
  • 网络financial risk
  1. WTO环境下的企业财务风险研究

    Research on the Enterprise Financial Risk Based in the Environment of WTO

  2. 第二部分分别从MM理论角度和期权角度分析了企业财务风险的成因。

    The second part uses MM theorem and option theorem to analyze the original cause of formation of enterprise 's financial risk .

  3. B-S模型与企业财务风险管理

    Black-Scholes Model and Financial Risk Management in Enterprises

  4. 第三,基于PDCA循环理论构建了企业财务风险预警内部报告。

    Third , based on the PDCA cycle theory , this article builds internal reports of financial risk warning .

  5. 基于COSO风险管理框架的企业财务风险控制评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Enterprises ' Financial Risk Control Based on the COSO Risk Management Framework

  6. 从MM理论角度出发,要控制企业财务风险,关键是确定企业最优资本结构,控制资本结构风险。

    The analysis is based on the MM Theorem , reaching the conclusion that the key to control financial risk is to control the capital structure risk through determining an optimal capital structure .

  7. 首先,运用动态logit模型,实证检验民营企业财务风险的主要影响因素。

    Firstly , we use dynamic logit model to empirically investigate the main determinants of private enterprises ' financial risk .

  8. 最后使用SPSS统计软件运用主成分分析和两组判别分析最终建立了适合我国上市公司财务危机远期辨识的全新预警模型,从而在很大程度上提高了企业财务风险判别研究的实用价值。

    Finally , the author establishes a new financial crisis early prediction model for listed companies using principle component analysis method , discriminate analysis method and the SPSS software .

  9. 融入VAR的制造业上市公司财务风险评价模型的实施与应用,将为投资者、经营者和管理者评估企业财务风险提供科学的依据,具有重要的实际意义。

    It is of great significance to research , implement and apply the financial risk assessment model considering VAR , which provides investors , operators and managers to evaluate corporate financial risk with a scientific basis .

  10. 基于COSO-ERM的中小企业财务风险管理研究

    Research of Financial Risk Management of Medium and Small-sized Enterprises Based on COSO-ERM

  11. COSO发布的风险管理框架完全适用于企业财务风险管理,是衡量企业风险管理有效性的一个标准。

    The risk management standard , issued by COSO , could be applied to financial risk management of enterprises completely and is a criterion for judging effectiveness of risk management of enterprises .

  12. 在本文提出的企业财务风险评价模型中将现金流量与BP神经网络相结合,构建了企业财务风险评价的新体系,它既克服了现有财务风险研究方法的缺陷,又发挥了人工神经网络的优势。

    In this paper , the corporate financial risk assessment model combines the cash flow and the BP neural network to construct a new enterprise system for financial risk assessment , both to overcome the existing financial risk of the defect , and also play the artificial neural network advantage .

  13. 针对上述DK企业财务风险,本文建议DK企业可以采取以下措施来防范财务风险,尽可能地把财务风险所带来的损失降到最低。

    In response to these DK corporate financial risk , this article suggests DK enterprises can take the following measures to guard against financial risk , financial risk by as much as possible to minimize the losses caused .

  14. 议企业财务风险的识别与防范

    Discussion on Discrimination and Keeping Watch on Financial Risk for Enterprises

  15. 加强应收账款管理防范企业财务风险

    Strengthen the Management of Accounts Receivable to Guard against Financial Risks

  16. 企业财务风险度量与控制问题研究

    Research on the Measurement and Control of Enterprise 's Financial Risk

  17. 企业财务风险内涵的研析

    Study of the Definition of the Financial Risk in an Enterprise

  18. 试谈企业财务风险的管理

    About management for the risks of financial affairs of enterprises

  19. 再论企业财务风险的防范

    Second Discussion on the Warning System Against Corporation Financial Risk

  20. 试论电力企业财务风险防范的基本途径

    On the Basic Methods to Prevent Financial Risks for Electrical Power Enterprises

  21. 中小企业财务风险产生及防范措施探讨

    Causes of the Financial Risks and Preventive Measures In Enterprise

  22. 企业财务风险及其控制

    The Finanical Risks of Enterprises and How to Control it

  23. 所以防范化解企业财务风险尤为重要。

    So the precaution of financial risk turns out urgently .

  24. 民营企业财务风险及其管理

    Financial Risk and its Management in Private - owned Enterprises

  25. 企业财务风险预警软件系统的分析与设计

    Software Analysis and Design for Enterprise Financial Risk Early-Warning System

  26. 浅谈浙江省民营小水电企业财务风险管理

    Talk about Finance Risk Management in Zhejiang Privately Owned Small Water-power Station

  27. 供应链中企业财务风险传导要素分析

    Factor Analysis of Financial Risk Conduction on the Supply Chain

  28. 浅析金融危机下企业财务风险的控制与化解

    Control and Resolve of enterprise financial risk under financial crisis

  29. 企业财务风险生成和传导机理分析

    Analysis of Enterprise Financial Risks Generation and Transmission Mechanism

  30. 企业财务风险的成因及其管理的探讨

    Analysis of the Cause and the Management of the Financial Hazard in enterprise