
  • 网络Enterprise Reports;Corporate Reporting;corporate report;company report
  1. 本次峰会还探讨了更注重综合表现的企业报告方法的优点,这些方法包括“全球报告倡议”(gri)。

    The merits of more holistic approaches to corporate reporting , including the global reporting initiative , were also explored at the summit .

  2. 从那时起,该规范就得到了人们的重视,主要体现在企业报告透明性及其与财务服务的关系。

    Since then , the specification has gained in importance , especially with all the interest in transparency of corporate reporting , and its connection to financial services .

  3. 还有另一项调查,有时被称为"工资调查",根据企业报告的工资表对40万家企业进行评估。

    There is another survey , sometimes referred to as the " payroll survey " that assesses 400 000 businesses based on their reported payrolls .

  4. 作为一个企业报告系统,IBMRationalInsight需要从不同的产品工具和来源访问数据。

    As an enterprise reporting system , IBM Rational Insight requires access to data from different product tools and sources .

  5. 目前,一种基于XML的可扩展企业报告语言XBRL引起了世界各国的高度重视,将发展为互联网上企业报告的标准语言。

    Recently an extensible business reporting language ( XBRL ) attracts the attention of the world , which will become the standard language of business reporting .

  6. 香港零售管理协会(retailmanagementassociation)表示,一些会员企业报告,10月头几天、也就是国庆假期期间的销售额出现了明显下滑。每年国庆假期都有数百万游客从内地前往香港。

    However , Hong Kong 's retail management association has said that some of its members reported dramatic falls in sales in the first few days of October , a national holiday period when millions of tourists arrive every year from China .

  7. 梅尔文表示:GRI用心良苦,对企业报告产生了积极的影响。

    The GRI is well-intentioned and has had a positive impact on company reporting , said Mr Melvin .

  8. 可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)是一种可用于企业财务报告的编制、发布、数据交换和财务报表分析的标准方法。

    XBRL is a standard way available for the preparation , publishing and data exchange of business financial reporting and the analysis of financial statement .

  9. 阿里巴巴和Facebook等企业报告的是使用其服务的“活跃用户”,而社交媒体和游戏巨头腾讯(Tencent)报告的是其社交媒体软件QQ和微信(WeChat)的月“活跃账户”。

    While companies like Alibaba and Facebook report " active users " for their services , social media and gaming giant Tencent reports monthly " active user accounts " for its social media sites QQ and WeChat .

  10. 以XML(可扩展标记语言)为基础的发展起来的可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)实现了网络财务报告的标准化,使财务信息的获取、交换、再利用更为迅捷。

    The eXtensible Business Reporting Language ( XBRL ) that based on XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) has realized the standardization of the Internet Financial Reports , and make the gaining , exchanging and re-using the financial information more fast .

  11. 为了发展并完善我国网络财务报告模式,上市公司采用可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)是解决网络财务报告所带来的信息过滤问题的最好途径,从而满足不同信息使用者的各种信息需求。

    It is the best approach that adopted the XBRL on the listed company for the development of internet financial report model and satisfied the different demands of the different information users .

  12. 官方数据也与企业报告的业绩结果不符。

    Official data do not tally with what companies are reporting either .

  13. 可扩展企业报告语言初探

    Research on Extensible Business Reporting Language

  14. 公平而言,各国政府必须经常依靠企业报告。

    National governments , to be fair about it , must often rely on company reporting .

  15. 但汇率波动不仅仅意味着企业报告收益的季度放大告一段落。

    But the currency volatility means more than just an end to the quarterly supercharging of reported earnings .

  16. 但是南北合作仍然是主流,超过一半(53%)的企业报告了这样的关系。

    But South – North collaborations still dominate with over half ( 53 per cent ) of firms reporting such relationships .

  17. 新收购的部分经常作为独立的业务单位运行,但在后端进行了集成,用于进行企业报告和其他用途。

    New acquisitions are often run as separate business units but integrated on the back end for enterprise reporting and other purposes .

  18. 平均而言,中国企业报告2011年首季实现强劲销售增长,这对看涨人士来说是一个好消息。

    On average , Chinese companies reported strong sales growth in the first quarter of 2011 – good news for the bulls .

  19. 项目经理需要像翻译一样,把敏捷指标转化成可以接受的企业报告的结构。

    The Project Manager needs to act as a translator , converting the agile metrics into the accepted reporting structure of the enterprise .

  20. 这项备受关注的调查显示,新订单数量连续第9个月增长,据企业报告,来自国内外市场的需求均表现强劲。

    The closely watched survey pointed to a ninth consecutive monthly expansion in new order volume , with companies reporting buoyant demand in both domestic and export markets .

  21. 多数企业报告称,它们预计来年将出现业务量上升、收入增长及新订单增加。

    The majority of companies report that they expect the volume of business to improve over the coming year , revenues to grow and a rise in new orders .

  22. 领导人们将要讨论的峰会文件中不包含这项内容,但支持者希望,有些交易所本周或许会在里约热内卢宣布一些鼓励企业报告可持续策略的措施。

    This is not included in the Rio + 20 text leaders will negotiate , but backers hope some exchanges might announce steps to encourage such reporting this week in Rio .

  23. 最后,请与我们及各国政府合作,营造一个有助于企业报告内部不当行为和保护告密者的环境,共同建设鼓励企业进行汇报的激励机制。

    Finally , work with us and governments to create incentives for corporate reporting by creating an environment that can help   companies to report internal wrongdoing and protect whistle ­ blowers .

  24. 企业报告其社会和环境影响的热潮可能很快就会消退,在推动可持续发展方面,非财务报告未来只会发挥非常有限的作用。

    The boom in companies reporting on their impact on society and the environment could soon lose momentum , with non-financial reporting in future playing only a very limited role in promoting sustainable development .

  25. 由于盈余管理的存在,企业报告出的财务业绩就是不真实的,其原因是受盈余管理的影响,从而使得公司治理对企业财务报告业绩的影响受到质疑。

    Since there exist earnings management , corporate reporting the financial results is untrue , is affected by the earnings management , then the corporate governance report on the financial performance of enterprises to be questioned .

  26. 此次危机引起了人们对企业报告价值的担忧,尤其是银行的年度报告和财务报表因未能向投资者警示企业承担的风险而受到批评。

    The crisis has raised concerns about the value of company reporting , with the annual reports and financial statements of banks especially criticised for having failed to alert investors to the risks companies were running .

  27. 针对会计人员信息的充分披露要求和企业报告模式及财务报表的未来发展趋向,阐述了会计报表附注的重要性。

    This article explains the importance of the annotations of the fiscal report forms from the demands of the fiscal information exposure , the report mode of the companies and the future development tendence of the financial report forms .

  28. 要求企业报告网络攻击的立法,因国家或行业的不同而存在极大差异,但大多都着眼于用户数据的泄露,而不是其他旨在控制电脑系统或窃取知识产权的攻击。

    Legislation requiring companies to report cyber attacks also varies widely depending on the industry or country , but most focus on the loss of consumer data rather than other attacks aimed at taking over computer systems or stealing intellectual property .

  29. 来自HarrisFinancial的Beck说企业收益报告可能成为股市的转折点。

    Harris Financial 's Beck said the earnings reports could be a turning point for the market .

  30. 直接向CEO、常务董事、董事会或企业所有者报告;

    Report directly to the CEO , Managing Director , Board of Directors or owner of the business ;