
  • 网络Dow Jones;Dow Jones & Company;dow jones company;Dow Jones & Co;Dow Jones and Company
  1. 它将会出售给一家由道琼斯公司和西屋广播公司合资的公司。

    It will be sold to a joint venture created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting .

  2. 新闻集团旗下的道琼斯公司(DowJones)表示:“在外部律师和审计人员对我们的中国业务进行全面审查后,我们没有发现任何违规证据。”

    News Corp 's Dow Jones subsidiary said that " after a thorough review of our operations in China conducted by outside lawyers and auditors , we have not found any evidence of impropriety . "

  3. 受害公司包括VISA,道琼斯公司,J.C.Penney公司以及捷蓝航空。

    Among the firm 's breached VISA , Dow Jones , J.C. Penney and JetBlue .

  4. 他为并购该报的东家道琼斯公司而支付了高价。

    He has paid top dollar for the Journal 's parent company , Dow Jones .

  5. 它是由道琼斯公司发行的。道琼斯公司是一家有着广泛影响力的国际财经新闻出版社。

    It is published by the Dow Jones Company , an influential publisher of international financial news .

  6. 21世纪福克斯和《华尔街日报》和道琼斯公司之前曾同属于一家公司。

    Fox and The Wall Street Journal and this newswire were until recently part of the same company .

  7. 但是道琼斯公司强调这并不意味着其将会卖给默多克。

    But the company is also stressing that this does not necessarily mean it will agree to sell to Mr murdoch .

  8. 他们认为,默多克将损害道琼斯公司的新闻诚信。一个多世纪以来,该家族一直警惕地守护着这种独立性。

    They believe he would harm the journalistic integrity of an institution their family has jealously guarded for more than a century .

  9. 为控制危机,上周,默多克已经关闭了旗下小报《世界新闻报》,放弃了对付费电视巨头天空电视台的收购,并批准了两名高管布鲁克斯和莱斯辛顿(道琼斯公司首席执行官)的辞职。

    In the past week , Murdoch has closed the News of the World tabloid , abandoned his offer for control of pay-TV giant BSkyB and let go two top executives , Brooks and Dow Jones chief Les Hinton , in a bid to control the crisis .

  10. 标普道琼斯指数公司(S&PDowJonesIndices)的董事总经理、S&P/Case-Shiller指数专家戴维・布利策(DavidBlitzer)称,许多潜在购房者发现很难获得抵押贷款,因为首付要求很高。

    According to David Blitzer , managing director of S & P Dow Jones Indices and maven of the S & P / Case-Shiller Indexes , a lot of potential home buyers are finding mortgages difficult to obtain because of onerous down-payment requirements .

  11. 在过去的一个世纪里,道琼斯的股东和公司都是B家族的。

    For the past century , the controlling shareholder in Dow Jones and Company has been the Bancroft family .

  12. 道琼斯报道,该公司美国制药业务主管ChrisViehbache星期四说,当媒体关注逐渐平息并且公司可以重新开始与医生进行沟通时,葛兰素会推进文雅迪的销售。

    Glaxo intends to boost sales Avandia once the attention from the media quiets down and the company can resume conversations with doctors , the company 's head of U.