
  • 网络Enterprise Ecosystem;Business Ecosystem;corporate ecosystem
  1. 为了能让SA企业生态系统变得更有活力,召集一些具有广泛互补技能的用户是非常重要的。

    To stimulate a vibrant SA enterprise ecosystem , it 's important to bring together users with a range of complementary skills .

  2. 企业生态系统及质量文化中的价值理念模型

    Enterprise Ecosystem and the Value Concept Model in its Quality Culture

  3. 基于CAS视角的组织创新观网络环境下企业生态系统的适应性创新机制研究

    Organizational Innovation in the Complex Adaptive System Perspective On the Adaptive Innovation Mechanisms of Business Ecosystem in the Network Environments

  4. 这宗IPO以及其他类似的IPO(比如Groupon、Zynga)将为很多人和机构创造巨大的流动财富,而这些人和机构可能将财富重新投入初创企业生态系统中。

    This IPO and others like it ( e.g. , Groupon , Zynga ) will create tremendous liquid wealth for a number of people and institutions who will likely pour that wealth back into the start-up ecosystem .

  5. 网络环境下企业生态系统的适应性创新机制研究

    On the Adaptive Innovation Mechanisms of Business Ecosystem in the Network Environments

  6. 自主创新主体地位的实现与企业生态系统构建

    Realization of Main Body Status of Independent Invention and Design of Enterprise Ecosystem

  7. 企业生态系统不同组织结构的适应性比较

    Comparison of Different Organization Structure in Business Ecosystem

  8. 企业生态系统研究:生态位理论与企业竞争策略

    Research of Enterprise Ecology System : Ecology Position Theory and Enterprise 's Competitive Strategy

  9. 回流到初创企业生态系统的这些资金无疑将促进繁荣。

    That liquidity flowing back into the start-up ecosystem will arguably fuel the boom .

  10. 基于企业生态系统的管理学研究纲领

    On Management Research Programs Based on Enterprise Ecosystem

  11. 促进农业产业化和培育企业生态系统创新网络。

    Foster innovation network of enterprise ecosystem .

  12. 企业生态系统时代的竞争战略

    Competition Strategy on Enterprise Ecosystem Age

  13. 产业结构的调整和升级必须以整个企业生态系统的健康运行为前提。

    The industry restructuring and developing must on the condition of health of the enterprise ecosystem .

  14. 从企业生态系统的观点对虚拟企业仿生化的概念及特征进行了论述。

    From the view of enterprise ecosystem , the article analyzes the bionic definition and characteristics of virtual enterprise .

  15. 自那以后,伦敦和纽约等城市共同努力,建立更加坚韧的初创企业生态系统。

    Since then , cities such as London and New York have made concerted efforts to build more durable start-up ecosystems .

  16. 文中所建立的方法对于把握高科技企业生态系统的健康运行规律具有一定意义。

    The method established in the article has the certain significance to understand the healthy operation rules of high-tech enterprise ecosystem .

  17. 现代物流业与先进制造业的协同演化研究基于企业生态系统协同演化的管理研究

    Study on the Synergetic Evolution of morden logistics Industry and advanced manufacturing Industry Business Management Based on Co-evolution of Enterprise Ecosystem

  18. 在这种模式下,IT在提供数以千计的特定行业甚至企业生态系统的具体服务时不再成为系统瓶颈。

    In this mode , IT is less of a bottleneck when it comes to providing the thousands of industry-specific and even enterprise-ecosystem-specific services .

  19. 主要介绍了企业生态系统和企业协同竞争的相关理论基础;第三部分,我国企业生态系统协同竞争态势。

    Introduces the ecology and enterprise business collaboration competition theory and related literature review . The third part of nuclear industry enterprises Ecosystem Analysis .

  20. 在一个环境资源有限的企业生态系统中,企业之间的竞争程度与其生态位重叠的程度成比例关系。

    The paper holds that the degree of competition between enterprises is proportional to their niche overlap in an enterprise ecosystem where the environmental resources are limited .

  21. 架构师的一个很重要的动机是确保整个企业生态系统可以正常工作,即使面对不断变化的需求和功能。

    One important incentive for architects is to make sure that the entire enterprise ecosystem continues to function , even in the face of changing requirements and capabilities .

  22. 企业生态系统中最基础且最重要的指标就是员工,员工的整体稳定性和工作效能对企业的发展壮大发挥着决定性作用。

    The most basic and most important indicator of enterprise ecosystem is employees , whose overall stability and work efficiency will play a decisive role in enterprises development and growth .

  23. 本文所研究的伙伴选择的空间范围仅限于核心生态系统,时间范围则是企业生态系统的构建过程。

    In this paper , the choice of partners in the study room is limited to the core ecosystem , and the time frame is the process of the enterprise ecosystem .

  24. 其次,分别从物质流、知识流、文化流、信息流等方面分析了企业生态系统的功能流交换机制,提出了改进功能流交换的措施。

    Secondly , the current mechanism of function-flows including materials , knowledge , culture , information and so on in business ecosystem is analyzed and the improvement measures on them are presented .

  25. 基于耗散结构理论,对企业生态系统动态演化的机制进行了研究,得出其动态演化是自组织和环境选择相结合的结果。

    Based on the theory of dissipative structure , its evolutionary mechanism is studied . The conclusion is that the evolution of business ecosystem results from combining self-organization with environmental selection . 3 .

  26. 在知识经济时代,高科技企业生态系统面临的核心挑战是随着系统形成和实施其战略决策而获得个人积极的和自愿的合作。

    In the era of knowledge economy , core challenge faced by high-tech enterprise ecosystem is voluntary and active cooperation between individuals accessed by formation and implementation of strategic decision-making of the system .

  27. 有关组织和环境之间的关系问题一直就是理论界关心的热点问题之一,而网络环境下企业生态系统的适应性创新机制研究则更是理论前沿问题。

    The study on the relation between organization and environment is one of the focuses among the theorist , while the adaptive innovation mechanisms of business ecosystem theory in network environments are the newest theoretical concept .

  28. 借鉴国外的经验,发掘高科技企业生态系统的成长轨迹与演进机理,对促进现有高科技企业生态系统层次提升、促进系统持续成长、提高发展中国家高科技企业生态系统的成长与发展具有重要意义。

    It is significant to learn from foreign experience and explore growth track and mechanism of evolution of high-tech enterprise ecosystem in promoting the level and continuous growth of existing high-tech enterprise ecosystem , and in developing countries .

  29. 运用生态位理论中的竞争排斥法则,提出错位竞争策略以及高科技企业生态系统的建立是高科技企业规避竞争风险的有效策略之一,并给出了错位竞争的具体对策建议。

    Finally , employing competition repulsion principle of niche , we proves that alternate position competition and the foundation of hi-tech enterprises ' ecological system are efficient strategy to prevent competitive risk , and provides concrete countermeasure of alternate position competition .

  30. 本文运用生态学、复杂科学、管理学、经济学、组织行为学等跨学科的有关理论,对企业生态系统的内涵特征、动态演化规律、演化机制和运作管理进行了深入研究。

    The theory of ecology , complexity science , management science , economics , organizational behavior and some other relative theories are involved in this dissertation in researching deeply the meaning and characteristics , the rule and mechanism of dynamic evolvement , and operational management of business ecosystem .