
  • 网络The Moral Economy;moral economics;ethical economics
  1. 道德经济和道德经济学

    Moral Economy and Moral Economics

  2. 在18世纪英国的过渡时期,一种仍然为主流社会所认可(或默许)的政治空间的存在,使民众的道德经济学的展演成为可能。

    In 18th century , a transition period of England , the political space approved by mainstream made it possible that the populace appealed for their existence right by the form of moral economy .

  3. 而中国对经济人的理解也有一定障碍,因而出现无道德经济学与伦理的经济学,都是有偏颇,其实经济学终极关怀是人的全面发展与社会全面进步。

    However , Chinese also have obstacles in understanding economic man , so " Non ethical economics " and " ethical economics " appear , which have their own deficiencies . Actually , Ultimate concern of Economics is the overall development of man and society .

  4. 重庆市民家庭道德的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of the Family Moral among Chongqing 's Residents

  5. 道德:经济学边界扩展的新领域

    Moral of Economic Analysis : An Expansion of the Horizon of Economics

  6. 道德的经济学&亲缘选择与广义效用理论

    The Economics of Morality & Kin Selection and the Theory of Generalized Utility

  7. 伦理道德的经济学探讨&兼论社会主义市场经济伦理道德观

    An Economic Approach to Ethics

  8. 环境道德的经济学分析

    Economics analysis of environmental ethics

  9. 对道德进行经济学分析,实际上隐含着如下前提:道德是一种稀缺资源,为了实现其效用最大化,必须进行选择优化和合理配置。

    To analyze economics , a hidden precondition needs to be satisfied : ethics is an exiguous resources , it must be optimized and assigned reasonably to maximize its avail .

  10. 对道德银行的经济学分析

    Study on the Economics of Moral Bank

  11. 对信用道德缺失的经济学分析

    Economical analysis of lacking credit morality

  12. 休谟生活的年代被称作启蒙时代,这时苏格兰启蒙运动集中在三个领域:历史、道德哲学和经济学。

    The era Hume lived called " the Age of Enlightenment " which influenced history , moral philosopy and economics .

  13. 普世性的道德准则是经济学的前提,经济学自身的价值判断准则也同样拒斥不道德的经济行为。

    Universal moral rule is the precondition of economics theory . Furthermore , the valuation rule of economy theory also rejects the immoral economy behavior .

  14. 对现存的社会道德问题的若干经济学思考

    Existing Social Moral Problems and Thoughts in View of Economics

  15. 论市场效率的实现需要社会主义思想道德建设&从经济学的角度分析社会主义思想道德建设的重要意义

    RealiZation of Market Efficiency Requires the Establishment of Socialist Ideology and Ethics

  16. 关于保险市场道德风险的微观经济学问题研究

    The Micro-economic problems Related to Financial Risk of Insurance Market

  17. 企业道德失范的经济学原因分析与解决方案

    The Economic Analysis and Solutions to Immoralities of Enterprises On the Lack of Occupational Morality in the Field of Accounting

  18. 当代中国德育:多元利益主体教育博弈的牺牲品&学校道德教育现状的经济学解读

    Modern Chinese Moral Education : the Victim of Education Game by Multi-benefit Subjects & an Economic Interpretation of the Current Situation of School Moral Education

  19. 经济学的裂变在很大程度上依赖于社会道德规范,不道德的经济学在现代经济学的发展过程中几乎不存在。

    The evolution of economics in a large part relies on the social moral norms , and no immoral economics ever exists in the development of modern economics .

  20. 道德文化、腐败与经济转型&对中国转型期一个基于道德腐败的经济学分析

    Morality , Corruption and Economic Transition & Analysis on Moral Corruption during the Course of the Chinese Transition