
  • Bentley;Bingley;Bentley Arnage
  1. 宝马公司(BMW)收购了劳斯莱斯,大众(Volkswagen)收购了宾利。

    BMW wound up with rolls , and Volkswagen got Bentley .

  2. 虽说如此,宾利上周在洛杉矶车展首个媒体接待日就售出了一辆23万美元的ContinentalFlyingSpur。

    That said , Bentley sold a $ 230,000 Continental Flying Spur sedan on the first press day of the Los Angeles auto show last week .

  3. 宾利被大众(volkswagen)收购,劳斯莱斯被宝马(bmw)收购只是10年前的事。

    It was only a decade or so ago that Bentley was bought by Volkswagen and Rolls-Royce by BMW .

  4. 他聘请了一名宾利(Bentley)销售员,帮助向富有顾客推广钢琴。

    He recruited a Bentley salesman to help market the pianos to affluent customers .

  5. 批评人士对宾利在2012年日内瓦车展上推出的较早款SUV毫不客气地狠批了一顿。

    Critics panned an earlier version of a Bentley SUV shown at the 2012 Geneva auto show .

  6. 北京销售的宾利(bentley)汽车比全球其它任何一个城市都多。

    More Bentleys are sold in Beijing than in any other city in the world .

  7. 他还很喜欢购买豪华轿车,拥有一辆罗尔斯-罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)和一辆宾利(Bentley)。

    He also has a penchant for luxury cars , owning a Rolls-Royce and a Bentley .

  8. 四年前,一位英国买家为新宾利欧陆GT付了10.5万多英镑(合15.8万美元)。

    Four years ago , a British buyer paid just over 105,000 ( $ 158,000 ) for his then-new Bentley Continental GT .

  9. 任何一位百万富翁现在都能买得起宾利车、Hatteras游艇或是Gucci手包。

    Any mere millionaire today can buy a Bentley , Hatteras yacht or Gucci bag .

  10. 扩大后的集团将是一个卡车和轿车的大集团,拥有保时捷、奥迪(audi)、大众和宾利(bentley)等诸多知名品牌。

    The expanded group would be a truck and car powerhouse boasting well-known marques such as Porsche , Audi , Volkswagen and Bentley .

  11. 同一天,在英国汉普郡比尤利国家汽车博物馆(BeaulieuNationalMotorMuseum)举行的收藏车年度拍卖会上,邦瀚斯还卖出一辆1929年产宾利(Bentley)4.5升三厢跑车。

    On the same day , Bonhams also sold a 1929 Bentley 4.5-liter Sports Saloon in its annual sale of collectors " cars at the Beaulieu National Motor Museum in Hampshire in England .

  12. 比如跑车品牌捷豹正在研发一款紧凑跨界车型,而宾利(Bentley)正在研发一款SUV。

    Jaguar , a maker of sports cars and sport sedans , is working on a compact crossover , while Bentley is developing an SUV .

  13. 如果这个目标达成,那么它将相当于捷豹(Jaguar)、宾利(Bentley)、玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)和劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)的销售总量。

    If it succeeds , it would equal the combined volume of Jaguar , Bentley , Maserati , Lamborghini , and Rolls-Royce .

  14. 在布鲁克林篮网队的所有者米哈伊尔·普罗霍洛夫(MikhailProkhorov)的俄罗斯生意伙伴马克西姆·芬斯基(MaximFinskiy)搬进中心时,他运进了他的宾利(Bentley)轿车。

    After Maxim Finskiy , a Russian business associate of the Brooklyn Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov , moved in , he imported his Bentley .

  15. 而就实际生产而言,法拉利、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、保时捷(Porsche)、奥迪(Audi)和宾利(Bentley)这些大牌无一推出过1000匹马力的合法跑车。

    On the production side , none of the likes of Ferrari , Lamborghini , Porsche , Audi or Bentley are putting 1,000 legal horses to the ground .

  16. 宾利(BentleyMotors)董事会负责销售和市场营销的董事麦克卡洛(StuartMcCullough)说,中东和中国市场销售稳定,但其他市场几乎都在下滑。

    Stuart McCullough , board member for sales and marketing at Bentley Motors , says sales in the Middle East and China are stable but are sinking just about everywhere else .

  17. 一个更极端的例子是一辆1928年产4.5升宾利,它是交易商威廉·梅德卡夫(WilliamMedcalf)18个月前在伦敦西区基尤(Kew)的一座房子里发现的,当时它的零件四处散落。

    An even more extreme example is the 1928 4.5-liter Bentley that the dealer William Medcalf discovered 18 months ago scattered in pieces around a house at Kew in West London .

  18. MLB佛罗里达马林鱼队最佳新秀,在2006年驾驶宾利车时拒绝接受酒精检测而被认定为酒驾。

    MLB Rookie of the Florida Marlins in2006 , driving the Bentley car refused alcohol testing and was identified as drunk driving .

  19. 宾利总裁沃尔夫冈•施莱博这个月在斯托克向《前哨报》(TheSentinel)暗示,全新SUV可能会搭载暂不说明的“绿色技术”&可能是指混动引擎。

    Bentley chairman Wolfgang Schreiber hinted to the sentinel newspaper in Stoke-on-Trent , England earlier this month that a new SUV could include unspecified " green technologies " & perhaps a hybrid engine .

  20. 但这座购物中心的租户只有一家宾利(Bentley)汽车经销商、一间影院和这家餐厅,而贷款利率高达40%。

    But the mall 's only tenants are a Bentley car dealership , movie theater and the restaurant & and the loan 's interest rate is a steep 40 % .

  21. 车长与车高比值最大的五款车型包括宾利(Bentley)、梅塞德斯奔驰(Mercedes)、玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)和两款兰伯基尼(Lamborghini)。

    The five cars at the top of the list with the greatest ratio of length to height include a Bentley , Mercedes , Maserati , and two Lamborghinis .

  22. 即使后来,丹尼尔斯进入百万富翁的行列,为了避重税不得不搬到马恩岛(IsleofMan),他的朋友也仅限于摩托俱乐部内,这里有他能找到对老式宾利车和赛车的共同爱好者。

    Even later , when he had put himself in the millionaires ' bracket and had to move to the Isle of Man for tax reasons , his friends were in the motoring clubs where he shared his other passion , for vintage Bentleys and racing cars .

  23. 宾利SUV是能赚钱的,因为它的母公司大众公司(Volkswagen)已经为保时捷卡宴和大众途锐(Touareg)的车体架构和工程技术投了钱。

    A Bentley SUV could add to the bottom line since its corporate parent , Volkswagen , already has invested in the architecture and engineering used for the Porsche Cayenne and VW Touareg .

  24. 大众汽车集团旗下拥有奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)和保时捷(Porsche)等多个品牌,在利润方面处于业内领先地位,并且正力求成为世界上销量最高的汽车厂商。

    The Volkswagen Group , which owns brands such as Audi , Bentley and Porsche , leads the industry in profitability and is aggressively striving to become the top car manufacturer in the world in terms of sales .

  25. 宾利已经算是最不跟风的了&但2016年它也将屈尊从俗,推出一款自己的SUV,这是宾利董事会负责营销的凯文•罗斯上周在洛杉矶的明确表态。

    Bentley has been among the last holdouts & and that will end in early 2016 , when its SUV comes to market , Kevin rose , Bentley board member for marketing , confirmed last week in Los Angeles .

  26. 举例来说,互联网公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)刚刚筹集了15亿美元资金,为杭州的宾利(Bentley)和玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)豪华车经销商提供了一大批新客户。

    Alibaba . com , an internet company , has just raised $ 1.5bn ( 714m ), for example , creating a host of new customers for the Bentley and Maserati dealerships in its corporate home town of Hangzhou .

  27. 郭敬明为他的读者和观众营造了一个梦幻般的世界,这也是很多年轻人梦寐以求的生活:穿着大牌、开着宾利(Bentleys)、在舞厅喝着香槟、与英俊潇洒的成功人士约会。

    Mr. Guo builds a fantasy world for his readers and audiences , a sparkling world that many young Chinese dream about : big-name fashion labels , Bentleys , Champagne in glistening ballrooms , and dates with successful and attractive men .

  28. 老宾利跑得和现代车一样快。

    The old Bentley runs as quickly as a modern car .

  29. 宾利先生:我平常不大看书。

    MR BINGLEY : Not a good reader , you see .

  30. 宾利先生,你认为我的缎带怎么样?

    Mr Bingley , how do you like my rainy ball ?