
  • 网络enterprise accounting;business accounting;Corporate accounting
  1. 对新《企业会计准则》的基于EVA分析

    On New " The Corporate Accounting Standard " Based on EVA Analysis

  2. 第三部分主要是从总体比较美国、IASB、英国、澳大利亚和我国的企业会计基本准则。

    The third part is mainly to compare the overall United States , IASB , UK , Australia and the basic norms of corporate accounting in China .

  3. WTO下加强大中型国有企业会计工作的思考

    Considerations about Strengthening the Accounting Work of the Large-and-medium Sized State-owned Enterprises after WTO Entry

  4. 加入WTO后,会计行业的竞争更加激烈,对我国会计行业是一个严峻的挑战,对我国企业会计处理及会计计量也会产生一定的影响。

    Entering WTO , the competition of accounting trade will become more violent ant it is a serious challenge for accounting trade .

  5. 伴随我国加入WTO以及受到经济全球化的影响,会计的国际化趋势日益明显,企业会计风险也就在所难免。

    After China 's entry into WTO , business accounting will be more and more internationalized along with the influence of economic globalization . It is also true of business accounting risk .

  6. 企业会计人员利用Intranet对环境事项信息库中各项环境事项及其对企业造成的影响进行适时处理与反映,形成基本环境会计信息并以此编制单独环境会计报告。

    Accountants process and reflect environmental events in this database via the Intranet , forming basal environmental accounting information and compiling independent environmental accounting report .

  7. 在文章的第四部分,着力研究解决ERP环境下企业会计业务流程重组的具体实施方案,通过对会计观念、会计机构以及会计信息处理三部分地重组,完成了具体的方案设计。

    In the part four of this dissertation , the concrete implementing scheme of accounting business process reengineering based on ERP is well investigated through the reengineering of the accounting concept , organization and information processing .

  8. 公允价值计量及其在新企业会计准则中应用的思考

    Fair Value and its Implement in the New Financial Accounting Standard

  9. 企业会计契约:动态过程与效率

    Accounting Contracts of the Firm : Dynamic Process and Its Efficiency

  10. 充分披露、完全信息与国有企业会计监督

    Complete Information , Full Disclosures Accounting Supervision for the State Enterprises

  11. 规范企业会计行为,提高会计信息质量

    Standardizing the enterprise accountant activities and improving account information quality

  12. 企业会计模式的选择,应考虑物价变动的特点。

    Selection of enterprise accounting model should consider character of our country .

  13. 关于我国企业会计准则和事业单位会计准则合一问题的思考

    Thinking on the Combination of Accounting Principles for Enterprises and Non-profit Organization

  14. 企业会计监管的理论依据及新视野

    Theoretical Basis of Enterprise Accounting Supervision and the New Perspective

  15. 关于新《企业会计制度》资产负债表三要素的思考

    Thoughts about Three Elements of Balance Sheet in New Enterprise Accounting Systems

  16. 从西方历史经验看我国企业会计信息失真的治理

    Rule the Distortion of Our Accounting Information from the Western Historical Experience

  17. 契约理论与企业会计政策选择

    The The ory of the Agreement and Enterprise 's Accounting Policy Choosing

  18. 论我国企业会计政策的合理选择

    On the Rational Choice of Enterprise 's Accounting Policy of Our Country

  19. 新《企业会计制度》的变化及创新

    Chances and Innovation of New Accounting Regulations Contents in Enterprises

  20. 现代企业会计由财务会计与管理会计两个子系统组成。

    The modern enterprise accounting are made of financial accounting and management accounting .

  21. 企业会计法律法规的改革及影响

    Revolution and its effects of accounting laws of enterprises

  22. 我国小企业会计素质现状及提高途径

    Current status of accountant quality in national small enterprises and its improving ways

  23. 现代企业会计风险控制刍议

    Study on the accounting risk control of modern enterprises

  24. 试论国有企业会计报表的净化

    On the Purification of Accounting Statement in State-owned Business

  25. 论中国企业会计制度改革的不足与完善

    On the Deficiency and Imperfection of the Reform of Our Business Accounting System

  26. 完善政府对私营企业会计工作的外部约束;

    Perfecting the government 's restriction to accounting work ;

  27. 财政收入与企业会计关系研究

    On the Relation between Financial Income and Enterprise Accounting

  28. 浅析企业会计信息质量

    Analysis for the Accounting Message Quality of the Enterprises

  29. 论新会计准则中企业会计科目的变化

    On the New Changes of CAS Chart of Account

  30. 林业企业会计监督问题研究

    The Research on Accounting Supervision of the Forestry Enterprises