
  • Buick;Buicks
  1. 祖克曼家的车道上从早到晚都停满了小车和大卡车——福特,雪佛莱,别克,通用皮卡、普利茅斯、斯塔德贝克、帕卡德、带陀螺变速器的德索托、带火箭引擎的奥兹莫比尔、旅行吉普和庞蒂亚克牌汽车等等都开过来了。

    The Zuckermans ' driveway was full of cars and trucks from morning till night — Fords and Chevvies and Buick roadmasters and GMC pickups and Plymouths and Studebakers and Packards and De Sotos with gyromatic transmissions and Oldsmobiles with rocket engines and Jeep station wagons and Pontiacs .

  2. 别克副车架人工焊接的焊缝图像除具有一般焊缝图像的特点外,还具有极大的不稳定性,其主要原因在于人工焊接的不规则和CCD获取图像的不稳定。

    Welding seam image of Buick automobile auxiliary frame is very unstable .

  3. 把国民生产总值看成是别克牌汽车,小鸡,衬衫和织补服务等的大杂烩。

    The gross national product were seen as a hodgepodge of buicks , chickens , shirts , and diaper services .

  4. 别克轿车副车架CCD防漏焊检测系统

    CCD Anti-Missed - Welding Inspection System for Buick Subframe

  5. 在别克轿车下摇臂国产化过程中,要正确看待外商提供的MathData(电子数据)。

    During the localization of Buick lower control arm , we must adopt a correct attitude towards the math data provided by foreign trader .

  6. 'Billy'Durant)创建,这位高中辍学生一路奋斗做到了别克汽车公司(BuickMotorCo。)总裁。

    ' Billy'Durant , a high-school dropout who had risen to president of the Buick Motor Co.

  7. 你可以看到DeputyJeremyBattle冲向这辆别克汽车。橙黄色的火焰到处都是。司机被困在里面。

    You can see Deputy Battle running toward Buick regal.The orange flames everywhere.The driver trapped inside .

  8. 乌孜别克族有65种STR等位基因,168种基因型;

    65 STR alleles and 168 genotypes in Ozbek ;

  9. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  10. 别克V6发动机配气机构的分析与检修

    Analysis and Inspection & Repair of the Valve Gear of Buick Car V6 Engine

  11. 我们想看的是有人举起一辆别克(Buick)。

    We want to see someone hoist a Buick .

  12. 要想真正挑战宝马或奔驰(Mercedes)的王者地位,别克还有很长的路要走。

    Buick has miles to go before it is a real challenger to BMW or Mercedes .

  13. 别克君威(BuickRegal)绝对是一款可敬可佩的车型,第五代君威也无愧于国际化的出身。

    The fifth generation of a venerable Buick model qualifies for an international passport .

  14. 别克(BUICK)轿车发动机故障诊断

    Trouble Diagnosis for BUICK Car Engine

  15. 克林顿别克公司的伙计们把亨利J修得像新的一样。我也很庆幸,断成两半的是方向盘,而不是我的下巴。

    The guys at Clinton Buick fixed the Henry J as good as new , and I was grateful that the steering wheel had broken instead of my jaw .

  16. 在2011年的终极四强冠军赛中,别克携手前北达科他大学(UniversityofNorthDakota)球星,来自尼日利亚的曼尼•欧豪姆,为儿童捐献了2000双鞋袜。

    With former University of North Dakota basketball star Manny ohonme , originally from Nigeria , Buick contributed more than 2,000 pairs of shoes and socks to children during the 2011 final four championship .

  17. 比如说,上汽集团与GM合作,生产和销售雪佛兰、别克以及卡迪拉克;与大众合作,生产桑塔纳以及其他车型。

    Shanghai Automotive Industry , for instance , works with GM to build and sell Chevrolets , Buicks , and Cadillacs , and with Volkswagen to make its Santana and other models .

  18. 在通用汽车寻求获得美国政府的援助资金时,别克和gmc的前途受到了质疑。

    The future of Buick and GMC was put in doubt when GM sought bail-out funds from Washington .

  19. 别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰和GMC的制造商正在召回150多万辆汽车。

    The maker of Buick , Cadillac , Chevrolet and GMC is recalling more than 1.5 million vehicles .

  20. 上汽集团利用与通用汽车(GM)的合作关系,基于别克(Buick)平台打造其荣威(Roewe)950轿车。

    SAIC Motor is taking advantage of its partnership with GM to build its sedan Roewe 950 on the Buick platform .

  21. 热销款别克君越(LaCrosse)的内饰就是由通用上海设计工作室设计的。

    The interior of the popular Buick LaCrosse was executed in GM 's Shanghai design studio .

  22. 但在中国,不仅是凯迪拉克(Cadillac),就连在美国本土只是一个表现平平的中端品牌的别克(Buick),也变得有吸引力了。

    In China , not only Cadillac but even Buick , a dismal mid-market brand at home , have allure .

  23. 韩德胜最终同意完全关闭庞帝克品牌,但坚持要保住别克(Buick)和GMC品牌。

    Henderson agreed to close down Pontiac all together , but dug in on his heels to keep Buick and GMC .

  24. 我离家去上学前,把自己开的那辆亨利J车卖给了他。老爸在霍普镇别克车行修好了六辆烧坏的车,这是其中的一辆。

    When I went away to school , we sold him the Henry J I drove , one of six badly burned cars Daddy had repaired at the Buick dealership in Hope .

  25. 周一,通用汽车在推出其别克愿景SUV(BuickEnvisionSUV)概念车时,还公布了一种在中国设计、面向全球的车型。

    When GM on Monday unveiled its Buick Envision SUV concept car , it revealed a car designed in China , for the world .

  26. 上海别克V6发动机配气机构为气门顶置、凸轮轴上置式,以齿形皮带同步传动。

    The valve mechanism of the V6engine of passenger car BUICK is overhang valve , overhang camshaft type ad driven synchronized with tooth-shaped belt .

  27. 除了君越之外,别克和GMC还准备推出其他新车型,力争抓住消费者的想象力。

    Besides the LaCrosse , Buick and GMC have other new models up their sleeves aimed at capturing consumers ' imagination .

  28. 分析人士表示,包括别克(Buick)在内的沃尔沃对手可能会采取与沃尔沃同样的举措。别克是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下品牌,它在中国的山东省针对中国市场生产昂科威(Envision)跨界车。

    Analysts say rival manufacturers may replicate Volvo 's move , including Buick , the General Motors brand that builds its Envision crossover SUV in China 's Shandong province for the Chinese market .

  29. 别克君越(LaCrosse),富于灵感创意的设计,加之其在中国所获成功的光环效应,令市场为之一振。

    Inspired new designs lacrosse , Regal combined with the halo effect of success in China have supercharged results .

  30. 预计其自主品牌汽车荣威的价格将在每辆3万美元左右,其竞争对象将定位为别克君威(BuickRegal)和本田雅阁(HondaAccord)。

    Its Roewe saloon is expected to be priced at about $ 30,000 a car , and will be up against the Buick Regal and Honda Accord .