
quán biàn lǐ lùn
  • contingency theory
  1. 绩效导向的物流组织结构设计模型&以权变理论为基础

    Performance-oriented Design Model for Logistics Organization Structure Based on Contingency Theory

  2. 权变理论是当前西方管理学中一种较流行的理论。

    Contingency Theory is a popular theory in current western management sciences .

  3. 本文结合AB汽车服务公司自身的特点,主要运用劳动分工、组织及权变理论,并基于战略、职能和业务流程三个要素对岗位体系现状进行分析、研究与优化设计。

    The thesis uses the theory of specialization of labor , organization and contingency and bases on the self-character of AB automobile service company . There are three elements : strategy , function and business flow based for the analysis , research and optimization of the job system .

  4. 基于权变理论的高校教师评价的探讨

    Study of College Teacher Evaluation Based on the Adaptability Theory

  5. 刍议权变理论在高校就业指导工作中的应用

    Application of Tactic Flexibility Theory for College Student Employment

  6. 菲德勒权变理论及其在学校管理中的运用

    Fiedler Contingency Theory and Its Applications in School Management

  7. 基于权变理论的质量管理体系设计

    The design of quality systems based on contingency approach

  8. 翻译批评的语境视角:一种权变理论的阐释

    Translation Criticism from the Perspective of Context : Explanation Based on Contingency Theory

  9. 基于系统权变理论的高校科研团队模式研究

    The Model Reserch of University Scientific Research Teams Based on the System Contingency Theory

  10. 权变理论认为组织变革是组织获得绩效提升的有效途径。

    Contingency theory suggests that organizational change is an effective way to get performance improvement .

  11. 转型领导理论是继领导特质理论、领导行为理论、领导权变理论后于20世纪80年代发展起来的新魅力领导理论。

    Transformational Leadership Theory appeared in 1980s as a kind of new charismatic leadership theory .

  12. 领导权变理论述评

    On the Contingency Theories of leadership

  13. 并在研究中应用权变理论来分析日本企业文化中的积极因素。

    And in the study application " contingent theory " to analyze the positive factors of Japanese enterprise culture .

  14. 对组织结构设计权变理论的实际应用进行有益尝试;

    So that : Firstly , beneficially attempt to apply the flexible factor theory of organizing framework design to practice ;

  15. 权变理论视角下企业内部治理模式对企业绩效影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Influence of the Corporate Governance Structure on the Performance of Enterprises under the Contingency Theory

  16. 作为现代管理理论重要组成部分之一的权变理论应用于高校就业指导工作同样意义重大。

    As an important component of contemporary management theory , the tactic flexibility theory applied in college student employment guidance also has significance .

  17. 权变理论认为一种战略的过程会受到组织内外部情境的影响,这种影响可能是正面的,也可能是负面的。

    Contingency theory suggests that a strategic process could be affected by internal and external situation of the organization , positively or negatively .

  18. 本文认为,权变理论为我们测量、分析这种差异,提供了规范、可靠的工具。

    The article thinks , the contingency theory as we provide measurement , analysis of this difference , provides a standard , reliable tool .

  19. 从现代管理理论来看,行为科学、权变理论以及战略管理理论都要求将非财务指标引入评价系统。

    From modern management theoretic perspectives , behavioural science , contingency theory and strategic managerial theory all need incorporate nonfinancial measures in the evaluation systems .

  20. 没有天下统一适用的内部控制,因此,权变理论内部控制的研究进入了研究者的视角。

    There is no uniform application of internal control in the world ; therefore , the internal control of contingency theory comes into researchers ' perspective .

  21. 本文阐述了领导力理论的研究从特质理论、行为理论、权变理论逐渐发展到现代综合领导理论。

    This paper describes the theoretical study of leadership from trait theory , behavioral theory , contingency theory gradually developed into a modern integrated theory of leadership .

  22. 领导理论的研究成果可分为三个方面,即领导特性理论、领导行为理论和领导权变理论。

    The outcome of the theoretical leading research can be divided into three parts : leading theory on specialty , that on behavior and on power exchange .

  23. 到目前为止,尚没有从此角度将权变理论纳入职业生涯管理领域内的理论研究或相关实证研究。

    So far , no theoretical studies and related empirical studies have yet been made to incorporate contingency management into the field of career management from this standpoint .

  24. 其次,论文运用权变理论和资源依附理论对我国证券公司投资银行部门的外部环境进行了分析,得出新环境下投资银行部门组织结构的应对策略;

    Secondly , it analyzes the external environment , and comes to some conclusions about organizing structure of investment bank department with Contingency theory and Resource dependence theory .

  25. 根据权变理论,随着企业的发展,经营环境发生变化,企业的业绩评价指标体系也应做出相应的调整。

    According to the contingency theory , with the development of enterprise and the changing of internal and external environment , enterprise performance evaluation indexes should be adjusted accordingly .

  26. 按管理学的权变理论,有效的学生教育管理模式应基于学生的心理特性及认知发展水平而定。

    According to the theory of the management , the pattern of the SME should be based on students ' mental features and the level of their cognitive development .

  27. 应用权变理论指出该指标体系在具体情境中的应用,同时结合层次分析法将该指标体系应用到广东省某服装产业集群式供应链中进行实例分析。

    Pointing out the concrete utilization of the index system using the contingency theory and this index system will be applied to a garment industry in Guangdong Province by AHP .

  28. 在教师的有效性的研究领域存在三种范式:性格理论、行为和认知理论、权变理论。

    There are three paradigms of the domain of the study of the effectiveness of teachers : theory of characteristics , theory of behaviour and cognition and theory of contingency .

  29. 分析了中国制造业企业的质量管理现状,结合权变理论,提出了质量管理体系的基本设计框架。

    After analyzing the current quality management status of Chinese manufacturing enterprises , this article presents a framework from which decisions for designing a quality system can be deduced contingently .

  30. 权变理论强调的是如果&那么的权变关系,认为不同的组织管理模式、风格、技巧和方法的有效性将会随着环境的不同而发生改变。

    Contingency theory emphasizes the " if , then " contingency relationship , and holds that the effectiveness of different management pattern , style , skills will change with the environment .