
  • 网络UBS;UBS AG;UBS Group;Union Bank of Switzerland
  1. “每一个我所了解的包装食品和餐馆企业现在都在关心法律规定,”瑞银集团的帕尔曼先生表示。

    " Every packaged-food and restaurant company I know is concerned about regulation right now , " says Mr. Palmer of UBS .

  2. 瑞银集团(ubs)的乔纳森安德森(jonathananderson)认为,人民币低估幅度约为20%。

    Jonathan Anderson of UBS suggests that the undervaluation is about 20 per cent .

  3. 瑞银集团(UBS)分析师对金沙集团即将建成的澳门购物广场的销售收入日益持怀疑态度。

    UBS analysts are increasingly sceptical of the company 's potential Macao mall sale proceeds .

  4. 在其之后,只有瑞银集团(ubs)成功获得了一家中国内地证券公司的控制权。

    Only UBS has since managed to strike a deal to control a mainland securities firm .

  5. 在拉斯维加斯金沙集团今年第一季度业绩未能达到市场预期后,瑞银集团和德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)双双将它们对该集团2007年的盈利预测调低了15%左右。

    UBS and Deutsche Bank both cut 2007 earnings forecasts by around 15 per cent after Las Vegas Sands fell short of first-quarter estimates .

  6. 这段话出自本杰明o克莱默。这位前瑞银集团(UBS)咨询师是广受推崇的钟表业垂直网站Hodinkee的创始人兼主编。

    Swrites Benjamin Clymer , the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee .

  7. 瑞银集团上周承销了中国铅锌生产商&西部矿业(WesternMining)的首次公开发行(IPO)。该股在首个交易日中大涨144%。

    UBS last week handled the initial public offering of Western Mining , a Chinese lead and zinc producer , which surged 144 per cent on its first day of trading .

  8. 事实上,根据瑞银集团(UBS)的分析,550亿美元的紧缩计划中约三分之二都来自税率提高。

    In fact , around two-thirds of the55 billion euro austerity plan will come from higher taxes , according to UBS .

  9. 瑞银集团(UBSAG)8月份宣布将削减岗位3500个,预计其管理层还要进一步收缩当年意气风发的投资银行部门。

    UBS AG said in August it would cut3,500 jobs , and executives there are expected to further scale back its once-high-flying investment bank .

  10. 瑞银集团(ubs)驻香港策略师乔纳森安德森(jonathananderson)表示,除日本以外,亚洲股市的估值似乎已经开始偏高。

    Jonathan Anderson , strategist at UBS in Hong Kong , said Asian markets excluding Japan had begun to look expensive .

  11. 瑞银集团(ubs)欧洲并购业务主管汤姆库珀(tomcooper)表示,目前企业应处于从此次市场调整中获益的最有利地位。

    Tom Cooper , European head of M & A at UBS said corporate buyers should be best placed to benefit from this correction .

  12. 瑞银集团表示,它的损失是交易故障所致,该公司正在考虑起诉纳斯达克股票交易所(Nasdaq)。

    UBS says that it suffered its losses because of glitches , and that it is considering suing the NASDAQ .

  13. 如果你在午餐时间造访瑞银集团(UBS)位于伦敦金融城的办公楼,你可能会惊讶地发现,大厅中央有一架三角钢琴。

    Lunchtime visitors to UBS 's City offices might be surprised to see a grand piano in the middle of the foyer .

  14. 包括瑞银集团(ubs)股票策略师在内的其他人,也同样看好市场的中期前景,他们提到了全球利率变化的问题。

    Others , including equity strategists at UBS are equally bullish about the medium-term outlook , pointing at global interest rate movements .

  15. 这些数据证实了瑞银集团(ubs)和世界银行(worldbank)最近的研究结果,即中国出口产品的范围比10年前更广,过去两年的价格也有所提高。

    The figures confirm recent studies by UBS and the world bank showing that China is exporting a wider range of goods than a decade ago and at higher prices in the past two years .

  16. 不过上个月,这个殖民地统治时期的原军事指挥部脱胎换骨,成了瑞银集团(ubs)的“管理学校”。

    Last month , though , the former military headquarters of a colonial power was reincarnated as a " management campus " for UBS .

  17. 瑞银集团(ubs)经济学家乔纳森安德森(jonathananderson)引用了香港的数据,因为“它们距离中国工厂大门最近”。

    Jonathan Anderson , an economist at UBS , cites Hong Kong Statistics because " they are closest to the Chinese factory gate " .

  18. 瑞银集团(UBS)分析师大卫•帕默(DavidPalmer)表示,过去几年,在麦当劳美国同店销售增幅中,约有一半来自新鸡肉产品。

    New chicken products have contributed about half the company 's US same-store sales growth over the past few years , says David Palmer , analyst at UBS .

  19. 瑞银集团(ubs)在上海证交所(shanghaistockexchange)承销的内地第一宗首次公开发行(ipo)在首日交易中上涨逾一倍,突出体现了中国投资者进入日益扩大的、中国内地股市的决心。

    The determination of Chinese investors to tap a growing domestic share market was underlined yesterday when the first initial public offering managed by UBS on the Shanghai stock exchange more than doubled on its trading debut .

  20. 将这一数据与3.5亿美元的总损失额进行比较就可估算出,瑞银集团在Facebook上市当日购买了逾2900万股股票。

    Compare that to a total loss of $ 350 million , and what you get is that UBS bought just over 29 million shares of Facebook on the day of its IPO .

  21. 瑞士银行瑞银集团(UBS)获得了对其去年所呈提议的预批函,它提议向国有的北京证券(BeijingSecurities)注资2亿美元,以换取后者20%的股份。

    UBS , the Swiss bank , has been granted preparatory approval for its proposal , submitted last year , to inject $ 200m into the state-owned Beijing Securities in return for a 20 per cent stake .

  22. 瑞银集团(UBS)去年9月同意以2亿美元购得北京证券(BeijingSecurities)20%的股份,外资银行曾希望,这笔交易将成为中国证券业其它投资交易的模板。

    UBS agreed last September to buy a 20 per cent stake in Beijing Securities for $ 200m in a deal that foreign banks hoped would become a model for other investments in the Chinese brokerage sector .

  23. 因此,瑞银集团成功地将自己笼罩在光环之下由于定价部分上由监管机构决定而没有使自己面对将IPO价格定得过低的指责。

    As a result , UBS gets to cover itself in glory without – since pricing is partly dictated by regulators – opening itself to accusations of leaving too much on the table .

  24. 瑞银集团(UBS)驻伦敦的贵金属策略主管约翰?里德(JohnReade)将其1个月期金价预测定为“不可避免的”每盎司850美元。

    John Reade , head of metals strategy at UBS in London , upgraded its one-month gold forecast to an " inevitable " $ 850 an ounce .

  25. 另一位加盟的明星银行家是从瑞银集团挖来的安格斯•巴克(AngusBarker),担任该行财务顾问业务主管。

    Another star recruit is Angus Barker , who was lured away from UBS to head the bank 's financial sponsors unit .

  26. 但正如瑞银集团的OlivierNicolai所说的,合并的效果是有限的。

    But as Olivier Nicola ï of UBS , a bank , points out , synergies are limited .

  27. 高盛、摩根士丹利(morganstanley)和瑞银集团(ubs)已通过组建合资公司,在中国获得了立足之处,但它们的业务要么受到严格限制,要么未能获得管理控制权。

    Goldman Sachs , Morgan Stanley and UBS have struck deals to gain a foothold in China , but their operations are either tightly constrained or do not allow them management control .

  28. 瑞银集团(ubs)驻伦敦的贵金属策略师约翰里德(johnread)认为,自2003年推出交易型开放式指数基金(etf)以来,上海黄金期货的推出是黄金市场最为重要的进展。

    John read , precious metals strategist at UBS in London , considered the launch of the Shanghai gold futures the most important development in the bullion market since the introduction of exchange-traded funds in 2003 .

  29. 瑞银集团(ubs)昨天透露,去年第四季度,旗下曾是业绩增长发动机的私人银行部门急剧加速流失业务,突显出这家瑞士银行集团所面临问题的严重性。

    UBS revealed yesterday it suffered a sharp acceleration of outflows from its once powerhouse private bank in the fourth-quarter , underlining the scale of the problems facing the Swiss banking group .

  30. 欧洲银行股昨日飙涨。瑞银集团(UBS)业绩结果乐观、全球监管提议打折扣,以及上周五压力测试结果的余辉,均压倒了投资者的紧张情绪。

    European bank stocks soared yesterday , as buoyant results from UBS , relief at watered-down global regulatory proposals and the afterglow of last Friday 's stress tests results overcame investor nervousness .