
kānɡ shī fu
  • a brand of instant noodles
  1. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的资料,创立康师傅的魏氏四兄弟是台湾第三富家族。

    The four Wei brothers who built Tingyi are the third-richest family in Taiwan , according to Forbes .

  2. 上世纪80年代,魏的家族企业之一顶新国际集团(tinghsininternationalgroup)将“康师傅”品牌引入中国大陆,现在,该品牌已是这里的市场领导者。

    Tinghsin International Group , one of his family businesses , introduced the brand to the Chinese in the late 1980s . Now it is the market leader .

  3. 康师傅控股上半年净利润增长17.9%。对于该公司的业绩,分析师们看法不一。巴克莱(Barclays)指出,康师傅控股第二季度收入下滑2%。

    As for the results themselves -- which saw net profit rise 17.9 % -- analyst opinions were mixed , with Barclays noting that Tingyi 's revenue for the second quarter was down 2 % .

  4. 如果你对如何在中国营销方便面感到好奇,那不妨来看看食品及饮料巨头康师傅控股有限公司(TingyiHoldingCorp.,简称:康师傅控股)今年上半年的业绩。

    If you 've ever wondered what it takes to market instant noodles in China , take a look at food and beverage giant Tingyi Holding Corp. 's results for the first half of this year .

  5. 北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCoInc.,PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

    Tingyi , owner of the ' Master Kong ' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc. , lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange , including :

  6. 我们来看一下这种康师傅鲜虾鱼板面。

    Let 's check out this Master Kong Seafood instant noodle !

  7. 康师傅称其无糖饮品目前的销售情况并不好。

    Tingyi says its sugar-free offerings aren 't popular yet .

  8. 还是给康师傅饮品的知名度提升到了更高的台阶呢?

    Or to the well-known brand drinks upgrade to a higher level ?

  9. 是什么因素让你拿起统一方便面,而不是康师傅呢?

    What makes you pick the Uni-President instant noodles over Master Kang ?

  10. 另有批发商确认,康师傅饮料的批发价格有所提高。

    And wholesalers say the price for Master Kong drinks has also increased .

  11. 但这个促销是否给康师傅带来了销售量又带来了市场呢?

    But this is to brand marketing and sales brought about by the market ?

  12. 在推出新品的同时康师傅公司也是不遗余力的做了许多促销。

    In a new effort to brand the company is doing a lot of promotion .

  13. 康师傅鲜虾鱼板面

    Master Kong Artificial Seafood Flavor Instant Noodle

  14. 康师傅香菇炖鸡面

    Master Kong Mushroom Stew Chicken Ramen

  15. 又在“康师傅”吃饭。

    Dinner at kang 's again .

  16. 我不知道为什么那么多康师傅方便面在美国买不到;

    I don 't know why so many of them aren 't available in the US ;

  17. 这是几个月前我拿到的康师傅方便面中的一包——真正的惊喜。

    This is one of them I got a couple months ago - a real surprise .

  18. 我从沃尔马超市出来,提着一包卫生纸还有一包康师傅方便面。

    I came out from WallMart , with a bag of bumf and some noodles in my hand .

  19. 很浪漫:玫瑰、红酒、蜡烛,还有一包康师傅。顶一下。

    Very romantic : roses , red wine , candles , there is a packet of Master Kong !

  20. 本文首先对康师傅饮品在消费市场和消费者心理进行了调查和分析。

    This article first Kangshifu drinks in the consumer market and consumer psychology conducted a survey and analysis .

  21. 真的,我对你的爱就像康师傅方便面一样绵绵无绝期!

    Really , I love you like Master Kong instant noodles the same period of rain , no never !

  22. 事业部结构则为了实行产品多元化战略,如保洁,康师傅;

    The multidivitional structure is made to implement product diversity strategy , such as P & G and Kangshifu ;

  23. 因此,正确的经营理念,得当的营销战略与策略就显得愈加重要。康师傅控股有限公司在饮料市场具有较为突出的表现,总结其营销经验,对其它相关企业有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Therefore , it is more significant for an enterprise to have proper marketing conception , strategies and tactics .

  24. 然而在美国这边真的找不到康师傅方便面,这真是很糟糕。

    You really can 't find any Master Kong noodles here in the United States which is a real bummer .

  25. 方便面巨头康师傅从11月1日起也将其“经典袋面系列”涨价10%。

    The biggest instant noodle group , Masterkong , raised the price of its classic instant noodles by10 percent from Nov1 .

  26. 两家企业都有相当一部分收入来自方便面,在统一和康师傅中分别占到26%和48%。

    Each derives a significant portion of revenue from its instant-noodle business & 26 % for Uni-President and48 % for Tingyi .

  27. 康师傅方便面不太好的地方就是似乎没有说明烹饪时应该添多少水。

    What 's tough about Master Kong packs is that they don 't seem to say how much water to add in .

  28. 四月,康师傅宣布方便面成本上涨14%,那是继去年11月来第三次提价了。

    In April , Master Kong announced a14 per cent increase of its instant noodle cost-that was their third price hike since last November .

  29. 尽管面临可口可乐等海外公司的激烈竞争,统一和康师傅的市场地位还是很稳固的,因为它们的产品不仅限于果汁。

    Despite the heavy competitive pressures from foreign firms such as Coca-Cola , Uni-President and Tingyi remain well-positioned since they make more than just juice .

  30. 即便如此,该行认为,康师傅控股具备了在未来三至五年大幅提升利润率的所有条件。

    That said , Barclays believed that the company ' has all the building blocks in place to substantially improve its margins over the next 3-5 years . '