
  • 网络Corporate governance mechanism;enterprise governance
  1. 转轨时期国有企业治理机制的创新

    Innovation of State-owned Enterprise Governance Mechanism in the Transitional Period

  2. 本文对公司治理理论在行政垄断企业改革中的运用,以及行政垄断企业治理机制的优化展开了全方位的研究。

    This paper describes a full research for the utilization of corporate governance theory in the enterprise reform of administrative monopoly and the optimization of enterprise governance mechanism of administrative monopoly .

  3. 进入权&新的企业治理机制

    The Access Right & the New Management Mechanism of the Enterprise

  4. 现代企业治理机制下的内部控制制度

    The inside controlling system under the modern enterprise management mechanism

  5. 利益冲突与企业治理机制的整合&与宋胜洲、傅彬商榷

    The Conflicts of Interest and Integration of Corporate Governance Mechanism

  6. 股权融资与企业治理机制研究

    Research on the Equity Finance and Firm Mechanism of Governance

  7. 我国家族式企业治理机制的优化

    Study On the Optimized Governance of Family Business in China

  8. 中小企业治理机制优化研究

    The Research about Optimizing the Governance Mechanism of SME

  9. 国有投资公司在完善国有企业治理机制中的角色定位研究

    The Role of State-owned Investment Corporations in Regulating State-owned Enterprises ' Corporate Governance

  10. 我国家族企业治理机制研究

    The Search to Governance Mechanism of the Family Business Enterprises in My Country

  11. 信任、交易费用与中国家族企业治理机制

    Trust , Transaction Cost and the Governance Mechanism of China 's Family Firms

  12. 企业治理机制越完善,企业绩效越良好;

    The more perfect corporate governance is , the better enterprise 's performance is ;

  13. 日本金融体系及企业治理机制的转型

    Transition of Japanese Financial System and Corporate Governance

  14. 虚拟企业治理机制研究

    Study on Governance Mechanism of Virtual Corporation

  15. 风险投资行为中的委托代理关系与创业企业治理机制的研究

    Venture Capital Research on the Principal & Agent and Corporate Governance Mechanisms of Venture Company

  16. 高技术风险企业治理机制分析

    Governance Mechanisms of High-technology Venture Firm

  17. 在现代企业治理机制中,由于委托代理关系的存在,股东和高管存在目标不一致的矛盾。

    In modern corporate mechanisms , due to the existence of principal-agent relationship , targets between shareholders and top managers sometimes are not the same .

  18. 是完善现代企业治理机制,确保出资人有效行使决策权、知情权和监督权的重要举措。

    It is an important action to consummate the modern enterprise management system and guarantee the investors ' efficient rights of decision-making , information and supervision .

  19. 高度经济增长时期日本形成了银行中心的金融体系及企业治理机制。本文依据金融体系设计和构筑的经济学理论,对日本金融体系及企业治理机制需要转型的理由加以分析。

    Based on the economics theory of financial system 's architecture , this dissertation analyzes why the Japanese financial system and corporate governance must undergo change .

  20. 一个健康有效的内部审计部门可以在改善企业治理机制、完善企业内部控制、加强企业风险管理等方面起到重要的作用。

    A sound and effective internal audit department will contribute significantly to the improvement of corporate governance mechanism and internal audit , the enhancement of risk management .

  21. 股权结构的均衡与合理程度直接关系到企业治理机制的完善,进而影响企业的经营绩效。

    The balance and ration of equity structure concerns with the perfection of the firm mechanism of governance directly , and then influences the management performances of firms .

  22. 第五章主要从独立审计的微观基础&事务所内部管理出发,研究了合理的企业治理机制和有效风险防范对于事务所发展重要性。

    Chapter 5 expounds that accounting firms are the micro-foundation of audit profession . It is very important for accounting firms to improve business management and efficiently control business risks .

  23. 并总结了国际成熟的投资安排机制、参与管理机制、风险控制机制、企业治理机制等特殊风险投资运营微观监控机制经验。

    The paper summarizes the international mature experiences of investment arranging mechanism , joining management mechanism , corporate governance mechanism and so on microcosmic monitor mechanism of venture capital operation .

  24. 本文讨论这一制度安排与私营企业治理机制演进的关系,重点解决三个问题:为什么实行员工持股计划?

    In this thesis , we discuss the relationship between ESOP and the evolution of private corporate governance , and emphasize on the problems as follows : Why is ESOP put into practice ?

  25. 融资工具创新与民营创业企业治理机制的研究证券业创新的风险及其防范思路&基于美国证券工具创新的教训

    Research on the Relationship between Innovation of Financial Instruments and the Governance Mechanism of Private Corporation in China ; Risk Prevention and Countermeasures on Securities Industry Innovation & Lessons from American Securities Tool Innovation

  26. 本文主要研究企业治理机制和企业外部治理的作用;不同企业治理模式的外部治理特征及其治理模式的完善问题。

    This paper makes a study of the managerial mechanism of enterprises and the function of external management , and examines the characteristics of external management of different managerial modes and the perfection of managerial modes .

  27. 这样,企业治理机制和市场机制本身不可能生产足够的信息并有效地配置它们,使委托代理关系总是处于一种信息不对称状态。

    As a result , entrustment and agency are always in an asymmetric situation of information because it is impossible for the enterprise management mechanism and market mechanism themselves to produce enough information and distribute it efficiently .

  28. 在此基础上,总结出员工持股使企业治理机制优化的三大效应:监督约束效应、激励效应、筹资效应,并佐以相关案例进行实证分析。

    On the basis of the above , we sum up three effects brought by ESOP , which attribute to the improvement of the internal governance mechanism in private enterprises , then provide two cases for empirical analysis .

  29. 在人力资源战略的实施上,突出强调从国有企业治理机制层面解决人力资源的思路,以对员工人性认识的提高,作为推行各项人力资源管理措施的保障。

    When carrying out the human resource strategy , from the point of corporate governance institute of state-own enterprise , we stressed that ensuring measures which are carried out should depend on the awareness of human nature of staff being heightened .

  30. 产权的内容、对象、实现方式等决定了其主体在企业治理机制中的作用和地位,产权之间的统一与分离状况决定了企业的制度模式。

    The contents , object and means of realization of property rights decide the function and position of its body in the mechanisms of governance of the enterprise , while unification and separation of property rights decide the system model of an enterprise .