
  • 网络dow jones newswires;Dow Jones Newswire
  1. GrainsCouncil)总裁托马斯•多尔(ThomasDorr)此前曾告诉道琼斯通讯社(DowJonesNewswires),中国应该通过提高粮食需求数据的准确度,以帮助全球粮食生产商提前规划生产。

    Grains Council President Thomas Dorr has told Dow Jones Newswires in the past that China should help global grain producers plan ahead by being clearer about the extent of its needs .

  2. 中建总公司在给道琼斯通讯社(DowJonesNewswires)的一份声明中表示,它此前已向世界银行解释了自己的行动,对世行的缺乏理解表示遗憾。

    China State , in a statement to Dow Jones Newswires , said it had explained its actions to the World Bank and regretted the bank 's lack of understanding .

  3. 3.新基金将为投资者提供两种费用结构,该消息最初于上个月由道琼斯通讯社(DowJones)报道。

    It will offer investors a choice of fee structures , as first reported last month by Dow Jones .

  4. 克莱斯勒发言人麦克塔维什(LoriMcTavish)周一对道琼斯通讯社(DowJonesNewswires)说,在当前的经济环境下,所有行业都会有这类公司间的商谈,我们也不例外。

    ' In today 's economic environment , talks are going on between companies in all industries-ours is no different , 'Chrysler spokeswoman Lori McTavish told Dow Jones Newswires Monday .

  5. 罗氏公司的女发言人MartinaRupp对道琼斯通讯社声称说,该公司已经将生产达菲的关键药物组分准备就绪,以便迅速提高达菲产量。

    Roche spokeswoman Martina Rupp told Dow Jones Newswires that the company has the key ingredients in place to quickly ramp up production of Tamiflu .

  6. 主持人:沈宏,上海分社社长,道琼斯通讯社。

    Moderator : Shen Hong , Shanghai Bureau Chief , The Wall Street Journal .

  7. 道琼斯通讯社的一篇文章援引鲍尔默的讲话报导说,在经济重入正轨前没有人非常清楚资产价值应该是多少。

    ' Nobody quite knows what asset values should be until the economy re-sets , 'Ballmer is quoted as saying in a Dow Jones Newswires article .