
  • 网络Johnson Johnson;johnson and johnson;JNJ
  1. 另外,我还放弃了在强生公司的丰厚待遇。

    Furthermore , I would forfeit my comfortable Johnson Johnson salary .

  2. 后来我还去比利时的滑铁卢工作过。那是强生公司(JohnsonJohnson)欧洲总部所在地。我在那里负责强生公司医疗器械业务的技术方案管理。

    And later I accepted the opportunity to work in Waterloo , Belgium , the European headquarters for Johnson Johnson , where I managed technology solutions for J & J 's medical devices sector .

  3. 谷歌公司的员工可以无限量地取用免费冰淇淋,医疗巨头强生公司为员工付干洗费。

    Google gives its staff unlimited1 free ice cream , while drugs giant Johnson & Johnson pays for its workers ' dry cleaning .

  4. 阿斯利康公司发言人表示,他们“不愿排除任何可能”有助于缓解接种疫苗后疼痛的事情,但他们“的确不清楚这么做有什么帮助”。辉瑞和强生公司也告诉《卫报》,他们没有足够的科学证据对此发表评论。

    A spokesperson for AstraZeneca said they were " loth to rule anything out " when it comes to helping with post-vaccine aches but they were " certainly not aware of it being helpful . " Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson both told the Guardian that there was not sufficient scientific evidence for them to be able to comment .

  5. 由SWOT分析知:强生公司内部的优势和外部环境的机会是占主导地位的。

    Conclusion of SWOT analysis : J & J internal strength and environment opportunity are dominant .

  6. 在这25年间,IBM与强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)年年榜上有名。

    Two companies , IBM ( IBM ) and Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) , have made that list every year for the full quarter century .

  7. 他在强生公司内部获得晋升的同时也取得了沃顿商学院(Wharton)的MBA学位。

    Starting in pharmaceutical sales in 1988 , he earned his MBA at Wharton while climbing the corporate ranks .

  8. 强生公司已开始召回该工厂生产的泰诺8小时缓释胶囊(Tylenol8-HourExtendedRelease),原因在于有客户投诉说,该产品有霉味。

    Johnson & Johnson is recalling Tylenol 8-hour extended release caplets made there because customers complained that the product smelled moldy .

  9. FDA称,强生公司的利培酮能用于治疗易激惹,包括包括攻击行为,蓄意自伤和发脾气。

    The FDA said Johnson & Johnson 's Risperdal could be used to treat irritability , including aggression , deliberate self-injury and temper tantrums .

  10. 赫比尼亚克认为,强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)、IBM和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等都有利用内部顾问的成功案例。

    Hrebiniak points to Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) , IBM ( IBM ) , and Motorola ( MMI ) as businesses that use internal consultants successfully .

  11. 方法:使用强生公司PHS修补老年腹股沟疝40例(包括马鞍疝2例),其中有单侧疝36例,双侧疝4例;

    Methods : Forty cases of inguinal hernia in the elderly were performed by applying the PHS , including two cases of pantaloon hernia .

  12. 另一款则是OneTouchVerioSyncMeter,研发商LifeScanInc.是血糖监测领域领先者强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)的旗下子公司。

    The other is the OneTouch VerioSync Meter and comes from LifeScan Inc. , a Johnson & Johnson company that is a leader in the glucose-monitoring business .

  13. 为了物色约翰•艾克斯的继承人,董事会指派了一个专门委员会,其中包括美国广播公司(ABCCapCities)首席执行官汤姆•墨菲和声名卓著的强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)前任首席执行官吉姆•伯克。

    To find a successor to CEO John Akers , it appointed a committee that included Tom Murphy , CEO of ABC cap cities , and Jim Burke , the highly acclaimed former CEO of Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) .

  14. 植根中国回报社会&美国强生公司国际副总裁(北亚区)、强生(中国)医疗器材有限公司李炳荣(SimonLi)董事长专访

    Towards China and repay the society & A special interview to Simon Li , Vice President for International Service ( North Asian Region ) of USA Johnson Company and Board Director of Johnson Medical Equipment and Materials Company Limited

  15. 方法使用强生公司的PHS治疗腹股沟疝112例,其中斜疝81例,直疝31例。

    Methods Using the PHS ( Ethicon Inc ), 112 patients with inguinal hernia were performed operation , including 81 cases of oblique inguinal hernia and 31 cases of direct hernia .

  16. 世界上最大,产品最多样化的健康护理公司,强生公司(JNJ),是另一家获得亲睐的公司。

    The world 's largest and most diverse health-care company , Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ), is another favorite .

  17. 比如说,在一些例子中,比如强生公司的Tylenol,CEO给的建议就不好,但在其他例子中,给的建议却很受用。

    Some examples , the advisors , for example , J & J and Tylenol , the advisors give the CEO bad advice , while in other cases , the advisors give good advice .

  18. 这项课程由强生公司(JohnsonJohnson's)旗下的保健与预防部门开发,是奥罗拉提供的健康培训项目之一。该课程要求学员记睡眠日记,并会根据个人的睡眠模式给出建议方案。

    The course , one of several health-coaching sessions offered at Aurora and developed by Johnson Johnson 's JNJ - 0.74 % Wellness Prevention unit , requires participants to keep a sleep diary , and then makes recommendations based on individual sleep patterns .

  19. 强生公司、Gilead以及印度的仿制药制造商Cipla已经公开表示支持,据报道诺华和默克也正在与UNITAID协商。

    Johnson and Johnson , Gilead , and Indian generics-maker Cipla have been openly supportive , and Novartis and Merck are reportedly in talks with UNITAID .

  20. 这项课程由强生公司(Johnson&Johnson's)旗下的保健与预防部门开发,是奥罗拉提供的健康培训项目之一。该课程要求学员记睡眠日记,并会根据个人的睡眠模式给出建议方案。

    The course , one of several health-coaching sessions offered at Aurora and developed by Johnson & Johnson 's JNJ - 0.74 % Wellness & Prevention unit , requires participants to keep a sleep diary , and then makes recommendations based on individual sleep patterns .

  21. 因饰演可爱的瑞秋·格林而一直被人们所熟识的安妮斯顿依旧获得了Aveeno(艾维诺,美国强生公司的下属公司)及Smartwater(可口可乐高端瓶装水品牌)等几家公司的重要代言合同。

    Forever recognizable as the lovable Rachel Green , Aniston continues to score major endorsement deals with companies like Aveeno and Smartwater .

  22. 方法:在受试者隔夜禁食12~14h后于晨起按约定时间摄入100g馒头一个,于餐后2h用美国强生公司onetouchII血糖仪检测指尖毛细血管全血血糖。

    METHODS : After 12 - 14 h fasting of the previous night , testees ate a 100 g steamed bread at a certain time and the capillary glucose was detected with one touch II type blood sugar apparatus 2 h after .

  23. 强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)的人力资源副总裁凯伊·奇科(KayeFoster-Cheek)说,对这代人来说,工作不是去某个地方上班,就是做事。

    ' For this generation , work is not a place you go ; work is a thing you do , 'says Kaye Foster-Cheek , vice president for human resources at Johnson & Johnson .

  24. 发表在本周三《美国医学协会杂志》的这项研究是由隶属于强生公司的该药制造商Ortho-McNeilNeurologics资助进行的。

    The study , published in Wednesday 's Journal of the American Medical Association , was funded by the maker of the drug , Johnson & Johnson Inc. 's Ortho-McNeil Neurologics .

  25. 这家总部位于加州帕洛阿尔托的公司成立仅一年,是由AlzaCorp.【2001年被强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)收购】的一群高管创立,计划收购治疗神经性和精神疾病的药物,同时实现商业化。

    The Palo Alto , Calif. - based company had been founded one year earlier by a group of executives at Alza Corp. ( acquired by Johnson & Johnson in 2001 ) , with plans to acquire and commercialize drugs for treating neurological and psychiatric disorders .

  26. Audro生物科技公司与詹森强生公司的子公司,詹森生物科技公司订立了第二份合作协议,授予后者排他性的、世界范围内的许可,基于其创新的LADD免疫治疗平台,来生产设计用来治疗肺癌和其他癌症的候选产品。

    Aduro BioTech has entered into its second agreement with Janssen Biotech , Inc. , part of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson , granting an exclusive , worldwide license to certain product candidates engineered for the treatment of lung cancer and certain other cancers based on its novel LADD immunotherapy platform .

  27. 这次事件发生之后,你会继续选用强生公司的产品吗?

    Will you continue use Johnson & Johnson 's products after these cases ?

  28. 她是强生公司的女继承人。

    Tracy : She 's an heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune .

  29. 然而,强生公司于本周发布声明,首席执行官职位将由亚历克斯•戈尔斯基接任。

    This week , the guy , Alex Gorsky , got the job instead .

  30. 强生公司第四季度的成绩最出乎意料。

    Johnson & Johnson beat most expectations for the final quarter of the year .