
  • 网络corporate restructuring;Corporation Reorganization
  1. 风险、信息与企业重整&一个理论的考察

    Risk , Information and Firm Reorganization & A Theoretical View

  2. 中澳破产企业重整制度比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Reorganization of the Insolvent Corporations in Australia and China

  3. 发展民营企业重整汕头经济

    Development of Private Enterprise Helps Rebuild Shantou Economy

  4. 第一部分:国外企业重整制度的立法实践和立法体例。

    Part 1 : The legislative practice and regulations of other countries ' Enterprise Reforming System .

  5. 这次破产法的修订首次确立了企业重整制度,填补了我国市场经济法律体系中的一项空白。

    The establishing of this law fill a gap in the market - economy legal system in China .

  6. 避免直接破产的立法思考&中美企业重整制度比较分析

    A Legislative Study on How to Avoid Direct Bankruptcy & A Comparative Study of the Sino-America Corporate Reorganization System

  7. 我国企业重整制度的改良与预先包裹式重整预先包裹或包装准备售卖的。

    Policy of Business Reorganization in China and the Turnkey Solution prepared and wraped beforehand and ready for sale .

  8. 第三部分研究了个人独资企业重整的理论基础和法律价值。

    The third part researches the theoretical basis and the values of law of the reorganization of the individual proprietorship enterprises .

  9. 第四部分介绍了个人独资企业重整的程序,分析了各国相关程序的优劣。

    The fourth part introduces legal process of restructing of the individual proprietorship enterprises and analysis of the pros and cons of the procedures of other countries .

  10. 而后,对个人独资企业重整制度中的秩序、公平、效率、正义等法律价值进行分析,为我们研究个人独资企业重整寻求价值依据。

    Second , this article analyzes some values of law of the reorganization system of the individual proprietorship enterprises , such as order , fairness , efficiency , justice and so on .

  11. 企业重整法律制度,作为我国新破产法规定的一项崭新法律制度,它与和解制度、破产清算制度一起构成现代破产法律制度的三大基石。

    Enterprise reorganization system , as a new legal system in bankruptcy law in China , together with bankruptcy reconciliation system , bankruptcy liquidation system constitute the three foundation of modern bankruptcy legal system .

  12. 达到这一目标,融资显得格外重要,是企业重整过程中的必然选择。然而,由于我国破产法的发展还处于初步阶段,对于重整融资制度并没有具体详细的法律规定。

    In order to achieve the objective financing is the most important and inevitable choose during the corporate reorganization . However , due to the bankruptcy law is still in the preliminary stage , the regulations relating to Financing System in this law are so abstract and far from practice .

  13. 论法院在企业破产重整程序中的角色

    On the Role of the Courts in the Corporate Reorganization Procedures

  14. 企业破产重整计划强行批准的原则及限制

    Principles and Restrictions of Mandatory Ratification to Reorganization Plan for Enterprise Bankruptcy

  15. 关于建构中国企业破产重整制度的思考

    Establishing the Institution of Enterprise 's Bankruptcy Reorganization in China

  16. 这部分分别介绍和分析了各国对个人独资企业司法重整程序中的相关问题。

    This part respectively introduces and analyzes related problems in the judicial reforming process .

  17. 企业破产重整价值评估探讨&兼与程虹、袁国栋商榷

    Evaluation of the Value Reorganized Bankrupted Enterprises & A Discussion with Cheng Hong , Yuan Guo-dong

  18. 破产重整制度中的一个核心问题是负债企业提起重整以后,其经营管理权应该由哪一方来控制。

    A key problem of the reorganization law is which party may control the indebted enterprise after the petition of the reorganization proceeding .

  19. 对改建国有企业资本结构重整制度环境的认识

    On Reforming Institutional Environment for Restructuring State-owned Enterprises ' Capital Structure

  20. 高科奶业作为托管方,并无权对企业进行破产重整。

    The Gaoke dairy were not right to apply bankruptcy reorganization as Custody square .

  21. 企业银行债务重整

    Reformation of Debts Between Banks and Enterprises

  22. 同时,新《破产法》对于在破产企业和解和重整程序中对于别除权的行使也作了相关规定。

    The new Bankruptcy Law also stipulates some concerning the Exemption Right in the process of reconciliation and re-engineering .

  23. 我国破产重整制度是随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展完善而建立起来的,对指导我国企业的破产重整起着重要的作用。

    With the continuous development and improvement of Chinese economy , We has established the Insolvency Reorganization , It plays an important role in bankruptcy .

  24. 在对以上授权的探讨中,笔者结合我国拟定中的《企业破产和重整法》(草案),对其有关规定进行了评述,并提出了立法建议。

    In the above discussion , based on the drawing-up " People 's Republic of China Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law "( draft ), the author comments on the legislation of reorganization of China and makes some legislative suggestion .

  25. 作为积极拯救困境企业的破产重整制度,对其进行研究具有重大的意义,企业重整能促进企业的复苏、繁荣昌盛和经济的可持续发展;有利于构建社会主义和谐社会,贯彻以人为本的人文精神。

    As a bankruptcy reorganization system aiming to positively save enterprises in trouble , a research into it is of importance for promoting enterprise recovery , prosperity and sustainable development of the economy , constructing the socialistic harmonious society , and implementation of humanistic spirit of " people-oriented " .

  26. 此外,在企业兼并与收购、企业破产与重整中,资本配置更多地表现为企业资本的再配置,而企业集团的资本配置则属于更广范围内的资本配置。

    In addition , in merger and acquisition , bankruptcy and reorganization , capital allocation mostly means re-allocation of enterprise capital , while capital allocation of enterprise group is capital allocation in a broader sense .

  27. 经过了三年的实施,我们在司法实践中看到了破产重整制度带给了濒临破产企业焕然一新的生机,见证了不少企业经过重整实现了复兴,再续昔日的辉煌。

    After three years of implementation , we have saw in the judicial practice the bankruptcy restructuring system brought the new life to the brink of bankruptcy companies , and we witnessed many enterprises achieved a revival through restructuring .

  28. 伴随着经济全球化和信息技术的快速发展,企业的组织行为日益受到严重冲击,发达国家的一些企业为了重整组织和改造流程,逐渐将一些非核心业务或非专长领域外包。

    Along with economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology , organizational behavior of enterprise have increasingly been seriously affected . In developed countries , some enterprises gradually outsource some of their non-core business areas , in order to restructure organization and transform processes .

  29. 引进先进的管理思想和方法,以先进的信息技术为手段,提高企业的制造、营销与财务管理的整合度,实施企业的管理重整,以适应市场不断变化的需要,确立企业的竞争优势。

    By introducing into advanced managing thought and technique and by means of advanced information technology , enterprise will improve manufacturing , managing and finance 's integration and bring into effect re-management to fit needs of endlessly varying market accomplish . Enterprise will establish competing superiority .

  30. 传统的企业再造理论主要是关于企业内部流程的再造,着重于企业内部的重整以适应外部环境。

    The classic theory of Reengineering is mainly about business process reengineering , and it emphasizes the reengineer within the enterprise for the sake of adaptability to the outer environments .