
  • 网络Moral suasion
  1. 面对这一令人失望的局面,强积金局及其它政府部门转向了道义劝说,希望大型保险公司、银行、信托公司会为了大众的利益而下调费用,否则将会在此过程中让他们蒙羞。

    Confronted with this disappointment , the MPFA and other parts of the government resorted to moral persuasion , hoping the large insurance companies , banks and trust companies would lower fees for the general good or else be shamed in the process .

  2. 不断萎缩的劳动力供应、道义上的劝说、再加上对企业存留收益征税的威胁,应该能够推动实现上述目标。

    A combination of shrinking labour supply , moral suasion plus the threat of a tax on retained earnings should do the trick .