
  1. 资源禀赋的比较优势并不是一国的产业竞争力和企业自生能力的充分必要条件。

    Comparative advantage in resource endowments isn 't necessary and sufficient condition of industrial competition ability and enterprises viability in a country .

  2. 借鉴企业自生能力的概念,提出可持续发展自生能力的内涵,其实质包括经济生态社会系统的协同能力和持续能力。

    Use the concept of enterprise 's viability as reference , put forward sustainable development viability , it includes economic-ecological-social system 's synergetic ability and sustaining ability .

  3. 其次根据生命周期理论和企业自生能力概念可知,蔬菜产业链的构建的实质在于在蔬菜产业链不同生命阶段培育相应的产业链发展能力。

    Secondly , according to theory of life cycle and the concept of enterprise validity , the construction of vegetable chain means the cultivation of different developing capabilities at different stages .

  4. 这不仅能提高企业自生能力,更能进一步推动健康股市功能的重建和发展。

    Then listed companies can use the system to achieve a rational space to minimize false accounting , so that they can really develop into a truly modern enterprises , enterprises will not only improve health , stock market functions , further promoting the reconstruction .

  5. 他的研究领域广泛,而核心理论则集中于经济发展战略和企业自生能力、农业监督问题与农业制度变迁、技术变迁和制度变迁、粮食供给问题等方面。

    The topics are quite extensive in his work and the main ideas focus on several aspects , such as development strategy and firm viability , agricultural monitoring and changing of agricultural institution , technology progress and institution change , and problems of food supplies .

  6. 克拉玛依油田改制企业的自生能力探讨

    On the Self-development Capability of Remanufacture Enterprises in Karamay

  7. 然而长期计划经济环境下的国家政策性负担与行业体制性障碍,造成了我国电力多经企业普遍缺乏自生能力的现状。

    However because of the national political burden and trade system obstacle in long-run plan economy , the power enterprises ' viability in our country have become very weak .

  8. 然而由于长期计划体制造成的政策性负担与行业管理体制障碍,我国电力企业普遍缺乏自生能力,难以形成核心竞争力。

    However , confined by political burden and system obstacle of management in centralized economy for a long time , the electric enterprises in our country do not have viability .

  9. 创造一个自由、开放和充分竞争的环境,让遵循客观规律的企业获得强大的自生能力,是各国政府的首要作用。

    The fundamental responsibility for government is to create an environment encouraging free , open and sufficient competition .

  10. 作者运用新发展经济学理论提出了企业技术创新、自生能力以及产业化比较优势是国家发展战略的主导性因素,而其发展方式的选择过程就应是不断突出产业比较优势的过程;

    With the theory of new development economics , the author points out that the enterprise technology innovation , self-reliance capability and industrial comparative advantage are the leading factors of state development strategy , the process to choose their development mode should be that of continuously stressing industrial comparative advantage ;

  11. 论企业核心竞争力与企业自生能力

    Review on core competence and viability of the enterprises

  12. 第二部分分析振兴东北老工业基地首要难点是进行国有企业改制,增强国有企业的自生能力。

    In the second part , the article Analyses that the most difficult thing for revitalizing The old industrial base of Northeast is to reforming the system of the state-owned enterprises and strengthening the spontaneous ability of the state-owned enterprise .

  13. 本文通过建立模型分析国有产权的外部性所必然带来的国有企业“盈利软约束”问题,进一步论证盈利软约束是造成国有企业缺乏自生能力和预算软约束的根本原因。

    This paper presents a model about externality of state enterprises property rights to propose that state-owned enterprises exist instinct of soft profit constraint .