the Forging Plant and Metal Rolling Plant belonged to Fuzhou Dockyard was established , which was the first iron and steel enterprise and marked the birth of Chinese iron and steel industry .

  30. 文中论述了CE标志和《技术协调与标准化新方法》指令之间的关系,给出了企业获得CE标志的具体步骤。

    The article describes the relations between CE mark and directives of European harmonized standards , and presents the detailed procedures on how to get CE mark .