
  • 网络comcast corporation;Comcast Corp
  1. 就在本周,一项调查发现,媒体和电信巨头康卡斯特公司是最令人憎恨的服务商。

    Just this week , an investigation found that media and telecom giant Comcast is the most hated provider .

  2. 历经10个多月,康卡斯特公司收到了近12000份消费者投诉,很多都与其每月数据限额和超额收费有关。

    Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .

  3. 译注)&艾米•班西,康卡斯特公司(Comcast)常务董事,基金部负责人

    Amy banse , managing director and head of funds , Comcast

  4. 2009年年末,这家杰克?韦尔奇创办的公司其下属娱乐公司——NBC环球的控股权卖与康卡斯特公司,此项交易对新NBC环球的估值为370亿美元。

    The house that Jack built ended 2009 by selling a controlling stake in its NBC Universal entertainment unit to Comcast , a deal that valued the new entity at $ 37 billion .

  5. 与此同时,康卡斯特公司已经与三星达成合作协议,开始为三星电视提供4K节目。在接下来几个月中,该公司还计划向所有4K电视提供内容服务。

    Comcast , meanwhile , has partnered with SamsungSSNLF 13.64 % to delivery 4K content to its sets - and plans to expand the offering to all 4K sets in the coming months .

  6. 美国电话电报公司(AT&T)、时代华纳公司(Time-Warner)和康卡斯特公司(Comcast)也都以较低的网速提供互联网和有线电视服务。

    At & T ( T ) , Time-Warner ( TWX ) and Comcast ( cmcsa ) also offer Internet / TV plans at lower speeds .

  7. 网飞公司表示,其与康卡斯特公司达成的协议将使用户获得更流畅的观看体验。

    Netflix said the deal with Comcast would give customers a better user experience .

  8. 有线电视及互联网服务提供商康卡斯特公司计划斥资450亿美元收购时代华纳。

    Cable and Internet provider Comcast is planning to buy Time Warner Cable for $ 45 billion .

  9. 对康卡斯特公司来说,这份协议解决了可能引发公共关系问题的大威胁。

    For Comcast , the deal resolves what had threatened to become a big public relations problems .

  10. 网飞公司同意付钱给康卡斯特公司,以保证其用户能更好地获得节目收看权限。

    Netflix has agreed to pay Comcast to make assure its customers get better access to its programming .

  11. 在2007年,官方要求康卡斯特公司停止干涉其互联网用户使用文件共享项目。

    In two thousand seven , officials ordered Comcast to stop interfering with file-sharing programs used by its Internet customers .

  12. 同时,两家公司辩称,考虑一下诸如康卡斯特公司收购时代华纳这类的大型并购案,他们需要合并以继续保持竞争性。

    Meanwhile the companies argued that with major merger such as Comcast proposed purchase of Time Warner under consideration , they need to combine to continue to be competitive .

  13. 与普通的地面互联网服务提供商相比,Viasat的价格显然是比较高的。拿康卡斯特公司为例,该公司每秒150兆的互联网服务的“建议价格”仅为每月50美元。

    Viasat 's price is higher than the typical Earth-based Internet service provider like Comcast , which charges an " introductory price " of $ 50 a month for 150 MPS Internet service .

  14. 据了解这份协议的知情人士透露,网飞公司将支付康卡斯特公司买路线,以使其客户获得康卡斯特宽带网络的直接访问权,而无需经过目前使用的互联网中间商公司提供的服务。

    A source familiar with the deal said Netflix would pay Comcast to connect more directly to its customers by bypassing of the internet companies that now acted as middlemen for digital traffic .

  15. 同时,根据与通用电气达成的协议,康卡斯特公司可保留自最初销售时起资产价值升值总额部分的50%,所以该公司很有动力继续投资于自身拥有的资产。

    At the same time , the deal with Ge allows Comcast to keep 50 % of all appreciation in asset values from the time of the initial sale , so the company has a big incentive to keep investing in the assets it has .

  16. 据悉苹果的谈判仅在一家康卡斯特(Comcast)受阻,但一名知情人士表示,虽然苹果未能从康卡斯特子公司NBC环球(NBCUniversal)获得内容播放权,但这不太可能阻止苹果在未来几个月推出新的服务。

    One holdout in Apple 's negotiations is said to be Comcast , but a person close to the situation said that failing to secure rights from its NBC Universal subsidiary would be unlikely to prevent a launch in the coming months , just as Apple 's iTunes has grown its catalogue over the years .

  17. 这个价值77亿美元的度假区,是由北京一家国有公司和美国康卡斯特NBC环球公司共同投资的。

    The 7.7 billion resort is an investment by a Beijing-based state-owned company and America 's Comcast NBCUniversal .

  18. 这大体说明了Verizon和康卡斯特这类公司的看法:Cogent/Netflix的数据流极不平衡。

    That basically illustrates the arguments made by companies like Verizon and Comcast , that Cogent / Netflix 's traffic flows are extremely one-sided .

  19. 这是在争议颇多的康卡斯特和nbc环球公司合并之后4个月后宣布的。

    Just 4 months after approving the highly contentious merger of Comcast with NBC Universal .

  20. 康卡斯特和时代华纳公司宣布将合作在移动产品上推出在线电视服务。

    Comcast and Time Warner announced the deal that lets you to stream live cable TV content onto your mobile devices .

  21. 多年前,罗伯茨给外界留下的印象似乎是,康卡斯特正在向内容公司转变,或者会加大向这方面的倾斜。

    A few years ago , the story Roberts seemed to be selling was that Comcast was transforming itself into a content company , or that it would lean more heavily in that direction .

  22. 23.斯蒂芬•布克职位:NBC环球首席执行官兼康卡斯特执行副总裁所在公司:康卡斯特公司2010年薪酬合计:31267691美元

    Stephen B. Burke chief executive officer , nbcuniversal and executive vice president , Comcast Comcast Corp. 2010 total compensation : $ 31,267,691