
  • 网络Roche;Roche Group
  1. XXX的原料,由世界最大的维生素制造商瑞士罗氏公司提供。

    The raw material of product XXX is supplied by the world 's biggest Vitamin manufacturer Roche Company in Switzerland .

  2. 上海有关部门强调,H7N9病毒仍对瑞士罗氏公司(Tamiflu)生产的抗病毒药达菲(Tamiflu)敏感,及时得到诊断的病人是可以治愈的。

    Shanghai authorities have stressed the H7N9 virus remained sensitive to the drug Tamiflu and those who were diagnosed early could be cured . Tamiflu is made by Roche .

  3. 在为了禽流感瘟疫大爆发进行的准备中,各国还没有发现有效的疫苗。现在它们在互相比赛着来囤积奥司他韦(oseltamivir),这是瑞士罗氏公司的专利药,商品名达菲(Tamiflu)。

    In preparation for a bird flu pandemic and in the absence of a vaccine , countries are racing to stockpile the flu drug oseltamivir , which Roche produces under the trade name Tamiflu .

  4. 在巴西,默克沙巴已经从瑞士罗氏公司和美国辉瑞公司那里拿到了二十多种药品的许可。

    It already has some two dozen drugs under licence for Brazil from Roche and Pfizer .

  5. 瑞士制药企业罗氏公司(Roche)的员工开完医学会议后,此时正和医生们共进晚餐。

    The workers for Roche , a Swiss drugs firm , had been dining with doctors after a medical conference .

  6. WarwickBedwell是总部位于瑞士Basel的罗氏公司的副总裁,负责全球业务拓展和医药合作的主管。

    Warwick Bedwell is the vice president , global head of business development , pharma partnering , for Basel , Switzerland-based Roche .

  7. 总部设在瑞士巴塞尔的罗氏公司是在研究为重点的综合优势,在制药和诊断的医疗的领导者。

    Headquartered in Basel , Switzerland , Roche is a leader in research-focused healthcare with combined strengths in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics .

  8. 最近,瑞士制药业巨头罗氏公司在上海开设了一个新的研发中心。

    Most recently , Roche , the Swiss pharmaceutical giant , opened a new laboratory in Shanghai .