
  • 网络clearly defined rights and responsibilities
  1. 健全权责明确、相互配合、高效运转的审判管理工作机制。

    The sound clear responsibilities , cooperate with each other , the efficient operation of the trial management mechanism .

  2. 产权明晰、权责明确,要求企业承担社会责任,企业伦理为之提供了重要的价值依据和导向;

    Clear property right and definite right and responsibility make enterprises take on social duty and business ethics supplies important guide for it .

  3. 建立一个权责明确、指挥灵便、运转高效的组织机构是施工项目管理的成功保证。

    Establishing a clear responsibility , agile command , efficient operation of the organization is to ensure the success of construction project management .

  4. 同时它也为职业体育投资者创设了合理可行的联赛管理和利润分配模式,真正做到了权责明确。

    Meanwhile , it also establishes the reasonable & workable patterns of league matches management and profit allocation for investors of the professional sports industries .

  5. 针对私营幼儿园的设置问题,政府应权责明确、依法管理,私营幼儿园也应依法办园、准确定位;

    To the establishment problems of the private kindergarten , the government should well define power and responsibility and manage in accordance with the law .

  6. 建立现代企业制度要求达到产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理。

    To establish a modern enterprise system requires clear property right , exact rights and responsibilities , separation of government and business , and scientific management .

  7. 建立归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅的现代产权制度,是构建现代企业制度的重要基础。

    Establishing a modern enterprise system , which characterized by clear ownership , specific power and responsibility , strict protection , free transferring , is most important .

  8. 通过企业制度的改革,使企业实现产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学,从而更加有利于我国社会主义市场经济的发展。

    The enterprise reform causes the clear property rights , well-defined right , separation , scientific management , which is more advantageous to the development of the Socialist Market Economy .

  9. “这样的目的是为了让权责明确,这样一天结束后我才能直视着你的眼睛对你说,你很负责。”他这样说道。

    " It is about aligning accountability and responsibility so that at the end of the day I look into your eyes and say : you are responsible ," he says .

  10. 同时完善法律规定,构建一个层次分明,结构清晰合理,权责明确的法律体系来保障养老保险基金的安全运营。

    At the same time improve the law , to build a structured , clear and reasonable structure , powers and responsibilities clear legal system to protect the safe operation of pension funds .

  11. 也只有使国有企业改革取得突破性进展,才能沿着产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的改革方向发展。

    Only make the SOE reform make a breakthrough , it could develop along the reform direction with clear property right , defined power and responsibility , separating government function from enterprise management , management science .

  12. 成都在成为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区后,着手改革农村土地和房屋产权制度,建立了权责明确、归属清晰、保护严格的农村产权制度,以此来推动农村资产的资本化。

    After becoming reform pilot area , Chengdu started the reform and establishment of clear responsibilities and attribution , and the strict protection of rural property rights system , in order to promote the capitalization of the rural assets .

  13. 如何创新农村集体产权制度,从而建立归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅的现代产权制度,是今后农村经济体制改革的重要课题。

    It is an important topic that how to innovate the institution and set up the nowadays ' property rights institution of " property rights clear , rights and responsibility definitude , protection strict , and transferring smooth " .

  14. 社会主义市场经济要求国有企业建立以产权清晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学为特征,依法规范的社会主义现代化企业制度,而建立科学的财务管理体制及运行机制则是现代企业制度的核心。

    Socialist marketing economy requires the state-owned firms to have clear property right , explicit right and duty , enterprises seperated from government and scientific management , all of which contribute to the establishment of modern enterprise system , ic .

  15. 党的十四届三中全会正式提出建立产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的现代企业制度是国企改革的方向,以此为指针,我国的产权制度改革全面铺开。

    The modern enterprise system , namely clear property right , definite right and duty , separate government and enterprise , scientific administration offered in the Fourteenth Central Committee is the direction of state enterprise reform , which leads to an entire reform in property and right .

  16. 目前国有企业改革的方向是建立现代企业制度,按照产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的原则将国有企业改造成为规范的公司制企业。

    At present , the reform of SOE aims to establish modern enterprise system and to rebuild SOE into standardized corporations according to the principal of " explicitness of property right , definitude of obligation and right , separation of government and enterprises , and scientific management " .

  17. 要按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,对国有大中型企业实行规范的公司制改革,使企业成为适应市场的法人实体和竞争主体。

    The reform should be carried out according to the principle of distinct property right , definite rights and duties , divided relation of government and enterprise , scientific administration , all of which turns the SOEs into corporations and main bodies of competition adapt to the market system .

  18. 最后,对优化我国上市公司资本结构提出了建议:完善资本市场,特别是债券市场:完善公司治理结构,建立现代企业制度,真正实现归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅。

    At last , the paper puts forward advices to optimize the capital structure : perfecting the capital market , especially bond market ; perfecting company management structure and setting up system of modern enterprise : realize clearly belonging , right and responsibility clearly , protect strictly and circulates smoothly .

  19. 能否建立合理科学、归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转自由的现代法人治理结构是关系农信社新一轮改革成功的核心问题。

    Whether to establish the reasonable science , the ownership to be clear , the power and responsibility is clear about , the protection to be strict , the circulation free modern legal person management structure is relates the agricultural letter society newly round to reform the successful core question .

  20. 产权不清晰,权责不明确,才导致了一系列发展的问题。

    Unclear property rights and unclear powers and responsibilities lead to a series of problems .

  21. 随国有企业所有权与经营权的分离,国有企业出资人与国有企业经营者的权责得到明确。

    As the ownership and operation right of state-owned enterprises have separated from each other , the rights and responsibilities of the funders and operators of such enterprises have become distinct .

  22. 首先是规范权责关系,明确权责主体,落实责任。

    The first is to regulate the powers and responsibilities of the relationship , clearly the main powers and responsibilities , and assign responsibilities .

  23. 主要存在着法律对监督内部治理结构体系监督弱化、从而使内部人控制问题严重、信息知情不对称等等诸多实际问题;对外部监督主体权责规定不明确,从而导致监督能力匮乏。

    There exists such questions as the weakening supervision on the internal governance structure and system monitoring , serious problem of internal control , knowledge of information asymmetry , unclear external oversight of the main powers and responsibilities , lacking of monitoring capacity and so on .

  24. 中国移动通信管理学院(以下简称管院)是中国移动通信集团公司直属的教学培训机构,其原有门户网站采用两层模式,存在权责分工不明确、数据封装性差、更新维护困难等问题。

    China mobile communications management institute hereinafter referred to as " management institute " is the training institution directly under China mobile communications group company . Its original web portal used two layers mode , which is not clear in division of responsibilities and is bad for data encapsulation .

  25. 建立健全权责明晰,分工明确的责任机制。

    Establishing and perfecting the responsibility mechanism of " responsibilities clear , a clear division of responsibilities " .

  26. 我们要按照权责一致的要求,调整部门的权责权限,明确划分部门之间的职责分工,完善行政运行机制。

    In accordance with the requirements of integrating power with responsibility , we should readjust and redefine the responsibities of various departments and government in improving administrative operating mechanism .