
  • 网络Ethical trade;Ethical Trading
  1. 作为劳动密集型产品的出口大国,我国企业在对欧美国家的产品出口中已越来越多的受到了道德贸易壁垒的冲击,并造成了严重的损失。

    China is a great exporting country , whose exports of labor-intensive products have been impacted greatly by ethical trade barriers in recent years .

  2. 道德贸易壁垒对中小外贸企业的影响及对策研究

    Impact of Moral Trade Barriers on the Small and Medium-Sized Foreign Trade Enterprises and Countermeasure Research

  3. 本部分首先查明我国法律中规定的公共道德贸易措施的条文,紧接着对我国未来针对公共道德例外条款的适用提出具体的几点对策。

    Firstly , I have identified the legal provisions which provide the public morality trade measures provisions in China , and later I have proposed some countermeasures to China in case it invokes the public moral exception clause in the future .

  4. 该条款已渐成关注热点,中国等发展中国家也开始积极援用一般例外条款进行自我保护;DSB也致力于公共道德与贸易权利之间的平衡努力。

    The terms had become concerned about the " hot spots ", China and other developing countries also began to actively invoking the general exception clauses to protect themselves ; the DSB also committed to a balance of efforts between public morality and the right to trade .

  5. 金融中介通过降低交易成本、缓解信息不对称所导致的逆向选择和道德风险对国际贸易的发展产生促进作用。

    By reducing the costs of transaction and relieving the adverse selection and moral hazard caused by information asymmetry , financial intermediary has played a catalytic role in the development of international trade .

  6. 道德壁垒在国际贸易尤其是禽畜产品贸易中越来越明显。抗战时期中德易货贸易述评&兼论中德关系的演变

    Moral barrier is appearing gradually in international trade especially in the trade of poultry and animal products . Review on China-Germany Barter Trade During the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan & On the Change of China-Germany