
  1. 构建我国咨询企业风险约束机制初探

    Preliminary Exploration of the Construction of a Risk Control Mechanism in the Consulting Company in China

  2. 国有企业风险处置机制存在缺失,既未能有效防范风险的发生,在遭遇风险时,单个企业也明显缺乏处置能力;

    SOEs have defects in risk management mechanism . The existent mechanism is either incapable of effectively preventing risks or managing well the occurred risks .

  3. 因此,建立一套咨询企业风险约束机制是确保咨询活动成功的前提与保障。

    Therefore , setting up a risk control mechanism in the consulting company is the prerequisite and guarantee to ensuring the success of the consulting activity .

  4. 风险导向内部控制正是基于此背景环境下提出的一种现代内控模式,它除了关注传统的内部控制之外,更加关注企业风险管理机制的有效性和公司治理结构的健全性。

    Risk-oriented internal control just based on this background . It is a modern internal control mode . It pays more attention to the effectiveness of the enterprise risk management mechanism and the sanity of the corporate governance structure , not just on the traditional internal control .

  5. 基于供应链管理的企业物流风险预警机制研究

    On Early Warning Mechanism of Enterprise Logistics Risk Based on Supply Chain Management

  6. 现代企业风险投资保障机制的建立

    Risky Investment Ensuring System in Modern Enterprises

  7. 以网络化治理理论为基础,实现企业法律风险预警机制网络化。

    Based on the theory of network governance , the networking of enterprise legal risk warning mechanism can be realized .

  8. 内部控制作为企业的风险防范机制和治理机制对于企业和投资者的意义重大。

    As the mechanism for corporate governance and risk prevention , Internal control has most significance to all companies and investors .

  9. 为了保证联盟的稳定性,第三方担保机制可应用于建筑企业联盟风险防范机制的构建。

    To ensure the stability of the alliances , Third-party guarantee mechanism is a suitable choice which is adopted on alliances .

  10. 银行建立起合理的中小企业贷款风险决策机制不仅能解决中小企业贷款难现状,同时可以满足在利率市场化条件下商业银行对经济利润的追求。

    It can not only resolve SMEs ' loan difficulty , but also meet pursuit profit in interest rate market of commercial bank to establish risk making-policy mechanism .

  11. 本部分从强化法律风险防范意识和完善企业法律风险防范机制着手,提出了把法律风险防范与企业经营管理人员的考核相联系的建议。

    It starts from consolidating the legal risk prevention and perfecting the legal risk prevention system , and suggests combining the legal risk prevention with the staffs in the enterprises .

  12. 商业银行建立合理的中小企业授信风险管理机制不仅对解决中小企业融资难题具有积极意义,对于目前利润空间日益缩小的商业银行也具有很强的现实意义。

    For commercial banks , to establish a sound mechanism of risk management in SMEs credit extension is not only meaningful to help SMEs to get financing , but also helpful for commercial banks themselves whose profit margin is becoming increasingly narrower .

  13. 本文主要研究高新技术企业风险投资的退出机制,在分析高新技术企业风险投资退出动因和功能的基础上,研究风险投资退出的不同渠道:IPO和非IPO方式。

    This paper studies exit mechanism of venture investment in high-tech enterprise , in the analysis of high-tech enterprises and venture capital exit function of motivation on the basis of the different exit channels for venture investment : IPO and non-IPO mode .

  14. 金融企业管理与风险控制机制更加完善。

    Financial business is better managed and business risk closely controlled .

  15. 我国企业年金投资风险管理机制的再设计

    Redesign of China 's Corporate Pension Risk Compensation Mechanism

  16. 中国石油企业海外经营风险预警机制研究

    Research on the Risk Early-Warning Mechanism in Overseas Business of China Petroleum Enterprises

  17. 企业动态联盟风险转移机制研究

    The Risk Transformation Mechanism of Enterprise Dynamic Alliance

  18. 中国企业年金投资风险治理机制的建构:一个新的视角

    On the Construction of Investment Risk Governance Mechanism of Enterprise Pension : A New Perspective

  19. 本文重点是对中小民营科技企业人才流失风险识别机制的研究,试图建立起人才流失的风险识别模型,从而为企业有效的开展人力资源管理工作提供理论支持。

    This article focused on the study of risk identification mechanism of the brain drain in small private technology enterprises , and it tried to establish a risk identification model of the brain drain . It provided a theoretical support for enterprises to carry out effective human resource management .

  20. 根据电子商务环境下企业风险的特点,在建立企业风险模糊描述机制的基础上,基于模糊ISODATA聚类法,对企业风险管理的关键问题&企业风险分类进行研究。

    The characteristics of risk for EC enterprise are analyzed . Enterprise risk sorting , which is one of the key problems of risk management under EC environments , is studied by using fuzzy ISODATA cluster based on fuzzy describing of risks .

  21. 本研究深入剖析浙江省民营企业担保圈危机,刻画民营企业担保风险扩散机制。

    This study analyzes in depth the private enterprises ' guarantee circle crisis in Zhejiang Province , depicting private enterprises ' guarantee risk diffusion mechanism .

  22. 本文介绍了企业协作研发的风险及其分类,而后提出了若干防范企业协作风险的管理机制。

    This paper introduces enterprise ' R D and its ' category , and then supplies some management mechanism to prevent R D risks of enterprises .

  23. 频频发生的关联企业巨额贷款损失案件暴露出我国现行关联企业制度的缺陷以及我国商业银行关联企业信贷风险控制机制的漏洞。

    Frequent occurrence of cases in-volving colossal loan losses in this regard reveal the flaws in the current system concerning connected enterprises and loopholes in the mechanism of credit risk control over connected enterprises by our commercial banks .

  24. 环境保险制度和企业环境风险信息公开制度的建立正体现了政府指导和经济刺激等手段,从而建立政府-企业-社会的相互作用的综合企业环境风险规制机制。

    The setting-up of the system of the environmental insurance and the environmental risk information disclosing of an enterprise have reflected the government 's means which guide and amazing economy . Thus the government set up the government-Enterprises-Interactive risk structure mechanism of comprehensive environment of an enterprise of the society .

  25. 但是某些限制因素,如企业的经济实力、企业对风险的控制能力、税收和货币政策等,影响着企业自留风险决策的效果。第三章,分析保险公司与企业风险财务处理机制的关系。

    There 're some limitations to risk retention , such as financial strength , risk control ability , and taxation and monetary policy and so on .