
  • 网络SWISSCOM;Swiss Telecom
  1. 在施洛特掌舵期间,瑞士电信在国内移动市场保住霸主地位,借助服务捆绑防止价格侵蚀,尽管成本更低的竞争对手Orange和Sunrise对其发起新的挑战。

    Under Schloter 's tenure , Swisscom has remained dominant in the national mobile market in spite of renewed challenges from lower-cost competitors Orange and Sunrise , shifting to bundled services to prevent price erosion .

  2. 2000年,他进入瑞士电信,出任移动部门主管,其后在2006年晋升为首席执行官,此前他的前任延斯•阿尔德(JensAlder)在与瑞士政府就集团的国际扩张战略发生冲突后被迫辞职。瑞士政府是瑞士电信的最大股东。

    In 2000 , he joined Swisscom as head of its mobile division , before being promoted to chief executive in 2006 , after his predecessor , Jens Alder , was forced to resign following a clash with the Swiss government , which is Swisscom 's largest shareholder , over the group 's international expansion strategy .

  3. 49岁的瑞士电信公司(Swisscom)首席执行官卡斯滕•施洛特被每天24小时不间断的电话骚扰得不胜其烦。

    Swisscom CEO Carsten schloter , 49 , had trouble with being on call 24 / 7 .

  4. 瑞士电信(Swisscom)首席执行官卡斯腾•施洛特(CarstenSchloter)被发现在家中身亡,警方怀疑他死于自杀。

    Carsten Schloter , the chief executive of Swisscom , has been found dead at his home , in what police suspect was a case of suicide .

  5. 出于对施洛特家人的照顾,瑞士电信将不再发布有关他过世的进一步信息。

    Out of consideration for Schloter 's family , Swisscom will not release any further information surrounding his death .

  6. 瑞士电信董事长韩穗里•鲁斯利(HansueliLoosli)表示,该公司及“全体员工深感悲痛,谨向施洛特家人和亲属表示悼念”。

    Hansueli Loosli , Swisscom 's chairman , said the company and its " entire workforce are deeply saddened and pass on their condolences to the family and relatives . "

  7. 与之形成对比的是,瑞士电信公司和苏黎世保险公司所在的瑞士,自杀率实际上正在下降,从2000年的10万分之17.2降到2010年的10万分之11.1。

    By comparison , suicide rates in Switzerland , where both Swisscom and Zurich Insurance are based , have actually gone down : from 17.2 per 100,000 in 2000 to 11.1 per 100,000 in 2010 .

  8. 苏珊·特尔茨谢尔(SusanTeltscher)是位于瑞士的国际电信联盟信息和通信技术数据和统计司负责人。

    Susan Teltscher is head of the ICT Data and Statistics Division at the International Telecommunication Union in Switzerland .

  9. 这家瑞士最大的电信运营商宣布,现年49岁的施洛特昨日上午在他位于瑞士西部弗赖堡(Freiburg)的居所被发现身亡,警方正在调查他确切的死因。

    Switzerland 's biggest telecoms group said Schloter , 49 , had been found yesterday morning at his residence in Freiburg in western Switzerland and that an investigation into the exact circumstances surrounding his death was under way .