
biāo zhì
  • beautiful;pretty;handsome;pulchritude
标致 [biāo zhì]
  • [beautiful;handsome] 外表、风度等接近完美或理想境界,唤起美感上的极大享受的

  • 标致的面孔

标致[biāo zhì]
  1. 世界上有一种最标致的声音,那便是母亲的召唤。

    A mother 's voice is the most beautiful sound in the world .

  2. 在那儿我可以呼吸新鲜的空气,观赏标致的海边景色。

    There I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery of the sea .

  3. 这小媳妇儿长得好标致!

    What a pretty young wife !

  4. 用DSC研究了标致汽车保险杆的组成。

    The composition of the PEUGEOT automobile bumper was studied by using DSC .

  5. 例如法国标致汽车在欧洲启动了一个名为Mu的项目,珀拉德说道。

    Peugeot , for instance , has launched a European project called Mu , Pollard said .

  6. 神龙公司是与法国PSA标致雪铁龙集团合资建设的乘用车生产合资企业。

    DPCA is a joint venture for the production of passenger car with France PSA Peugeot Citroca Gruop .

  7. 啊,有丰田(Toyota)在那边,在标致(Peugeot)的左边。

    Well , there 's the Toyota over there , to the left of the Peugeot .

  8. 在中国,标致通过与东风汽车(dongfengmotors)的合资企业生产汽车,但已被竞争对手超越。

    In China , where Peugeot makes cars in a joint venture with Dongfeng motors , competitors have overtaken it .

  9. 但法国政府正在以其善意的保护,缓慢地置标致和雷诺(Renault)于死地。

    But Paris is slowly killing Peugeot and Renault with its protective kindness .

  10. 或者买雷诺(renault),在展览室的后部,在标致的后边。

    Or there 's the Renault at the back of the showroom , behind the peugeot .

  11. 今年2月,标致曾求助中国合作方东风汽车(DongfengMotor)对其开展纾困。如今,该公司已经把在亚洲的增长列为其扭亏战略的核心。

    Peugeot , which turned to Chinese partner Dongfeng Motor Corp in February for a bailout , has made Asia growth the centrepiece of its turnround strategy .

  12. 2002年,东风汽车公司与PSA标致雪铁龙集团提升合作层次,扩大合作范围。

    In 2002 , DongFeng Automobile Company and PSA Peugeot Citroen Group together upgraded the cooperative administrative levels and expanded the cooperative scope .

  13. 而以上几家去年至少比标致多卖了50万辆车。2009年,PSA的销售量是320万辆,居全球第七,欧洲第二。

    With sales of3.2m vehicles in2009 , the PSA group is the seventh-biggest car firm in the world and the second-biggest in Europe .

  14. 标致在努力自救的过程中曾与通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下的欧宝(Opel)结盟,以便在采购和工程上每年削减20亿美元的成本。

    In its struggle to save itself , Peugeot arranged an alliance General Motors ' Opel , to save $ 2 billion a year in purchasing and engineering .

  15. 该自动CO2焊机主要用于桑塔纳轿车车轮合成焊接,其扩展功能能适应奥迪,标致等车轮的合成焊接。

    This CO_2 automatic welding machine is mainly built for wheels of SANTANA sedan , however it can potentially be used to perform the same work to suit the AUDI and PEUGEOT sedans .

  16. 标致去年在4个法国城市推出了一项计划,允许消费者购买“移动点数(mobilityunit)”,根据该计划,消费者可以短期租赁汽车、小型摩托车甚至自行车。

    Peugeot last year launched a scheme in four French cities that allows customers to buy " mobility units " with which they can rent cars , scooters and even bicycles on a short-term basis .

  17. 是否应该找一个比标致汽车公司(Peugeot)更靠谱的合作伙伴?

    Should it find a better partner than Peugeot , which is weak and starved of capital ?

  18. 标致雪铁龙(PSA)集团就已经成功开发出了柴油混合动力车,其节能环保效果兼具柴油车和混合动力车的优点。

    PSA Peugeot Citroen ( PSA ) Group has successfully developed a diesel hybrid , energy-saving environmental effects of both diesel vehicles and hybrid advantages .

  19. 作为湖北省的省会,这个城市还是东风汽车公司(DongfengMotorco.)所在地,这家汽车公司近期购买了法国标致雪铁龙(PeugeotCitroen)的股份。

    The capital of Hubei province is home to Dongfeng Motor Corp. , which recently took a major stake in French struggling car maker Peugeot Citro ë n.

  20. 这是标致的一款三座概念车EVE,车上有个感应界面面板,能够根据司机不同的情绪,来改变汽车的颜色。

    This is a Peugeot concept car of a three EVE , the car has a sensor interface panels , according to the driver of different emotions , to change the car color .

  21. 加拿大已同意向美国汽车三巨头提供额外的救助,法国也向该国汽车制造商雷诺公司(RenaultSA)和标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroenSA)提供了援助。

    Canada has agreed to provide additional help to the Big Three , and France is offering aid to French car makers Renault SA and PSA Peugeot Citroen SA .

  22. 在上世纪90年代初期,卡洛琳为哈雷车当过模特,也在多场NEC交易会上为标致车走过猫步,还为Aspire杂志工作过。

    In the early 90s , Carolyn modelled for Harley Davidson , was a catwalk model at dozens of NEC trade shows for Peugeot and worked for Aspire magazine .

  23. 上述交易达成前,两家公司刚达成一项协议:从今年四月起,三菱将作为原始设备制造商,向标致提供一款以欧蓝德为基础的新型SUV。

    The deal follows an agreement between the two whereby MMC will supply Peugeot with a new SUV based on the Outlander as an original equipment manufacturer , from this April .

  24. 标致雪铁龙(psapeugeotcitron)上月表示,正就在华组建第二家合资企业事宜与相关方面展开磋商,此外,它还将把一名董事级别的高管派往上海。

    PSA Peugeot citron last month said it was in talks to form its second joint venture in the country , and that it was posting a board-level executive to Shanghai .

  25. Gales先生希望2015年前,标致能在全球汽车制造商的名单上向上爬3个名次。以上提到的这些能让Gales先生梦想成真吗?

    Whether all this will allow Peugeot to climb three places in the league table of global carmakers by2015 , as Mr Gales hopes , is more doubtful .

  26. 十年前,中国产量最大的汽车制造商上汽(ShanghaiAutomotive)从破产的罗孚(Rover)收购了MG品牌,去年东风(Dongfeng)收购了PSA标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroën)14%的股份。

    Shanghai Automotive , China 's biggest domestic carmaker by output , acquired the MG brand from the collapsed Rover group a decade ago , and Dongfeng last year bought a 14 per cent stake in PSA Peugeot Citro ë n.

  27. 三菱汽车昨日表示,从今年年中开始,该公司将从标致采购2.2升柴油发动机,用于三菱欧蓝德(Outlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation yesterday said that from the middle of this year it would start procuring 2.2-litre diesel engines from Peugeot for its Outlander sports utility vehicles .

  28. 知情人士透露,标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitro&235;n)正计划与中国汽车制造商东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)合作,每年在中国生产100万辆汽车,并面向亚洲市场销售。

    PSA Peugeot Citro & # 235 ; n is aiming to produce 1m cars a year in China for Asian markets with local automaker Dongfeng , as part of their industrial partnership , according to people briefed on the talks .

  29. 法国和日本的调查人员昨日突击搜查了标致(Peugeot)和三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的办公室,这些互不关联的调查涉及车辆性能和排放。同时英国发表的一份报告称,37款柴油汽车未能通过英国的排放测试。

    Investigators in France and Japan yesterday raided offices of Peugeot and Mitsubishi Motors in separate probes related to vehicle performance and emissions , while the UK released a report saying 37 different diesel cars in the UK failed emissions tests .

  30. 除了凯德拉克,JEEP、雪佛兰、菲亚特、奥迪、东风标致都纷纷邀请知名导演和大牌明星拍摄了各自的微电影广告,其中题材、风格、拍摄手法各不相同。

    In addition to Cadillac , JEEP , Chevrolet , Fiat , Audi , Dongfeng Peugeot have invited well-known directors and stars to film their own micro film advertising , but the subject matter , style , shots are different .