
  • 网络Dodge;Dooge
  1. 道奇汽车和拍摄他们,不要让任何东西让你的方式。

    Dodge cars and shoot them , do not let anything get in your way .

  2. 第二天,公司宣布将雇佣1800名工人去伊利诺斯州贝尔维戴尔制造新款道奇Dart汽车。

    The next day it announced it would hire 1800 people at a plant in Belvidere , Illinois , to build its new Dodge Dart .

  3. 这名嫌疑人开着一辆青色的道奇牌面包汽车,上的是宾夕法尼亚州牌照。据描述,此人粗短身材,一头黑色卷发。

    The suspect drove away in a teal-colored Dodge Caravan with Pennsylvania tags . He 's described as short and stocky with curly black hair .