
  • BYD;BYD Auto;BYD Co.
  1. 中国国际金融公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp.)驻上海分析师金羽(音)表示,此次IPO将促进比亚迪的长远发展。

    Jin Yu , an analyst in Shanghai with China International Capital Corp. , says the IPO could boost BYD 's long-term development .

  2. 同时,瑞信(CreditSuisse)周四下调了比亚迪未来三年的盈利预测。

    Also , Credit Suisse on Thursday lowered its earnings forecasts for BYD over the next three years .

  3. 今年晚些时候,比亚迪将推出一款插入式混合动力汽车,并于2011年销往美国和欧盟(EU)市场。

    BYD will launch a plug-in hybrid car later this year , with sales in the US and European Union to follow in 2011 .

  4. 中国汽车工业咨询发展公司(ChinaAutomobileIndustryConsulting)首席分析师贾新光表示,比亚迪在电池制造领域的专长使其在与其他电动轿车厂家的竞争中占有很大优势。

    Jia Xingguang , chief economist with China Automobile Industry Consulting , says BYD 's expertise in battery making puts it in a strong position to compete with others making electric cars .

  5. 比亚迪和戴姆勒(Daimler)合作创造了Denza;

    BYD and Daimler have linked up to create the Denza ;

  6. 巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathawayInc.)持有比亚迪10%的股份。

    Mr. Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has a 10 % stake in the company .

  7. 就连巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)也在2008年入股总部位于深圳的电池和电动汽车生产商比亚迪(BYD)。

    Even Warren Buffett took a stake in Shenzhen-based battery and electric carmaker BYD in 2008 .

  8. 在比亚迪创出历史新高的当天,花旗投资研究(CitiInvestmentResearch)将其评级从卖出上调至买进,12个月目标股价从43港元调高到了91港元。

    On the day the stock hit its peak , Citi Investment Research raised its rating to'buy'with a12-month price target of HK $ 91 a share , from'sell'and12-month price target of HK $ 43 .

  9. 他去年买入了抱负远大的电动汽车制造商比亚迪(byd)的部分股权。

    He recently bought a stake in BYD , an aspiring maker of electric cars .

  10. 泽谢发表上述言论时,正在中国与该国电动汽车先锋比亚迪(byd)讨论合作事宜。

    Mr Zetsche made the comments in China while discussing a partnership with Chinese EV pioneer BYD .

  11. 就在瑞银承销的两家上市公司比亚迪和庞大汽贸集团股份有限公司(pangdaautomobiletradeco)公布利润大幅下滑后,中国官方媒体指责瑞银误导投资者。

    Official Chinese media accused the Bank of misleading investors after two companies that it brought to market carmaker BYD and Pang Da automobile trade co reported steep drops in profits .

  12. 该公司已与中国的汽车电池制造商比亚迪(BYD)联手,生产专供中国市场的电动车。

    Daimler has joined up with Chinese battery maker BYD to build electric vehicles for the Chinese market .

  13. 比亚迪(BYD)是一只为表现出色而精心设计过的股票:它来自中国,是绿色(环保)的,连沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)所钟爱它。

    BYD is a stock engineered to outperform : it 's Chinese , it 's green , and Warren Buffett loves it .

  14. 丰田发言人说,不打算就F3的问题起诉比亚迪。

    Toyota spokesman said the Japanese company doesn 't intend to take BYD to court over the F3 .

  15. 不过,曾获沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)投资的比亚迪正在和ADL开展深入磋商,准备将该协议拓展至包括双层巴士在内。

    But BYD , which is backed by Warren Buffett , and ADL are in advanced talks to extend the deal to include double deckers .

  16. 同时,比亚迪也将在湖南基地进行乘用车生产,计划生产车型C3、C6、F2等。

    Furthermore , BYD will manufacture passenger vehicle in Hunan and plans to produce car models C3 , C6 , F2 and so on .

  17. 比亚迪不是唯一感受到痛苦的汽车制造商:美国的福特(ford)本周宣布,7月份销量同比下降6%。

    BYD is not the only carmaker feeling the pinch : this week Ford of the US said its July sales were down 6 per cent year on year .

  18. 中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)、电信设备制造商华为技术(HuaweiTechnologies)以及互联网门户腾讯(Tencent)的总部都设在这里。

    It is home to BYD , the Chinese maker of electric vehicles , Huawei Technologies , the telecoms equipment maker , and Tencent , the internet portal .

  19. 国际汽车制造商往往会购买由日本和韩国公司生产的电池,中国企业则使用包括比亚迪和新能源科技(AmperexTechnology)在内的中国供应商的产品。

    While international carmakers tend to buy batteries produced by Japanese and South Korean companies , Chinese companies use Chinese suppliers including BYD and Amperex Technology .

  20. 对今年以来一直持有中国手机电池及部件制造企业比亚迪(BYDCo.)的投资者而言,该股的走势不能说是平淡无奇。

    INVESTORS WHO have owned shares all year of BYD , a Chinese maker of cellphone batteries and components , can 't say the ride has been dull .

  21. 另外,王传福表示,比亚迪和戴姆勒(Daimler)将于2013年在中国推出它们联合开发的电动汽车。

    Separately , Mr Wang said that BYD and Daimler would launch their jointly developed electric car in China in 2013 .

  22. 巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)投资的比亚迪(BYDCo.)一季度在中国销量为103500辆,同比下降约28%。

    Warren Buffett-backed BYD Co. sold 103,500 cars in China in the first quarter , a drop of about 28 % from the same period the previous year .

  23. 跨国手机巨头一直在中国购买手机和部件,比亚迪就从诺基亚(Nokia)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等公司接到了不少订单。

    Multinational providers of cellphones have been buying more sets and components from China , and BYD has been getting orders from the likes of Nokia and Motorola .

  24. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)持股的中国电动汽车公司比亚迪(BYD)正计划通过发行新股募集至多19亿美元。

    BYD , the Chinese electric-car company part-owned by Warren Buffett , is poised to raise up to $ 1.9bn through the issue of new shares .

  25. 受此消息影响,总部位于中国南方的电动汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)在香港上市的股票上涨3%。

    Shares in BYD , an electric carmaker based in southern China , rose 3 per cent in Hong Kong on the news .

  26. 在同一天,戴姆勒(daimler)宣布与中国电池及汽车生产商比亚迪(byd)达成合作关系,共同在中国研制一种新电动车型。

    The same day Daimler announced a partnership with Chinese battery and carmaker BYD to co-operate on a new electric model in China .

  27. 伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)面对许多竞争者,比亚迪是最新出现的一个。伦敦出租车公司生产的TX4气派、宽敞、造型仿佛“老爷车”,一直以来都是来自世界各地的游客心目中“伦敦”的代名词。

    It is the latest of a slew of potential competitors to the London Taxi Company , builder of the TX4 , the classy , roomy traditional-style cab that says " London " to potential visitors from all over the world .

  28. 此外,上海市政府官方网站周二发布的一份声明显示,比亚迪获准在该市销售插电式混合动力车“秦”(Qin)。秦是上海私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点车型之一。

    BYD also received approval to sell its plug-in hybrid , the Qin , in Shanghai as part of a trial , according to a statement posted on the city 's municipal-government website Tuesday .

  29. 具有讽刺意味的结果是,这破坏了正宗本土品牌的成长:吉利(Geely)、奇瑞(Chery)、长城(GreatWall)和比亚迪(BYD)这些中国本土品牌的汽车此前曾主导低端市场。

    The ironic result has been to undermine the proper homegrown brands - Geely , Chery , Great Wall and BYD - whose cars had previously dominated the lower end of the market .

  30. 比亚迪也在香港上市,其H股股价在过去一年里下跌57%,而同期内恒生指数(HangSengIndex)大盘上涨11%。

    BYD shares in Hong Kong , where the company is also listed , have fallen 57 per cent in the past year , compared with an 11 per cent rise for the Hang Seng index .