
qiǎnɡ zhì pò chǎn
  • involuntary bankruptcy;involuntary insolvency
  1. 次年8月,中国医疗技术在债券违约后被迫进入强制破产程序。

    China Medical Technologies was forced into involuntary bankruptcy the following August after defaulting on its bonds .

  2. 以前也有人质疑,FDIC是否能强制要求破产银行的债券持有人承担损失。

    Others in the past have questioned if the FDIC would be able to force bond holders of a failed bank to take losses .

  3. 破产制度己从强制债务人破产清算的特别执行程序,演进为对不能清偿的债务人的一种实体上和程序上的法律救济。

    Bankruptcy legal system develops from special execution proceedings to legal relief of insolvent debtor by both substantial law and procedural law .

  4. 第四,保留所有权与强制执行、破产的关系中,本文主要探讨了被保留所有权的出卖物品是否为责任财产或破产财产的问题。

    Fourthly he discusses the problems whether the selling goods ownership reserved are property of duty or property of bankruptcy .

  5. 奥巴马还承诺将推动破产法改革,允许法官强制银行降低破产房主的抵押贷款利率。

    Mr Obama also pledged to push for reform of bankruptcy laws to allow judges to force lenders to reduce mortgage rates for bankrupt homeowners .

  6. 强制执行制度与破产立法

    Enforcement system and bankruptcies legislation