- 名corporate bankruptcy law

The Issue and Approach to the Operation of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law
Establishing the First Earnest Money Obligatory Rights System in Enterprise Bankruptcy Act
Institutional Innovations of the New Law of Enterprise Bankruptcy and its Flaws
It is under revitalization in accordance with the enterprise bankruptcy law ;
On the Adjustment Scope of Enterprises Insolvency Law
Law on Enterprise Bankruptcy Implemented Next Year
Bankruptcy in Enterprise Bankruptcy Law not only means liquidation but also include how to avoid liquidation .
This part is started with the first bankruptcy reorganization case to analyze the possible problems and countermeasures .
The new reform of the enterprise bankruptcy law before the liquidation group system , introduced the system administrator .
Legal Reform from Void Act to Ambulatory Voidable Act : On No. 35 Clause of Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law
The Enterprise Bankruptcy Law provides that bankruptcy of financial institutions including banks contains prior to liquidation and liquidation .
Brewing for 12 years , Enterprise Bankruptcy Law was formally adopted and promulgated in August 27 , 2006 .
Impact of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People 's Republic of China on Creditors ' Rights of Commercial Banks
The fifth part of the thesis , bankruptcy of enterprises in reforming the system of some problems and countermeasures to improve .
In this essay the author not only gives a brief analysis on these problems but also puts forward some relevant suggestions .
Recently , newly-amended draft of Enterprises Bankruptcy law and the draft of Property Law have accessed their 3rd reading process of NPC .
The Institutional Defects in the Exiting Mechanism of our Insurance Market and Its Perfecting & From the View Angle of New Bankruptcy Law
Director 's Personal Liabilities on Creditors of Insolvent Companies & A Comparative study on China Insolvency Act and related laws of Western developed countries
The old factory Insolvency Law of China has been out of date , while the new one shows the common idea of the legis-laters .
The full text involves the following three parts : Part one outlines the transplanting backgrounds and contents of the two Chinese enterprise bankruptcy laws .
The two parts based on legislation are introduced in detail , and analyze the new bankruptcy of enterprises in chapter 8 of the content .
And while at this time our new bankruptcy law is portrayed , which brings the banks , insurances and other financial institutions into its adjusting scope .
At present , the draft of bankruptcy law of our country passes the second review . It sets up one chapter and stipulates bankruptcy reorganization system .
In China , since the promulgation of the P.R. C. Enterprise Bankruptcy Code in 1986 , the reformation of bankruptcy has experienced for nearly 20 years .
The traditional measures of our country banking to dissolve the non-performing loan : fiscal method , measure of remission the non-performing loan , business enterprise bankrupt law ;
Although Enterprise Bankruptcy Law in 2007 formally set up the system of bankruptcy administrator , it is clearly insufficient in provisions of the supervisory system of bankruptcy administrator .
Although current Enterprise Bankruptcy Law , Labor Contract Law , and other relevant laws have stipulated clear treatment method on the cases , some concrete problems need clarifying and improving .
《 Enterprise bankruptcy law 》 has conducted over four years . Overall innovative reorganization system , as one of the core content of Enterprise bankruptcy law , has played proper role in market economy .
But present " Enterprise Bankruptcy law " still waited for in the practice consummates , in the scope , paid off and so on the aspects still to have the distance to the judicial practice .
The new Enterprise Bankruptcy Law in comparison to the old law has been great progress , there is a lot of innovation , the new administrator of the system of bankruptcy is one of them .