
  • 网络DJIA;dji;Dow Jones Indexes;Dow;Dow Jones
  1. 从道琼斯指数(DowJonesIndexes)2002年一项对中国股市的研究中可以明显看出,内幕交易会腐蚀市场。

    The corrosive influence of insider trading was highlighted in a 2002 study of China 's stock market by Dow Jones Indexes .

  2. 道琼斯指数秉承清晰、公正和系统化的工作方法,全面整合指数体系。

    Dow Jones indexes are maintained according to clear , unbiased and systematic methodologies that are fully integrated within index families .

  3. 道琼斯指数今天上午下跌了15点。

    The Dow Jones index fell 15 points this morning .

  4. 除了纳达斯克指数之外,IBM的股票曾是道琼斯指数最大的赢家,上涨了超过3%,此前该公司报告,周一的盈利高于预期。

    Away from the Nasdaq , shares in IBM were the biggest winner on the Dow , rising over 3 % after it reported better-than-expected earnings on Monday .

  5. 收看CNN白天的新闻,你一定会看到屏幕边上变化的道琼斯指数。

    Watch daytime news on CNN and you can 't avoid the vacillating Dow Jones industrial average in the corner of your screen .

  6. 道琼斯指数上涨了130多点,标准普尔500指数和以技术股票为主的NASDAQ同有所上涨。

    The Dow was up by more than 130 points while the S & P 500 and the tech-heavy NASDAQ rose as well .

  7. 在今年3月份道琼斯指数触及纪录新高的那一天,布伦特•凯塞尔(BrentKessel)凌晨三点半就醒来了。

    When the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record this past March , Brent Kessel awoke at 3:30 a.m.

  8. 自这一奇怪插曲出现以来已过去整整18个月,该事件曾导致道琼斯指数(DowJones)在半小时内暴跌650点,8500亿美元市值蒸发,而后股市反弹。

    A full 18 months have passed since that strange episode , which caused the Dow Jones to tumble 650 points in half an hour , wiping $ 850bn off share prices , before rebounding .

  9. 在黑色星期三,FTSE再次下跌,道琼斯指数大幅跳水,英镑相对美元再次疲软。

    All on the day that the FTSE has fallen again , the DOW has plunged and the pound suffered its worst drop against the dollar since Black Wednesday .

  10. 标普道琼斯指数公司(S&PDowJonesIndices)的董事总经理、S&P/Case-Shiller指数专家戴维・布利策(DavidBlitzer)称,许多潜在购房者发现很难获得抵押贷款,因为首付要求很高。

    According to David Blitzer , managing director of S & P Dow Jones Indices and maven of the S & P / Case-Shiller Indexes , a lot of potential home buyers are finding mortgages difficult to obtain because of onerous down-payment requirements .

  11. 相比之下,在其第二个任期之初,道琼斯指数创五年来新高,同时,被广泛使用的投资者恐慌指数vix跌至近六年来低点(见表)。

    At the start of his second term , by contrast , the Dow hit a five-year high , while a widely followed index of investor fear called the VIX reached a near-six-year low ( see table ) .

  12. 最好是道琼斯指数下跌很多的时候。

    Preferably these should involve a substantial decline in the Dow .

  13. 收盘前,道琼斯指数上涨了35点。

    Before the close , the Dow was up 35 points .

  14. 在收盘时,道琼斯指数上涨了3点。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up three points .

  15. 华尔街最新股市行情,道琼斯指数下降271个点。

    At last check , the Dow was down 271 points .

  16. 华尔街消息,道琼斯指数上涨58点。

    On Wall Street , the Dow was up 58 points .

  17. 道琼斯指数,1888-1990:一个理想的数据集。

    Dow Jones Industrials , 1888-1990 : An Ideal Data Set .

  18. 收盘前让我们关注下华尔街,道琼斯指数下跌26点。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was off 26 points .

  19. 最后让我们看下华尔街走势,道琼斯指数下跌12点。

    At last check on Wall Street , Dow was down 12 .

  20. 收盘前让我们关注下华尔街指数,道琼斯指数下跌106点收盘价15070点。

    Before the close , dow was down 106 points at 15070 .

  21. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数下跌93点,以15519点收盘。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was off 93 at 15519 .

  22. 道琼斯指数如今已从最高点跌落一半。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average has now halved from its peak .

  23. 亚洲道琼斯指数小幅下跌。

    The Asian Dow downed a fraction of a point .

  24. 道琼斯指数上涨12点,以13607点收盘。

    Dow is up 12 points at 13 , 607 .

  25. 让我们来关注下华尔街,道琼斯指数上涨56点。

    On wall street , the Dow is up 56 .

  26. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数略有下降。

    Before the close , the Dow was down slightly .

  27. 在收盘前,道琼斯指数上涨43点截至14801点。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up 43 at 14801 .

  28. 最后,道琼斯指数上涨173点。

    At the close , Dow was up 173 .

  29. 在收盘前让我们关注下华尔街走势,道琼斯指数上涨115点。

    Before the close , Dow was up 115 .

  30. 在结束时,道琼斯指数上涨131点以14832点收盘。

    Before the closing bell , Dow was up 131 points at 14832 .