
  • 网络Enterprise Announcement
  1. 研究结果表明:投资者可以利用企业公告反映的信息判断股价;

    The results indicate : stock price can be judged by the enterprise 's public reports ;

  2. 本文完整地分析了企业公告及资料发布系统的业务需求,并介绍了系统的详细设计与实现。

    This paper introduced the business requirement analysis and the design and implementation of a system that issues bulletin , datum .

  3. 长期活跃于日本的基金经理们表示,正是在那个时间点上,日经新闻及其对策划中的企业公告的报道变得非常宝贵。

    It is at that point , say fund managers with long track records in Japan , that the Nikkei and its reporting of planned corporate announcements becomes invaluable .

  4. 企业公告显示,过去一年左右的时间里,亚洲和欧洲的7家汽车制造商在墨西哥开设了新的装配工厂、或是公布了建厂计划,另外还有一些汽车制造商在这个拉美国家扩大了产能。

    Over the past year or so , seven Asian and European auto manufacturers have opened new Mexican assembly factories , or announced plans to do so , while others have boosted their capacity in the Latin American country , according to company announcements .

  5. 更不得仅将统一代理发布权指定工商行政管理机关的报刊,排斥其他媒体刊登企业登记公告。

    They shall not grant the uniform agency right of issue to their affiliated newspapers or periodicals , and shall not deprive other media of the right to publicize registration announcements .

  6. 市场价格反映了对利率决策和企业业绩公告等事件的普遍看法的均值,市场反应将体现出均值和结果之间的差异。

    The market price reflects an average of prevailing opinions about events such as interest rate decisions and corporate earnings announcements , and market reaction will reflect the difference between that average and the outcome .

  7. 根据下属企业的公告,中远集团和中海集团股票将于8月10日起停盘。

    A share trading halt on the subsidiaries of China Ocean Shipping Co. ( COSCO Group ) and China Shipping Co. came into effect on August 10 , according to announcements by the listed subsidiaries .

  8. 且赞助企业在公告日和开幕日期间,都获得了负的平均累积异常收益率,并且这一平均累积异常收益率的绝对值随着时间的积累逐渐增大。

    And sponsorship enterprise during the period of announcement date and the opening day , the average cumulative abnormal returns have been negative , and the absolute value of the average cumulative abnormal return as time accumulation increased gradually .

  9. 近来,一些群众来信反映,有的工商行政管理机关在组织发布企业登记公告时,存在不规范的做法,如扩大法定公告的范围、变相收取公告费等,造成不良影响。

    Recently , some people sent us letters reporting that some administrative authorities for Industry and commerce , when issuing enterprise registration announcements , carry out non-standard acts , such as enlarging the scope of legal announcement and charging for announcement in disguised form , which cause bad effects .

  10. 未经登记主管机关批准,其他单位不得发布企业法人登记公告。

    No other organ shall be entitled to issue such announcements without the approval of the registration authority .

  11. 被并购境内企业通知、公告债权人的证明以及债权人是否提出异议的说明;

    The evidence of notice or public announcement to creditors by the merged domestic enterprise and statement on whether there is any objection made by creditors ;

  12. 同时,市场对企业借壳上市公告信息的反应非常迅速且强烈,而且反应时间非常短暂,借壳上市信息对市场产生了正效应。

    Meanwhile , the market for corporate backdoor listing public notices have responded very quickly and strongly , and the reaction time is very short , backdoor listing information had a positive effect on the market .

  13. 商学院合并时,所用语言和思路,都与企业大型并购的公告极其类似。

    When they merge , the language used and rationales offered are strikingly similar to those that accompany big corporate M & A announcements .

  14. 后台功能管理实现了用户管理、招聘信息管理、推荐企业管理、通知公告管理和相关网站链接管理。

    Backstage function management realizes user management , the recruitment information management , enterprise management , notice recommended announcement and management and relevant web links management .

  15. 前台网站展示实现了用户登录注册、招聘信息显示和发布、推荐企业展示、通知公告发布、相关网站链接和工作搜索。

    Front desk web site shows the implementation the user login registration , recruitment information display and release , recommend enterprise display , notice announcement , related web sites links and job search .

  16. 中国并购企业倾向于在并购公告日之前获得更高的超额收益,而印度并购企业仅在公告日当天出现了显著的正超额收益。

    Chinese firms tend to provide higher and earlier abnormal returns to investors even before the news are officially announced . In contrast , Indian acquirers obtain the abnormal return only at the official announcement day .

  17. 为判断企业经营是否对中国股票价格有影响,投资者通过企业公告投资决策是否可靠。

    The study aims to judge whether enterprises'operation is crucial to Chinese stock prices and whether enterprises'reports can lead to appropriate investment decision-making .

  18. 企业开业、变更名称、注销,由登记主管机关发布企业法人登记公告。

    The registration authority shall issue registration announcements whenever an enterprise as a legal person starts operations , changes its name or cancels its registration .

  19. 在现行的企业登记程序立法中,企业设立条件不平等、现行登记注册工作效率不高、企业登记公告制度不完善的现象较为突出,应当在立法中予以改进。

    In the current enterprise registration legislates , enterprise establishment conditions is unequal , working efficiency has some problem , enterprise register announcement system need improving , those can 't be forgot in legislating .